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LCAP Federal Addendum

Local educational agencies applying for ESSA funds must complete the LCAP Federal Addendum (Addendum) as part of meeting the requirements for the ESSA LEA Plan. This page provides guidance to support the completion of the Addendum.

LCAP Federal Addendum Webinar Presentation Slides (PDF) | Instructions | Strategy | Alignment | ESSA Provisions Addressed Within the LCAP | ESSA Provisions Addressed in the Consolidated Application and Reporting System | ESSA Provisions Not Addressed in the LCAP


The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Federal Addendum is meant to supplement the LCAP to ensure that eligible LEAs have the opportunity to meet the Local Educational Agency (LEA) Plan provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).

The LCAP Federal Addendum Template must be completed and submitted to the California Department of Education (CDE) to apply for ESSA funding. LEAs are encouraged to review the LCAP Federal Addendum annually with their LCAP, as ESSA funding should be considered in yearly strategic planning.

The LEA must address the Strategy and Alignment prompts provided.

Each provision for each program must be addressed, unless the provision is not applicable to the LEA.

In addressing these provisions, LEAs must provide a narrative that addresses the provision within the LCAP Federal Addendum Template.

Under State Priority Alignment, state priority numbers are provided to demonstrate where an ESSA provision aligns with state priorities. This is meant to assist LEAs in determining where ESSA provisions may already be addressed in the LEA’s LCAP, as it demonstrates the LEA’s efforts to support the state priorities.

The CDE emphasizes that the LCAP Federal Addendum should not drive LCAP development. ESSA funds are supplemental to state funds, just as the LCAP Federal Addendum supplements your LCAP. LEAs are encouraged to integrate their ESSA funds into their LCAP development as much as possible to promote strategic planning of all resources; however, this is not a requirement. In reviewing the LCAP Federal Addendum, staff will evaluate the LEA’s responses to the ESSA plan provisions. There is no standard length for the responses. LEAs will be asked to clarify insufficient responses during the review process.

California’s ESSA State Plan significantly shifts the state’s approach to the utilization of federal resources in support of underserved student groups. This LCAP Federal Addendum provides LEAs with the opportunity to document their approach to maximizing the impact of federal investments in support of underserved students.

The implementation of ESSA in California presents an opportunity for LEAs to innovate with their federally-funded programs and align them with the priority goals they are realizing under the state’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).

LCFF provides LEAs flexibility to design programs and provide services that meet the needs of students in order to achieve readiness for college, career, and lifelong learning. The LCAP planning process supports continuous cycles of action, reflection, and improvement.

Please respond to the prompts to describe the LEA’s plan for making the best use of federal ESEA resources in alignment with other federal, state, and local programs as described in the LEA’s LCAP. There is no standard length for responses, but there is a limit of 5,000 characters, so do be brief and direct in your replies.

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LEAs must respond to the following prompt:

Explain the LEA’s strategy for using federal funds to supplement and enhance local priorities or initiatives funded with state funds, as reflected in the LEA’s LCAP. This shall include describing the rationale/evidence for the selected use(s) of federal funds within the context of the LEA’s broader strategy reflected in the LCAP.


LEAs must respond to the following prompt:

Describe the efforts that the LEA will take to align use of federal funds with activities funded by state and local funds and, as applicable, across different federal grant programs.

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ESSA Provisions Addressed Within the LCAP

Title I, Part A

  • Monitoring Student Progress Towards Meeting Challenging State Academic Standards: ESSA Section 1112(b)(1) (A–D); State Priority Alignment: 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 (as applicable)

  • Overuse in Discipline Practices that Remove Students from the Classroom: ESSA Section 1112(b)(11); State Priority Alignment: 6 (as applicable)

  • Career Technical and Work-based Opportunities: ESSA Section 1112(b)(12)(A–B); State Priority Alignment: 2, 4, 7 (as applicable)

Title II, Part A

  • Title II, Part A Activities: ESSA Section 2102(b)(2)(A); State Priority Alignment: 1, 2, 4 (as applicable)

Title III, Part A

  • Parent, Family, and Community Engagement: ESSA Section 3116(b)(3); State Priority Alignment: 3, 6 (as applicable)

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ESSA Provisions Addressed in the Consolidated Application and Reporting System

An LEA addresses the following ESSA provision as part of completing annual reporting through the Consolidated Application and Reporting System (CARS).

