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New DoD Prime Vendor for Southern California

Effective December 1, 2024, a new Department of Defense (DoD) Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program prime vendor will begin servicing the California Department of Education (CDE) Food Distribution Program (FDP) participants in Southern California.

Effective December 1, 2024, a new Department of Defense (DoD) Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (DoD Fresh) prime vendor will begin servicing the California Department of Education (CDE) Food Distribution Program (FDP) participants in Southern California. The DoD Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) awarded a five-year contract to Val-Pro Inc., doing business as Valley Produce Company. This five-year contract has an end date of September 1, 2029.

Valley Produce is currently contacting participating recipient agencies (RA) that order through the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Order Receipt System (FFAVORS) to establish delivery schedules and to identify any special delivery needs. Valley Produce does not anticipate significant scheduling changes to current schedules.

It is recommended that any specific concerns you have regarding your deliveries, such as gate codes or a specific delivery location on the school property, be shared promptly with Valley Produce by email at

Orders placed during the week of December 2, 2024, for deliveries beginning the week of December 9, 2024, will be fulfilled by Valley Produce Company.

DoD Fresh Delivery Minimums

For RAs that order DoD Fresh produce through the FFAVORS, the current delivery order minimum remains $150 per delivery location.

DoD Fresh Receipting Requirements

RAs that place DoD Fresh orders through the FFAVORS are required to receipt orders in the FFAVORS within five calendar days after delivery. Receipting an order confirms items are received and ensures that entitlement funds are drawn down accurately. Delaying the receipting process delays payment to the vendor and may prevent the RA from placing a new order. Receipts are considered past due if they have not been entered in the FFAVORS by the end of the fifth day. Receipting instructions can be found in the FFAVORS Help section.

Reporting U.S. Department of Agriculture DoD Fresh Complaints

To ensure the success of DoD Fresh, it is important that issues are immediately reported and documented within one day of delivery. Communication and documentation (date and time of delivery, a detailed description of the issue, quantity affected, quantity remaining, and digital photos) are key to quickly resolving issues.

  • RAs that receive DoD produce through the Pomona Distribution Center (PDC) should report any produce quality concerns to PDC Manager Craig Trisler by email at, or to PDC’s Office Technician, Donnamarie Silva, by email at

  • RAs that use the FFAVORS should report any concerns with produce quality, condition, availability, or delivery to the vendor, the Regional DLA representative, and the CDE FDP contacts as follows:

The FDP strongly encourages all recipients of DoD Fresh produce to order directly through the FFAVORS and receive their produce from the Prime Vendor. If a new FFAVORS account is needed, please contact the FDP for assistance.

Contact Information

If you have questions regarding this subject, please contact Amy Bell by phone at 916-322-5051 or by email at
Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, December 3, 2024
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