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CNAC Minutes for the March 21, 2022 Meeting

Meeting minutes for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction Child Nutrition Advisory Council (CNAC) on March 21, 2022.

Members Present:

Clell Hoffman, Jane Alvarado-Banister, Ryan Alvarez, Kim Frinzell, Carrie Buck, Natalie Cole, Cristine Holmer, Maryam Shayegh, Ronald Little, Holly Hungerford Cocking, Jackie Day

Also Present:

Sarah Neville-Morgan, Mike Danzik, Jackie Richardson, Bryan Sapp, Ellen Sweeney

CNAC Administrative Activities

Clell Hoffman, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.

Sarah Neville-Morgan, Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction swore in the nine new members of the CNAC.

Mike Danzik reviewed Zoom Meeting protocol.

Mike Danzik reviewed the Robert’s Rules of Order.

March agenda was approved by the CNAC.

December meeting minutes were amended by Jackie Day, amendments and minutes were approved by the CNAC.

Mike Danzik explained the Form 700 form, Statement of Economic Interest, when it is due, and how to submit. Everyone must complete it and mail in a signed copy. Mr. Danzik also explained the Ethics Training for State Officials, when it is due, and how to submit.

Request for public comment

There was no public comment.

Agenda Items

Item 1

Subject: Nutrition Services Division Director’s Update

From NSD, Kim Frinzell, Director

California is transitioning to Universal Meals in School Year (SY) 2022–23. All students will be able to request one free breakfast and one free lunch. Recently released 16 quick reference guides to help schools with meal programs. The California Department of Education’s (CDE) Universal Meals web page is live. is the dedicated email box for questions.

The Nutrition Services Division (NSD) is updating its New Director Training series for new food service directors.

All of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) school waivers are set to expire on June 30, 2022. The NSD has a set of State waivers that may be submitted to the USDA.

Funding opportunities:

$115 million for schools to purchase unprocessed or minimally processed foods. Federal emergency cost funds have been dispersed.

$3.625 million for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) federal equipment assistant grant. The NSD is in its final approval and review of grants applications received in December 2021.

$150 million for state Kitchen Infrastructure and Training (KIT) funds will be distributed soon. Out of over 1100 eligible local educational agencies in California, there were more than 900 who submitted a registration form.

Item 2

Subject: Nomination for CNAC Vice Chair

From Clell Hoffman, CNAC Chair

Name were solicited. Ryan Alvarez, representing the Teacher member, and Jackie Day, representing the Nutrition Education Specialist member were nominated. Both provided a brief statement of interest.

10 total votes, one abstain
Four votes for Ryan, Six votes for Jackie
Jackie Day was voted in as the CNAC Vice Chair

Item 3

Subject: Members identify and vote on CNAC action priorities

From Clell Hoffman, CNAC members

Cristine motioned to move forward to identify and vote on priorities, Natalie seconded.

Priorities were introduced, discussed, grouped, and voted on. The following shows each priority submitted by individual CNAC members, the group they were assigned by the CNAC members as a group, and the CNAC votes for each to determine priority level.

Group A (7 votes)

Access to nutrition during the out-of-school-time period, especially during summer. (Submitted by Natalie Cole)

Increasing access to school breakfast by adopting strategies that make breakfast more accessible. (Submitted by Holly Hungerford Cocking)

Increase lunchtimes for students to one hour so that all students have time to receive and eat a nutritious meal. (Submitted by Carrie Buck)

Group B (5 votes)

Increase access, education, and promotion of healthy plant-based school meals in K-12 schools. (Submitted by Jackie Day)

Increasing exposure to and education about a variety of foods beginning at an early age (for example: culturally specific, plant-based foods, etc.). (Submitted by Carrie Buck)

Increasing access to locally grown fresh foods. (Submitted by Jane Alvarado-Banister)

Group C (5 votes)

Identify common resources that are needed to ensure all California Districts which participate in the NSLP are to meet legislative mandates; and can continue to provide quality service and meals to California students. (Submitted by Cristine Holmer)

Avoiding meal stigma for 2022–23 school year. (Submitted by Ron Little)

Creating an educational piece about the school meal program. Funding nutrition requirements etc. (Submitted by Clell Hoffman)

Group D (2 votes)

Require nutrition education be a prominent and required part of health education. Fund and train as needed. (Submitted by Ryan Alvarez)

Mandate one semester of Health Education as a requirement to graduate from high school. (Submitted by Jackie Day)

Group E (1 vote)

Increase food service staffing for 2022–23 school year. (Submitted by Ron Little)

Increase meal reimbursement to equalize labor costs due to a higher cost of living. (Submitted by Carrie Buck)

Change state reimbursement to an entitlement fund instead of capped appropriations. (Submitted by Carrie Buck)

Group F (0 votes)

Increasing the quality and appeal of school meals. (Submitted by Jane Alvarado‑Banister)

Use as overarching theme

Improve Food and Nutrition Security using a comprehensive and collaborative approach such as the Who School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model to ensure students receive quality nutrition education and increase consumption of healthy school meals. (Submitted by Maryam Shayegh)

Integrate into each theme

Forming and strengthening collaboration and partnerships. (Submitted by Natalie Cole)

The CNAC members discussed and approved to begin with the Group A priorities and possibly discuss Group B or C priorities at a later date.

Item 4

Subject: State legislation update

From Bryan Sapp: CDE legislative representative

Mr. Sapp discussed the overall legislative cycle and provided an update on Senate Bill 364 (Universal Meals). Last legislative cycle, universal meals was funded for 2022–23. This legislative cycle, additional details and clean up language are being addressed.

Item 5

Subject: Members identify and vote on CNAC deliverables and begin to develop action plan(s)

Meeting time ended, this agenda item will be addressed at the next CNAC meeting.

Request for public comment

There was no public comment.

Clell Hoffman, Chair, adjourned the meeting at 3:00 p.m.

Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Thursday, January 25, 2024
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