Title I, Part A

  • Poverty Criteria: ESSA Section 1112(b)(4)

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ESSA Provisions Not Addressed in the LCAP

The ESSA provisions listed below do not align with state priorities. Each provision for each program provided listed below must be addressed, unless the provision is not applicable to the LEA. In addressing these provisions, LEAs must provide a narrative that addresses the provision within this addendum.

The CDE emphasizes that the LCAP Federal Addendum should not drive LCAP development. ESSA funds are supplemental to state funds, just as the LCAP Federal Addendum supplements your LCAP. LEAs are encouraged to integrate their ESSA funds into their LCAP development as much as possible to promote strategic planning of all resources; however, this is not a requirement. In reviewing the LCAP Federal Addendum, staff will evaluate the LEA’s responses to the ESSA plan provisions.

There is no standard length for the responses. LEAs will be asked to clarify insufficient responses during the review process.

Title I, Part A

Educator Equity
ESSA Section 1112(b)(2)

Describe how the LEA will identify and address, as required under State plans as described in Section 1111(g)(1)(B), any disparities that result in low-income students and minority students being taught at higher rates than other students by ineffective, inexperienced, or out-of-field teachers.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • The LEA's process for identifying disparities that result in low-income and minority students being taught at higher rates than other students by ineffective, inexperienced, or out-of-field teachers; and
  • How the LEA will address any disparities found during the identification process.

Complete responses for this provision of the LCAP Federal Addendum will address the following in narrative form:

  • Describe the LEA's process for identifying disparities that result in low-income and minority students being taught at higher rates than other students by ineffective/misassigned, inexperienced, or out-of-field teachers.
  • Describe the distribution of ineffective/misassigned, inexperienced, and out-of-field teachers working with low-income students.
  • Describe the distribution of ineffective/misassigned, inexperienced, and out-of-field teachers working with minority students.
  • Describe how the LEA engaged stakeholders in its process for identifying strategies for addressing disparities that result in low-income and minority students being taught at higher rates than other students by ineffective, inexperienced, or out-of-field teachers.
  • Describe the actions the LEA will take to address any disparities discovered during the equity data analysis process (including actions/services included in its LCAP for Priority 1—Basic Services).

For questions and additional resources, please contact the Teacher and Leader Policy Office at or by phone at 916-445-7331.

Parent and Family Engagement
ESSA Sections 1112(b)(3) and 1112(b)(7)

Describe how the LEA will carry out its responsibility under Section 1111(d).

Describe the strategy the LEA will use to implement effective parent and family engagement under Section 1116.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

ESSA Section 1112(b)(3): how the LEA will carry out its responsibilities under paragraphs (1) and (2) of Section 1111(d);

  • How the LEA will involve parents and family members at identified schools in jointly developing Comprehensive Support and Improvement plans
  • How the LEA will involve parents and family members in identified schools in jointly developing the Targeted Support and Improvement plans
  • In the absence of the identification of any schools for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) or any schools for Targeted Assistance and Intervention (TSI), the LEA may write N/A. This provision will not be reviewed.

ESSA Section 1112(b)(7): the strategy the LEA will use to implement effective parent and family engagement under Section 1116; shall include how the LEA and its schools will build capacity for parent and family engagement by:

