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Join us for the next California Department of Education (CDE) Nutrition Services Division (NSD) Tuesday @ 2 Town Hall, scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 2 p.m. During the Town Hall we will share an overview of federal and state policies, funding and training opportunities, and best practices for operating Child Nutrition Programs (CNPs).
Draft webinar slides will be available by 10 a.m. on the Child Nutrition Information and Payment System (CNIPS) web page on the date of the Town Hall.
Important Operational Dates: Next 30 to 90 days
- November 15, 2024, to January 15, 2025: For School Year 2024–25, all school food authorities must complete the verification report in the CNIPS.
Town Hall Webinar PowerPoint
Use the following steps to access slides on the CNIPS
after 10 a.m. on the morning of the Town Hall:
- For School Food Authorities (SFA): Select Applications and Download Forms.
- For Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) operators: In the SFSP Module, select Applications and Download Forms.
The Town Hall slides in CNIPS are marked “Draft” and are subject to change. If updates are needed, the CDE will upload the revised slides in the same location following the Town Hall.
After the Town Hall, the CDE posts the final Town Hall PowerPoint slides on the CDE Food Service Staff Education and Training web page under the Town Halls tab.
The Tuesday @ 2 Virtual Town Hall events typically occur on the fourth Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise noted. The Town Halls provide an opportunity for schools to learn about policy guidance, program requirements, and best practices for operating CNPs. The desired audience includes CNP Program Operators and Food Service Directors.
Participation Information
Tuesday @ 2 School Nutrition Town Hall
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Registration and Cost
This town hall is free to attend. Register in advance for this webinar .
After registering, you will see a screen that says Webinar Registration Approved with a link to the webinar. You will also receive several emails with information about joining the webinar: First, you will receive confirmation the day you register and then you will receive two reminder emails one day and one hour prior to the webinar. If you cannot find the email confirmation, or do not receive the reminders, you can always reregister.
Tip for Attendees
To save time before the meeting, check your system to make sure it is ready to use Zoom.
- Visit the Zoom test link
- If you experience issues, visit the Zoom Help Center web page for assistance.
If you receive an error message that the host has declined your webinar registration, try using an alternate email address. While not ideal, you may also join by phone if you have technical issues logging in from your computer.
Professional Standards Crediting Information
- Key Area: Administration (3000)
- Training Topic: Program Management (3200)
- Learning Objective: Manage Staff Work Including Scheduling (3210)
- Instructional Hours: 1.5 hours
Reasonable Accommodation
Pursuant to state and federal statutes, individuals with a disability may request reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in the Tuesday @ 2 School Nutrition Town Hall. Send direct requests for reasonable accommodations to the CDE by email to, no later than seven days prior to the event. Live captioning will be available during the webinar.
Town Hall Informational Links and Resources Provided on September 24, 2024
The following resources were shared in the chat during the recent town hall:
- A current list of School Nutrition Program (SNP) Specialists is available on the CDE School Nutrition Programs Specialist Directory - School Nutrition web page or SNP staff can be reached via email at
- Learn information about the Healthy Meals Incentives (HMI) eligibility, awardee benefits, and application resources on the Healthy Meals Incentives Initiative - Action for Healthy Kids
- Send your request for CDE HMI letters of support to the email address.
- Learn more about Eat Real and the Eat Real Certification on the Eat Real
- The application period for the California Green Ribbon Schools Award Program (CA-GRS) is closed. For additional details about the California Green Ribbon Schools Award Program visit the CDE Green Ribbon Schools Award Program web page.
- For any CA-GRS questions reach out to George Garcia at
- Check out the new 2023 Farm to School Census data on the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm to School Census
web page.
- Review the USDA SP 01-2025 Fluid Milk Requirements for Schools Policy Memo (PM) available on the Fluid Milk Requirements for School Meals USDA
web page.
- Learn more about the USDA SP 02-2025 Substitution of Vegetables for Fruit Flexibility in the School Breakfast Program: Questions and Answers (Q&A)
available on the USDA website.
- Review the Management Bulletin SNP-07-2024, Modifications to Accommodate Disabilities in the School Nutrition Programs on the CDE Nutrition What’s New web page under the Management Bulletin tab.
- If you have any questions about the Management Bulletin SNP-07-2024, Modifications to Accommodate Disabilities in the School Nutrition Programs, please contact the CDE SNPs Team by email at
- Review the Management Bulletin SNP–02–2024, California State Meal Mandate on the CDE Nutrition What’s New web page under the Management Bulletin tab.
- Review the CDE Universal Meal Program Implementation Guidelines on the California Universal Meals web page under the Guidelines tab.
- For more information on the verification process and reporting requirements, review the CDE SNP Verification Materials web page.
- Send questions regarding your district’s proposed school break meal service to the Seamless Summer Option team by email at
- Check out the USDA Food Participation Election for School Year (SY) 2025–26 on the CDE web page.
- If you need to change the way you order and receive USDA Foods for SY 2024–25, send any changes to the Food Distribution Program team at
- Check your Local Food for Schools funding amount on the CDE Funding Results: Local Food for Schools Funding web page.
- Send your questions regarding Local Food for Schools please email the team at
- Check out new updates to the Food Buying Guide on the USDA Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs
web page.
- Register for The Road to Successful Menu Planning for School Meals Training Series
on the USDA Team Nutrition web page.
- Access the USDA Crediting Tip Sheets in the Child Nutrition Programs
on the USDA website.
- Learn more about the CA Pre-Apprenticeship opportunity, visit the Chef Ann Foundation Pre-Apprenticeship
- Send your CA Pre-Apprenticeship questions to the Chef Ann Foundation team at
- Access the Procurement Guidance webinar on the CDE’s Course Catalog web page under the SNP tab.