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2024–27 FYSCP Plan

Documents necessary for the submission of a 2024–27 Foster Youth Services Coordinating Plan (FYSCP) Program Plan.


As a condition of funding for the 2024–27 fiscal years, all county offices of education (COEs) administering a Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program (FYSCP) shall submit a FYSCP Plan to the California Department of Education (CDE) for review and approval. (California Education Code [EC] sections 42920.5[b] and 42921[e])

The FYSCP Plan must be submitted to CDE’s foster youth inbox at no later than May 17, 2024.

In narrative form, please submit your FYSCP Plan addressing each of the topics enumerated. Each narrative section of the plan must follow the order of topics presented below and must be in 12-point Arial font, single-spaced with one-inch margins. The plan must not exceed 12 pages of narrative. The Projected 2024–27 Budget shall not be included in the 12-page count. Additional documents such as data, copies of Memoranda of Understandings (MOUs), or contracts, are not included in the 12-page count.

The FYSCP Plan will cover the 2024–25, 2025–26, and 2026–27 school years and may be updated as needed. Please note that an FYSCP budget must be submitted and approved annually by the CDE.

  • Contact Information
    • Name of COE
    • Name of the FYSCP Coordinator (EC Section 42921[b])
    • Address of the FYSCP Coordinator
    • E-mail Address of the FYSCP Coordinator
    • Phone Number of the FYSCP Coordinator
    • Name of the FYSCP Fiscal Contact
    • Address of the FYSCP Fiscal Contact
    • E-mail Address of the FYSCP Fiscal Contact
    • Phone Number of the FYSCP Fiscal Contact
  • Demonstration of Need (EC sections 42921[d]–[f])
    • This section shall contain a description of the needs analysis of the FYSCP and the community it serves. Please include information on the demographics of your community, any unmet needs, and survey data or statistics that support identified needs. The analysis shall also describe how the program is addressing the needs of pupils in out-of-home placements as a priority population.
  • Executive Advisory Council Composition (EC Section 42921[g])
    • This section shall contain information on the Executive Advisory Council (EAC). Please provide responses to the following:
      • What are the council members names, titles, and roles? EAC membership may include, but is not limited to, child welfare staff, probation staff, school staff, district leadership, foster youth, parents, or other organizations. This may be included as a separate attachment
      • Provide a description of how the EAC will ensure that pupils in foster care who reside in group homes, institutional settings, or other placements with high academic needs will be prioritized
      • Provide a description of how the EAC will regularly review the recommendations of the FYSCP Plan
      • Provide a description of the collaborative process, including:
        • Schedule of meetings
        • Description of collaborative decision-making process
        • Description of how current or former foster youth, to the extent possible, are involved in the plan development and how the council will ensure the active participation of foster youth
  • Facilitating Service Delivery and Sustainability (EC sections 42921[e]1–2[A] and 42921[e][3][A])
    • This section of the plan shall include, to the extent possible, information on facilitating the service delivery and sustainability of the FYSCP. Please provide responses to the following:
      • Please describe how the program will establish ongoing collaboration with local educational agencies (LEAs), county child welfare agencies, and county probation departments, to determine the proper educational placement of foster youth. At minimum, please address the following questions:
        • How will the FYSCP build the capacity of county agencies, school districts, and community organizations to better support the educational success of pupils in foster care?
        • How will the FYSCP facilitate collaboration between county agencies, school districts, and community organizations to ensure coordinated and nonduplicative service delivery and to ensure pupils in foster care receive the educational supports and services they need to succeed in school? This may include, but is not limited to, education emancipation services such as support with transitions to postsecondary education or career technical education programs.
        • How will the FYSCP provide services and educational case management in support of individual pupils in foster care, as necessary? This may include, but is not limited to, transition and school social work to support transition between schools or school districts.
      • The primary goal of the collaboration required pursuant to this section shall be to minimize changes in school placement by supporting the implementation of EC Section 48850, subdivision (c) of Section 48853, and all related statutes that pertain to pupils in foster care. As necessary, and in accordance with EC Section 48853.5, the foster youth services coordinating program may pay for the cost of transportation to support this paragraph. How does this collaboration with county agencies, community organizations, local educational agencies, etc. help to minimize changes in school placement for foster youth?
      • How will the FYSCP support LEAs in the transfer process of students in foster care, such as ensuring transfers are done at an educationally appropriate time, educational records are quickly transferred, appropriate partial credits are awarded, and the pupil in foster care is quickly enrolled in appropriate classes? In determining the appropriate educational placement of foster youth pupils, LEAs, county welfare agencies, and county probation departments shall consult with an educational rights holder, caregiver, social worker, teacher, counselor, court-appointed special advocate, other stakeholders, and the pupil, as needed. The purpose of this consultation is to ensure all educational programmatic options are considered, including, but not limited to, English learner, special education, advanced placement, and career technical education. How will the FYSCP support this collaborative process?
