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2024–25 CNP Reimbursement Rates

Reimbursement Rates for Child Nutrition Programs (CNP) and the Food Distribution Program for School Year 2024–25.

On July 11, 2024, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced the new reimbursement rates for the School Nutrition Programs (SNP) and the Food Distribution Program (FDP).

School Nutrition Programs Federal Reimbursement Rates

The annual federal reimbursement rate adjustments for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) reflect changes in the Food Away From Home series of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers. The annual rate adjustment for the School Milk Program reflects changes in the Producer Price Index for Fluid Milk Products.

A document detailing the SNP reimbursement rates for July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, is available in the Download Forms section of the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System External link opens in new window or tab., Form ID: SNP Reimbursement Rates. A detailed breakdown of the reimbursement rates can also be found on the California Department of Education (CDE) 2024–25 CNP Reimbursement Rates web page.

State Meal Reimbursement Rates

Public schools, charter schools, and county offices of education that certify in accordance with California Education Code (EC) Section 49430.7 are eligible for state meal reimbursement for each free and reduced-price breakfast and lunch served. The Proposition (Prop) 98 state meal reimbursement rate for SNPs has increased from $0.9686 to $0.9790.

All public schools, charter schools, and county offices of education serving meals in accordance with EC Section 49501.5 are authorized to receive state reimbursement for reduced-price and paid meals. State reimbursements, described in EC Section 49501.5, are provided such that the combined total of state and federal meal reimbursement received for reduced-price and paid meals equals the full reimbursement amount for that equivalent meal type, breakfast, or lunch, and need, basic or severe. As a reminder, any public school, charter school, or county office of education site not approved to operate both the NSLP and SBP, not serving both breakfast and lunch each school day, or not operating in compliance with state and federal laws, guidance and regulations for school meal programs will not be eligible for Prop 98 or this additional state reimbursement for any meals served at the applicable school site(s).

Detailed information on the state reimbursement rates can be found on the CDE 2024–25 CNP Reimbursement Rates web page linked above.

Food Distribution Program Meal Rate

The effective USDA Foods per meal rate for School Year (SY) 2024–25 is $0.45.

The USDA Foods initial base per meal rate published for SY 2024–25 is $0.30, an increase from the $0.2950 base rate in SY 2023–24. To comply with Section 6(e) of the National School Lunch Act, which requires that USDA Foods account for at least 12 percent of the total cash assistance for the NSLP and to incorporate the $20 million breakfast dollars for NSLP, the USDA added $0.15 to the base rate which results in the effective USDA Foods per meal rate of $0.45.

The Federal Register notice can be viewed on the USDA Food Distribution Value of Donated Food Notices web page External link opens in new window or tab..

Contact Information

SNP: If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact your SNP Specialist. A list of SNP County Specialists is available on the School Nutrition Programs Specialist Directory web page.

FDP: If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Amy Bell, Child Nutrition Consultant, by phone at 916-322-5051 or by email at
Questions:   Nutrition Services Division | 800-952-5609
Last Reviewed: Thursday, August 1, 2024
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