  • Describe the LEA parent and family engagement policy, how it was developed jointly with, agree on with, and distribute to, parents and family members of participating children a written parent and family engagement policy (ESSA Section 1116(a)).
  • Describe how the LEA will provide assistance to parents of children served by the school or local educational agency, as appropriate, in understanding such topics as the challenging State academic standards, State and local academic assessments, the requirements of this part, and how to monitor a child’s progress and work with educators to improve the achievement of their children;  (ESSA Section 1116(e)(1))
  • Describe how the LEA will provide materials and training to help parents to work with their children to improve their children’s achievement, such as literacy training and using technology (including education about the harms of copyright piracy), as appropriate, to foster parental involvement; (ESSA Section 1116(e)(2))
  • Describe how the LEA will educate teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other school leaders, and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions of parents, and in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school; (ESSA Section 1116(e)(3))
  • Describe how the LEA will to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with other Federal, State, and local programs, including public preschool programs, and conduct other activities, such as parent resource centers, that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children; (ESSA Section 1116(e)(4))
  • Describe how the LEA will ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to the parents of participating children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand (ESSA Section 1116(e)(5))
  • Describe how the LEA will provide such other reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents may request (ESSA Section 1116(e)(14).
  • Describe how the LEA will provide opportunities for the informed participation of parents and family members (including parents and family members who have limited English proficiency, parents and family members with disabilities, and parents and family members of migratory children), including providing information and school reports in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language such parents understand (ESSA Section 1116(f)).

Also include how the LEA will align parent involvement required in Section 1116 with the LCAP stakeholder engagement process.


For questions regarding Title I, Part A, Parent and Family Engagement, please contact

Schoolwide Programs, Targeted Support Programs, and Programs for Neglected or Delinquent Children
ESSA Sections 1112(b)(5) and 1112(b)(9)

Describe, in general, the nature of the programs to be conducted by the LEA’s schools under sections 1114 and 1115 and, where appropriate, educational services outside such schools for children living in local institutions for neglected or delinquent children, and for neglected and delinquent children in community day school programs.

Describe how teachers and school leaders, in consultation with parents, administrators, paraprofessionals, and specialized instructional support personnel, in schools operating a targeted assistance school program under Section 1115, will identify the eligible children most in need of services under this part.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

ESSA Section 1112(b)(5): in general, the nature of the programs to be conducted by such agency’s schools under sections Schoolwide Programs pursuant to 1114 and Targeted Assistance Schools pursuant to 1115 and, where appropriate, educational services outside such schools for children living in local institutions for neglected or delinquent children, and for neglected and delinquent children in community day school programs.

ESSA Section 1112(b)(9): how teachers and school leaders, in consultation with parents, administrators, paraprofessionals, and specialized instructional support personnel, in schools operating a targeted assistance school program under Section 1115, will identify the eligible children most in need of services under this part.


For questions regarding the Title I, Part A, Targeted Assisted program, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Homeless Children and Youth Services
ESSA Section 1112(b)(6)

Describe the services the LEA will provide homeless children and youths, including services provided with funds reserved under Section 1113(c)(3)(A), to support the enrollment, attendance, and success of homeless children and youths, in coordination with the services the LEA is providing under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 United States Code 11301 et seq.).


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

ESSA Section 1112(b)(6): the services the LEA will provide homeless children and youths, including services provided with funds reserved under Section 1113(c)(3)(A), to support the (1) enrollment, (2) attendance, and (3) success of homeless children and youths, in coordination with the services the LEA is providing under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11301 et seq.).


For questions regarding Title I, Part A, Homeless Reservation, please contact

Student Transitions
ESSA Sections 1112(b)(8) and 1112(b)(10) (A–B)

Describe, if applicable, how the LEA will support, coordinate, and integrate services provided under this part with early childhood education programs at the LEA or individual school level, including plans for the transition of participants in such programs to local elementary school programs.

Describe, if applicable, how the LEA will implement strategies to facilitate effective transitions for students from middle grades to high school and from high school to postsecondary education including:

  • through coordination with institutions of higher education, employers, and other local partners; and
  • through increased student access to early college high school or dual or concurrent enrollment opportunities, or career counseling to identify student interests and skills.

To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

ESSA Section 1112(b)(8): if applicable, how the LEA will support, coordinate, and integrate services provided under this part with early childhood education programs at the LEA or individual school level, including plans for the transition of participants in such programs to local elementary school programs.

ESSA Section 1112(b)(10): how the LEA will implement strategies to facilitate effective transitions for students from middle grades to high school and from high school to postsecondary education including, if applicable—

  • Through coordination with institutions of higher education, employers, and other local partners; and
  • Through increased student access to early college high school or dual or concurrent enrollment opportunities, or career counseling to identify student interests and skills.