      • How will the FYSCP provide direct tutoring, mentoring, and counseling for foster youth in LEA and county-operated programs provided the school district has certified that such services cannot be provided or funded using other sources, including, but not limited to federal, state, or local funding?
      • What are the policies and procedures in place to ensure educational placement for a foster youth pupil is not delayed, including, but not limited to, facilitating the establishment of an individualized education program in accordance with the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 United States Code Sec. 1400 et seq.), if applicable, the transfer of records, transcripts, and other relevant educational information
  • County and District Level Planning and Development (EC sections 42921[e][2] [B–C])
    • This section shall contain a specific description of the planned actions for the FYSCP in coordinating local planning with LEAs to support development and implementation of both the county and LEA Local Control and Accountability Plan/Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan to improve educational outcomes for students in foster care. This section is to include a description of the process for providing LEAs with information and assistance regarding the educational needs of foster youth, including, but not limited to, methods to:
      • Minimize changes in school placement
      • Provide education-related information to county welfare agencies
      • Respond to information requests from juvenile courts to assist in the delivery of services to foster youth
      • Establish mechanisms for efficient and timely transfer of health and education records
  • Coordinating Transition to College and Career Programs (EC Section 42921[e][3][B])
    • This section shall contain a description of the role of the FYSCP in the coordination with postsecondary institutions and LEAs or County-Operated Programs, which is to include, but not be limited to, adult education programs, career technical education programs, California Community Colleges, the California State University, and the University of California. This section shall include any established agreements with postsecondary programs intended for the delivery of transition supports for foster youth.
  • Completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or the California Dream Act Application (EC Sections 4292142921[e][3][B] and 42923 [b][2][III])
    • This section of the plan shall describe how the program will coordinate efforts to ensure, to the extent possible, the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid or the California Dream Act Application for foster youth pupils who are in grade twelve.
  • Prioritizing Service Coordination (EC Section 42921[f])
    • An FYSCP is encouraged to first provide services for pupils in foster care who reside in group homes, institutional settings, or other placements with pupils with high academic needs, as determined by the local EAC. This section shall include a description of how the FYSCP will develop strategies to prioritize the needs of foster youth in the community. Considerations for prioritization may include: age group, geographical areas, high need groups, academic need and/or placement type.
  • Program Reporting (EC Section 42923[a])
    • This section shall contain information on the FYSCP in the coordination of data collection for purposes of accountability and reporting program outcomes. This section shall include information regarding how available data is used to measure program effectiveness and for tracking program expenditures that are aimed at improving educational outcomes.
  • Leveraging Funds and MOUs (EC Section 42925)
    • FYSCPs are encouraged, to the maximum extent possible, to enter into MOUs, contracts, or formal agreements with the county child welfare agency to leverage funds from Title IV-E of the federal Social Security Act (42 United States Code Section 670 et seq.) and any other funds that may be used to address the educational needs of students in foster care. Please upload MOUs, contracts, or formal agreements, or explain in writing, annually, why an MOU, contract, or formal agreement is not practical or feasible.
  • Projected 2024–27 Budget Plan
    • This section shall include a detailed budget description of each type of projected expenditure for the 2024–25, 2025–26, and 2026–27 school years. The budget plan will be based on the projected 2023–24 allocation amounts posted on the CDE’s Foster Youth Services Coordinating Program 2023–24 Funding Results web page.The budget plan shall include any documentation for planned expenditures (i.e., draft contracts, MOUs, etc.) that will justify the expenditures.
    • If the Program Plan and Projected Budget Plan are approved by the CDE, the COE administering an FYSCP shall, at minimum, agree to the following:
      • Submission of Quarterly Expenditure Reports
      • Attendance at two FYSCP Statewide Meetings
      • Attendance at the Foster Youth Education Summit
      • Attendance at any FYSCP Regional Meetings
      • Submission of an End of Year Report (EC Section 42923[a])

For questions related to the FYSCP Plan or the Projected Budget Plan, please email

FYSCP Program Plan (PDF)
These are instructions for completing and submitting the 2024–27 FYSCP plan.

Optional Budget Plan Template (XLSX)
This Optional Budget Plan can accompany the 2024–27 FYSCP plan.

Questions:   Integrated Student Support and Programs Office | | 916-319-0836
Last Reviewed: Thursday, March 07, 2024
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