Calendar of Events - CalEdFacts
This content is part of California Department of Education's information and media guide about education in the State of California. For similar information on other topics, visit the full CalEdFacts.Dates included on this calendar are gathered from various sources and are not intended as definitive or official notification from the California Department of Education (CDE). We hope the calendar will assist you in planning special recognition events.
January 2025
- National Blood Donor Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize January as National Blood Donor Month. It has been observed during the month of January since 1970.
- National Braille Literacy Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize January as National Braille Literacy Month.
- National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.
- National Staying Healthy Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize January as National Staying Healthy Month.
- Shape Up U.S. Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize January as Shape Up U.S. Month.
New Year's Day (1/1/2025)
New Year's Day is a public school holiday per California Education Code Section 37220. New Year's Day is also a state holiday per California Government Code Section 6700.
Hanukkah Ends** (1/2/2025)
Hanukkah ends at sundown on January 2, 2025.
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (1/20/2025)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a public school holiday per California Education Code Section 37220. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is also a state holiday per California Government Code Section 6700. The CDE will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025.
- Ed Roberts Day (1/23/2025)
Ed Roberts Day is a public school holiday held annually on January 23 per California Education Code Section 37220.
- National Handwriting Day (1/23/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize January 23 as National Handwriting Day.
- International Holocaust Remembrance Day (1/27/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize January 27 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
- The Great Kindness Challenge Week (January 27–31, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize January 27–31, 2025 as The Great Kindness Challenge Week.
- Lunar New Year* (1/29/2025)
Lunar New Year is one of the most important celebrations of the year among East and Southeast Asian cultures, including Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean communities, among others. In 2025, Lunar New Year begins on Wednesday, January 29.
- Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution (1/30/2025)
January 30 of each year is designated and set apart as Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution, a day having special significance pursuant to California Education Code Section 37222.
February 2025
- American Heart Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize February as American Heart Month.
- Black History Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize February as Black History Month.
- National Children's Dental Health Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize February as National Children's Dental Health Month.
- National Freedom Day (2/1/2025)
The President may issue each year a proclamation designating February 1 as National Freedom Day to commemorate the signing by Abraham Lincoln on February 1, 1865, of the joint resolution adopted by the Senate and the House of Representatives that proposed the 13th amendment to the Constitution (36 United States Code 124).
- Rosa Parks Day (2/4/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize February 4 as Rosa Parks Day. Rosa Parks Day was created by the California State Legislature and first celebrated February 4, 2000.
- Ronald Reagan Day (2/6/2025)
February 6 of each year is designated and set apart as Ronald Reagan Day, a day having special significance pursuant to California Education Code Section 37222. On Ronald Reagan Day, all public schools and educational institutions are encouraged to conduct exercises remembering the life of Ronald Reagan, recognizing his accomplishments, and familiarizing pupils with the contributions he made to this state.
National School Counseling Week (February 2–8, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize February 2–8, 2025 as National School Counseling Week. National School Counseling Week is always celebrated the first full week (M–F) in February.
- Lincoln Day (2/12/2025)
California Education Code Section 37220: The Monday or Friday of the week in which February 12 occurs, known as "Lincoln Day." On the day that school is in session prior to the day on which schools are closed for that purpose, all public schools and educational institutions throughout the state shall hold exercises in memory of Abraham Lincoln.
Take Your Family to School Week (February 17–21, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize the week of February 17 (February 17–21, 2025) as Take Your Family to School Week.
- Frederick Douglass Day (2/14/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize February 14 as Frederick Douglass Day.
- Susan B. Anthony Day (2/15/2025)
California Education Code Section 37221: February 15, the anniversary of the birthday of Susan B. Anthony, known as "Susan B. Anthony Day" on which day schools shall include exercises and instruction on the political and economic status of women in the United States and the contributions of Susan B. Anthony thereto.
- National Parent Teacher Association Founders Day (2/17/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize February 17 as National Parent Teacher Association Founders Day.
Presidents Day (2/17/2025)- The CDE encourages you to recognize February 17, 2025 as Presidents Day. Presidents Day is a federal holiday celebrated annually on the third Monday in February.
Washington Day (2/17/2025)
California Education Code Section 37220: The third Monday in February, known as "Washington Day". On the Friday preceding, all public schools and educational institutions throughout the state shall hold exercises in memory of George Washington. The CDE will be closed on Washington Day, commonly referred to as Presidents Day.
- Ramadan Begins** (2/28/2025)
Ramadan is expected to begin on the evening of Friday, February 28, 2025, and conclude on the evening of Sunday, March 30, 2025.