For questions regarding Title I, Part A, Early Childhood Education and Transition Program, please contact

Additional Information Regarding Use of Funds Under this Part
ESSA Section 1112(b)(13) (A–B)

Provide any other information on how the LEA proposes to use funds to meet the purposes of this part, and that the LEA determines appropriate to provide, which may include how the LEA will:

  • assist schools in identifying and serving gifted and talented students; and
  • assist schools in developing effective school library programs to provide students an opportunity to develop digital literacy skills and improve academic achievement.
Guidance and Questions

To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

ESSA Section 1112(b)(13): any other information on how the LEA proposes to use funds to meet the purposes of this part, and that the LEA determines appropriate to provide, which may include how the LEA will—

  • Assist schools in identifying and serving gifted and talented students; and
  • Assist schools in developing effective school library programs to provide students an opportunity to develop digital literacy skills and improve academic achievement.

For questions regarding Title I, Part A, Transition Program, please contact

Title I, Part D

Description of Program
ESSA Section 1423(1)

Provide a description of the program to be assisted by Title I, Part D.

Guidance and Questions

For guidance regarding Title I, Part D, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Formal Agreements
ESSA Section 1423(2)

Provide a description of formal agreements, regarding the program to be assisted, between the

  • LEA; and
  • correctional facilities and alternative school programs serving children and youth involved with the juvenile justice system, including such facilities operated by the Secretary of the Interior and Indian tribes.
Guidance and Questions

For guidance regarding Title I, Part D, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Comparable Education Program
ESSA Section 1423(3)

As appropriate, provide a description of how participating schools will coordinate with facilities working with delinquent children and youth to ensure that such children and youth are participating in an education program comparable to one operating in the local school such youth would attend.

Guidance and Questions

For guidance regarding Title I, Part D, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Successful Transitions
ESSA Section 1423(4)

Provide a description of the program operated by participating schools to facilitate the successful transition of children and youth returning from correctional facilities and, as appropriate, the types of services that such schools will provide such children and youth and other at-risk children and youth.

Guidance and Questions

For guidance regarding Title I, Part D, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Educational Needs
ESSA Section 1423(5)

Provide a description of the characteristics (including learning difficulties, substance abuse problems, and other special needs) of the children and youth who will be returning from correctional facilities and, as appropriate, other at-risk children and youth expected to be served by the program, and a description of how the school will coordinate existing educational programs to meet the unique educational needs of such children and youth.

Guidance and Questions

For guidance regarding Title I, Part D, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Social, Health, and Other Services
ESSA Section 1423(6)

As appropriate, provide a description of how schools will coordinate with existing social, health, and other services to meet the needs of students returning from correctional facilities, at-risk children or youth, and other participating children or youth, including prenatal health care and nutrition services related to the health of the parent and the child or youth, parenting and child development classes, child care, targeted reentry and outreach programs, referrals to community resources, and scheduling flexibility.

Guidance and Questions

For guidance regarding Title I, Part D, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Postsecondary and Workforce Partnerships
ESSA Section 1423(7)

As appropriate, provide a description of any partnerships with institutions of higher education or local businesses to facilitate postsecondary and workforce success for children and youth returning from correctional facilities, such as through participation in credit-bearing coursework while in secondary school, enrollment in postsecondary education, participation in career and technical education programming, and mentoring services for participating students.

Guidance and Questions

For guidance regarding Title I, Part D, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Parent and Family Involvement
ESSA Section 1423(8)

As appropriate, provide a description of how the program will involve parents and family members in efforts to improve the educational achievement of their children, assist in dropout prevention activities, and prevent the involvement of their children in delinquent activities.

Guidance and Questions

For guidance regarding Title I, Part D, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Program Coordination
ESSA Section 1423(9–10)

Provide a description of how the program under this subpart will be coordinated with other Federal, State, and local programs, such as programs under title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and career and technical education programs serving at-risk children and youth.

Include how the program will be coordinated with programs operated under the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 and other comparable programs, if applicable.

Guidance and Questions

For guidance regarding Title I, Part D, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Probation Officer Coordination
ESSA Section 1423(11)

As appropriate, provide a description of how schools will work with probation officers to assist in meeting the needs of children and youth returning from correctional facilities.

