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CNAC Minutes for the May 2, 2023 Meeting

Council members:

Clell Hoffman, Chair
Jackie Day, Vice Chair
Kim Frinzell
Cristine Holmer
Jane Alvarado-Banister
Carrie Buck
Maryam Shayegh
Natalie Cole
Ronald Little
Holly Hungerford Cocking
Absent: Ryan Alvarez


Blake Johnson, Legislative Representative, California Department of Education (CDE)
Jackie Richardson, Nutrition Education Administrator, CDE
Andrea Bricker, Nutrition Education Consultant, CDE
Ellen Sweeney, Associate Governmental Program Analyst, CDE

Administrative Activities:

Call to order

Pledge of Allegiance

Approve May 2023 California Nutrition Advisory Council (CNAC) agenda:

Motioned to approve agenda. Seconded. May agenda approved.

Approve March 2023 CNAC meeting minutes.

Motion to approve March meeting minutes. Seconded. Minutes approved.

Administrative Reminders: Trainings and forms.

Andrea will send a reminder for the following forms as well as a reminder to complete defensive driver training for those who need to complete it.

  • Form 700 Statement of Economic Interest
  • STD 261 Authorization to Use Privately Owned Vehicles on State Business

Request for public comment:

No public comment.

Agenda Items

Item 1: Legislative Updates

Nutrition Services Division Director’s Division and Federal Updates

Blake Johnson, Legislative updates:

  • The Governor’s May revise will come out on May 12.

  • Assembly Bill (AB) 95, Hoover. Pupil Meals: pupil nutrition – This bill if passed would authorize a school to sell a second entrée to a student at breakfast or lunch, after the pupil receives their reimbursable meal as part of the national school breakfast program or school lunch program.It will be voted on before the end of the month.

  • AB 679, Wicks. Family childcare homes: meals: reimbursement rates – This bill seeks to create parity in food reimbursement among the state and federally subsidized childcare programs in the state. Vote on May 18.

  • AB 1178 Rivas. School nutrition: guardian meal reimbursement – This bill if passed would require, contingent on appropriation, the CDE to reimburse with state funds federal summer meal program operators for meals served to the guardian of a student receiving a meal from a summer meal program. This bill is contingent on appropriation.

  • Senate Bill (SB) 348, Skinner. Pupil Meals – This bill proposes state guidelines for added sugar in school meals. Proposes the CDE assess adequate time to eat. Provides clarification on meal service during minimum days and also requires charter schools to provide two meals, rather than one, beginning the 2024–25 school year. Cosponsored by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI). The bill is in the appropriations committee.

  • SB 628, Hurtado. State Healthy Food Access Policy – Proposes to declare that, as established policy of the state, everyone has the right to access sufficient affordable food and consideration of this policy be made when revising, adopting, or establishing policies, regulations, and grant criteria.

Kim Frinzell, Nutrition Service Division (NSD) and Federal Updates:

Federal Updates

  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released the proposed rule, Child Nutrition Programs (CNP): Revisions to Meal Patterns Consistent With the 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans for CNPs to have some revision around meal patterns. USDA invites public comment, such as how the proposed rule could impact operations. The final rule is expected to begin implementation in fall 2024.

  • The USDA also released a proposed rule, CNPs: Community Eligibility Provision-Increasing Options for Schools, for changes that would lower the identified student percentage (ISP) threshold for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) participation. Public comments are due May 8, 2023. 

State Updates

  • Over 6100 school sites are now on CEP and more schools in 2022 are serving meals during long school breaks.

  • A much greater number of schools are claiming meals at the paid rate. We are continuing outreach and strategizing for schools to collect meal applications.
  • There is a strong need in schools and cafeterias to continue to update equipment and facilities so schools can offer fresh, healthy, quality foods.

  • The Kitchen Infrastructure and Training (KIT) funds apportionment posted on CDE’s website on April 21.

  • The Federal Equipment Assistance grant is close to posting.

  • The second and third round of Supply Chain Assistance (SCA) funding are available to address the supply chain and inflation; purchases must be domestic foods. There is strong interest in these funds, with 825 local educational agencies opting in for $160 million.

  • The Local Foods for Schools grant is similar to SCA but requires more documentation.

  • School Foods Best Practices grant promotes best practices for school meals, including sustainably grown, minimally processed, plant-based foods, freshly prepared on site. The opt in online survey is due May 15, 2023.
Summer Operations
  • Many schools are getting ready to wrap up the school year and gear up for summer operations. Applications are due to CDE by May 15, 2023.

  • There is a California pilot to implement summer non-congregate for rural communities. To participate, sites must be rural and there can’t be a congregate feeding site within one quarter-mile radius. All other program requirements must be met. Regulations are expected in December.

Item 2: Members continue to work on action plans as needed, including defining and developing deliverables.

Lunch Break

Item 2 continued

Item 3: Teams present action plan and deliverable progress

Group 1: Access to nutrition during out of school time

  • Communications: Group 1 is working on recommendations as well as a flyer to distribute to families to raise awareness.

  • Increase participation in summer meals:

    • Make materials available in multiple languages, use social media, support schools and meal organizations serving meals.

    • Increase program flexibility, more noncongregate options.

    • Support families in participating in meal sites (transportation etc.). Require health, wellness, and nutrition education.

Group 2: Increasing access to school breakfast

  • White Paper: Group 2 is drafting a white paper the discusses the importance of school breakfast, shares promising strategies, and describes the benefits.

Group 3: Adequate seat time

  • Literature Review: Group 3 is continuing to research available literature and differentiating between the bell schedule and actual seat time. Group 1 is also looking for best practices from California sites of various sizes and geographic locations and service models.

  • Recommendations: Group 3 is including various recommendations for what seat time should be for break and lunch based on the results of the literature review.

Action Plans:

  • Next steps to finalize action plans and share with the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Community documents, informative flyers etc., can be finalized in NSD.

  • Groups can write a brief summary about their efforts for use in the internal review process.

Item 4: Discuss agenda items and scheduling for September 2023 meeting

  • Schedule next meeting for September 25, 2023. Need to confirm the date with the three absent members.

  • Agenda items for next meeting: legislative update, CDE update, and finish action plans.

Request for public comment:

No public comment.

The meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, December 10, 2024
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