Guidance and Questions

For guidance regarding Title I, Part D, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Individualized Education Program Awareness
ESSA Section 1423(12)

Provide a description of the efforts participating schools will make to ensure correctional facilities working with children and youth are aware of a child’s or youth’s existing individualized education program.

Guidance and Questions

For guidance regarding Title I, Part D, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Alternative Placements
ESSA Sections 1423(13)

As appropriate, provide a description of the steps participating schools will take to find alternative placements for children and youth interested in continuing their education but unable to participate in a traditional public school program.

Guidance and Questions

For guidance regarding Title I, Part D, Neglected or Delinquent program, please contact

Title II, Part A

Professional Growth and Improvement
ESSA Section 2102(b)(2)(B)

Provide a description of the LEA’s systems of professional growth and improvement, such as induction for teachers, principals, or other school leaders and opportunities for building the capacity of teachers and opportunities to develop meaningful teacher leadership.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • Please provide a description of the LEA’s systems of professional growth and improvement for teachers, principals, and other school leaders.
  • Please address principals, teachers, and other school leaders separately.
  • Please explain how the systems promote professional growth and ensure improvement, including how the LEA measures growth and improvement.
  • Please describe how the systems support principals, teachers, and other school leaders from the beginning of their careers, throughout their careers, and through advancement opportunities.
  • Please describe how the LEA evaluates its systems of professional growth and improvement and makes adjustments to ensure continuous improvement within these systems.

For questions and additional resources, please contact the Professional Learning and Support Division at or by phone at 916-323-5847.

Prioritizing Funding
ESSA Section 2102(b)(2)(C)

Provide a description of how the LEA will prioritize funds to schools served by the agency that are implementing comprehensive support and improvement activities and targeted support and improvement activities under Section 1111(d) and have the highest percentage of children counted under Section 1124(c).


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • Please describe the LEA’s process for determining Title II, Part A funding among the schools it serves.
  • Please describe how the LEA determines funding that prioritizes CSI and TSI schools and schools serving the highest percentage of children counted under Section 1124(c).
  • Please describe how CSI and TSI schools and schools that have the highest percentage of children counted under Section 1124(c) that the LEA serves receive priority in Title II, Part A funding decisions compared to other schools the LEA serves.

For questions and additional resources, please contact the Professional Learning and Support Division at or by phone at 916-323-5847.

Data and Ongoing Consultation to Support Continuous Improvement
ESSA Section 2102(b)(2)(D)

Provide a description of how the LEA will use data and ongoing consultation described in Section 2102(b)(3) to continually update and improve activities supported under this part.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • Please explain how the LEA coordinates its Title II, Part A activities with other related strategies, programs, and activities.
  • Please describe how the LEA uses data to continually update and improve activities supported under Title II, Part A.
  • Please describe how the LEA uses ongoing consultation described in Section 2102(b)(3) to continually update and improve activities supported under Title II, Part A.
  • Please describe the sources of data the LEA monitors to evaluate Title II, Part A activities and how often it analyzes this data.
  • Please describe the ways in which the LEA meaningfully consults with the following educational partners to update and improve Title II, Part A-funded activities:
    • Teachers
    • Principals and other school leaders
    • Paraprofessionals (including organizations representing such individuals)
    • Specialized instructional support personnel
    • Charter school leaders (in a local educational agency that has charter schools)
    • Parents
    • Community partners
    • Organizations or partners with relevant and demonstrated expertise in programs and activities
  • Please explain how often the LEA meaningfully consults with these educational partners.

For questions and additional resources, please contact the Professional Learning and Support Division at or by phone at 916-323-5847.

Title III, Part A

Title III Professional Development
ESSA Section 3115(c)(2)

Describe how the eligible entity will provide effective professional development to classroom teachers, principals and other school leaders, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • The LEA’s effective professional development for classroom teachers, principals and other school leaders, administrators, and other school or community-based organizational personnel.

Complete responses will:

  • Address professional development activities specific to ELs/Title III purposes that are:
    • designed to improve the instruction and assessment of English learners;
    • designed to enhance the ability of such teachers, principals, and other school leaders to understand and implement curricula, assessment practices and measures, and instructional strategies for English learners;
    • effective in increasing children's English language proficiency or substantially increasing the subject matter knowledge, teaching knowledge, and teaching skills of such teachers; and
    • of sufficient intensity and duration (which shall not include activities such as one-day or short-term workshops and conferences) to have a positive and lasting impact on the teachers' performance in the classroom

In meeting this requirement, LEAs are encouraged to review the alignment (PDF) between their Title III professional growth and improvement systems to California's Quality Professional Learning Standards (PDF). Descriptions of high-quality professional growth and improvement systems will address:

  • Data: Sources and kinds of information that guide professional learning (PL) priorities, design, and assessments.
  • Content and Pedagogy: Ways in which PL system enhances educators’ expertise to increase students’ capacity to learn and thrive.
  • Equity: How the PL system addresses equitable access, opportunities, and outcomes for all students, with an emphasis on addressing achievement and opportunity disparities between student groups.
  • Design and Structure: Use of evidence-based approaches such as focused, sustained learning that enables educators to acquire, implement, and assess improved practices.
  • Collaboration and Shared Accountability: How PL facilitates the development of a shared purpose for student learning and collective responsibility for achieving it.
  • Resources: The dedicated resources for PL and how they are adequate, accessible, and allocated appropriately toward established priorities and outcomes.
  • Alignment and Coherence: How the PL contributes to a coherent system of educator learning and support that connects district and school priorities and needs with state and federal requirements and resources.

For questions and additional resources, please contact the Language Policy and Leadership Office at 916-319-0845.

Enhanced Instructional Opportunities
ESSA Sections 3115(e)(1) and 3116

Describe how the eligible entity will provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • How the LEA provides enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth.

Complete responses will:

  • Describe the supplemental activities implemented that provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth

In its process to provide enhanced instructional opportunities for immigrant children and youth, LEAs should consider:

  • The authorized uses of Title III, Part A Immigrant funding.
  • How the LEA meaningfully consults with the following stakeholders regarding prioritizing Title III, Part A Immigrant funding for high needs schools:
    • Teachers
    • Principals and other school leaders
    • Paraprofessionals
    • Specialized instructional support personnel
    • Parents
    • Community partners
    • Organizations or partners with relevant and demonstrated expertise in programs and activities
  • How Title III, Part A Immigrant funding will be used strategically with other funding streams to support Title III immigrant activities.
  • How the LEA considers sustainability for activities supported by Title III, Part A Immigrant funding.

For questions and additional resources, please contact the Language Policy and Leadership Office at 916-319-0845.

Title III Programs and Activities
ESSA Section 3116(b)(1)

Describe the effective programs and activities, including language instruction educational programs, proposed to be developed, implemented, and administered under the subgrant that will help English learners increase their English language proficiency and meet the challenging State academic standards.


To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • How the LEA develops, implements, and administers effective programs and activities, including language instruction educational programs, to help English learners increase English language proficiency and meet the challenging state academic standards.


Complete responses will:

  • Address the effective language instruction programs specific to English learners.
  • Address the activities, focused on English learners and consistent with the purposes of Title III, that supplement the core program.

As an LEA reviews its processes for developing, implementing, and administering effective programs and activities to continuously improve Title III, Part A activities, it should consider:

  • The authorized uses of Title III, Part A English learner funding.
  • How the LEA meaningfully consults with the following stakeholders regarding prioritizing Title III, Part A English learner funding for high needs schools:
    • Teachers
    • Principals and other school leaders
    • Paraprofessionals
    • Specialized instructional support personnel
    • Parents
    • Community partners
    • Organizations or partners with relevant and demonstrated expertise in programs and activities
  • How Title III, Part A English learner funding will be used strategically with other funding streams to support Title III immigrant activities.
  • How the LEA considers sustainability for activities supported by Title III, Part A English learner funding.
  • Outreach to a diverse representation of stakeholders from across the LEA, especially those who work in high-needs schools and in early education, during the development of plans for Title III, Part A funds.
  • Flexible consultation with stakeholders by holding meetings or conferences outside the regular school day hours or by using a variety of communications tools, such as electronic surveys.
  • Informing stakeholders of past and current uses of Title III, Part A funds, and their effectiveness, as well as research or analysis of the new uses being proposed.
  • Adapting consultation materials to specific stakeholder audiences.
  • Genuinely considering concerns identified during the consultation and addressing those concerns with concrete explanations and plans.
  • What are reasonable expectations for success and how can success be measured?
  • What are interim progress and performance milestones that can be tracked?
  • Is there the need or capacity to examine the effectiveness of activities through research or correlational study, or would use of performance data suffice?
  • Are the necessary data being collected and examined at the right frequency to monitor performance and make needed adjustments? Are the data high quality? Are specific populations and subgroups being considered such as long-term English learners, etc.?
  • What have participants in the activities shared about their experience and how the activities were implemented?
  • How could knowledge about these activities be shared with the variety of stakeholders and inform future decision-making?
  • What do stakeholders think the information suggests about how to improve activities going forward?

For questions and additional resources, please contact the Language Policy and Leadership Office at 916-319-0845.

English Proficiency and Academic Achievement
ESSA Section 3116(b)(2)(A-B)

Describe how the eligible entity will ensure that elementary schools and secondary schools receiving funds under Subpart 1 assist English learners in:

  • achieving English proficiency based on the State’s English language proficiency assessment under Section 1111(b)(2)(G), consistent with the State’s long-term goals, as described in Section 1111(c)(4)(A)(ii); and
  • meeting the challenging State academic standards.

To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:

  • How the LEA ensures that elementary schools and secondary schools assist English learners in achieving English proficiency and meeting the challenging state academic standards.


Complete responses will:

  • Address how sites will be held accountable for meeting English acquisition progress for English learners.
  • Address how sites will be held accountable for meeting achievement goals for English learners.

As an LEA reviews its processes for ensuring that all school sites assist English learners in achieving English proficiency and academic success to continuously improve Title III, Part A activities, it should consider:

  • Outreach to a diverse representation of stakeholders from across the LEA, especially those who work in high-needs schools and in early education, during the development of plans for Title III, Part A funds.
  • Informing stakeholders of past and current uses of Title III, Part A funds (specific to each site) and their effectiveness, as well as research or analysis of the new uses being proposed.
  • Genuinely considering concerns identified during stakeholder engagement activities and addressing those concerns with concrete explanations and plans.
  • What are reasonable expectations for success and how can success be measured?
  • What are interim progress and performance milestones that can be tracked?
  • Are the necessary data being collected and examined at the right frequency to monitor performance and make needed adjustments? Are the data high quality? Are specific populations and subgroups being considered such as long-term English learners, etc.?

For questions and additional resources, please contact the Language Policy and Leadership Office at 916-319-0845.

Title IV, Part A

Title IV, Part A Activities and Programs
ESSA Section 4106(e)(1)

Each application submitted by a local educational agency (LEA), or consortium of LEAs, shall include a description of the Title IV, Part A activities and programming that will be carried out. To meet this requirement, LEAs must provide a description of the following:


(A) any partnership with an institution of higher education, business, nonprofit organization, community-based organization, or other public or private entity with a demonstrated record of success in implementing activities under this subpart;

(B) if applicable, how funds will be used for activities related to supporting well-rounded education under section 4107;

(C) if applicable, how funds will be used for activities related to supporting safe and healthy students under section 4108;

(D) if applicable, how funds will be used for activities related to supporting the effective use of technology in schools under section 4109; and

(E) the program objectives and intended outcomes for activities under this subpart, and how the local educational agency, or consortium of such agencies, will periodically evaluate the effectiveness of the activities carried out under this section based on such objectives and outcomes.

Note: All LEAs applying for Title IV, Part A must provide a description to each of the Title IV, Part A LEA plan provisions located in the LCAP Federal Addendum regardless if participating in Federal Transferability pursuant to ESSA Section 5103 or LEA allocation amount.

For additional technical assistance on the criteria, please contact

Additional information on the Title IV, Part A LEA plan provisions for the Federal LCAP Addendum may be located on the Title IV, Part A: SSAE web page.


For questions and additional resources, please contact


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Questions:   Local Agency Systems Support Office |
Last Reviewed: Monday, October 14, 2024
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