March 2025
- American Red Cross Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize March as American Red Cross Month.
- Arts Education Month in California/Youth Art Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize March as Arts Education Month in California/Youth Art Month.
- Music in Our Schools Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize March as Music in Our Schools Month.
- National Middle Level Education Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize March as National Middle Level Education Month.
- National Nutrition Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize March as National Nutrition Month.
- National Social Work Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize March as National Social Work Month.
- National Women's History Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize March as National Women's History Month.
- Read Across America Day (3/2/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize March 2 as Read Across America Day.
- National Anthem Day (3/3/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize March 3 as National Anthem Day.
National School Breakfast Week (March 3–7, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize National School Breakfast Week: March 3–7, 2025. Every year, National School Breakfast Week (NSBW) is celebrated on the first full week in March.
- Newspaper in Education Week (March 3–7, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize the first week in March (March 3–7, 2025) as Newspaper in Education Week.
Save Your Vision Week (March 3–9, 2025)
To remind Americans about the importance of safeguarding their eyesight, the United States Congress, by joint resolution approved December 30, 1963, as amended (36 United States Code 138), has authorized and requested the President to proclaim the first week in March (March 3–9, 2025) of each year as "Save Your Vision Week."
- Lent Begins* (3/5/2025)
Lent begins on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, known as Ash Wednesday, and concludes on Thursday, April 17, 2025, which is Holy Thursday. This 40-day period (excluding Sundays) is observed by many Christian denominations as a time of fasting, prayer, and penance, leading up to Easter Sunday.
- Conservation, Bird, and Arbor Day (3/7/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize March 7, the anniversary of the birthday of Luther Burbank, known as Conservation, Bird, and Arbor Day, on which day schools shall include exercises and instruction on the economic value of birds and trees, and the promotion of a spirit of protection toward them, and as to the economic value of natural resources, and the desirability of their conservation (California Education Code Section 37221).
- Ashara Mubaraka* (March 9–18, 2025)
Ashara Mubaraka is to be observed from March 9–18, 2025. For Muslims, this period commemorates the martyrdom of Imam Husain, the grandson of their prophet Muhammad, and his followers during the first ten days of Muharram.
- National Poison Prevention Week (March 16–22, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize National Poison Prevention Week: March 16–22, 2025. To encourage Americans to learn more about the dangers of accidental poisonings and to take appropriate preventative measures, the Congress, by joint resolution approved September 26, 1961, as amended (75 Stat. 681), has authorized and requested the President to issue a proclamation designating the third week of March each year as "National Poison Prevention Week" (36 United States Code 130).
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (3/21/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize March 21 as International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
- Eid al-Fitr** (Tentatively March 30, 2025; date may vary)
For most Muslim communities, the date of Eid al-Fitr is not set until the sighting of the moon and is therefore tentative. Observant families may celebrate in the evening prior to Eid to break their fast together. Observant families may also attend morning prayers together on the day of Eid and may miss school or work to celebrate together during the day. The CDE encourages educators to be mindful of potential family obligations when scheduling major exams and deadlines.
- Ramadan Ends** (3/30/2025)
Ramadan will conclude on the evening of Sunday, March 30, 2025.
- Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day (3/30/2025)
March 30 of each year is designated and set apart as Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day, a day having special significance pursuant to California Education Code Section 37222. On Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day, all public schools and educational institutions are encouraged to conduct exercises recognizing the contributions of all those involved in the Vietnam War and remembering the sacrifices they made for their country.
- Cesar Chavez Day (3/31/2025)
California Education Code Section 37220.5: (a) In addition to the holidays prescribed in Section 37220, public schools may be closed on March 31, known as "Cesar Chavez Day," or the appropriate Monday or Friday following or preceding that date, if the governing board, pursuant to a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 10.7 (commencing with Section 3540) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, agrees to close schools for that purpose. (b) On March 31 or on the day determined by the governing board, public schools and educational institutions throughout the state may include exercises, funded through existing resources, commemorating and directing attention to the history of the farm labor movement in the United States and particularly the role therein of Cesar Chavez. The State Board of Education shall adopt a model curriculum guide to be available for use by public schools for exercises related to Cesar Chavez Day. The CDE will be closed on Cesar Chavez Day.
April 2025
- Arab American Heritage Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April as Arab American Heritage Month.
- Autism Awareness Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April as Autism Awareness Month.
- Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April as Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month.
- National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April as National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month. By House Resolution 690, from Congressman Mike Honda, every April is recognized as National Bilingual/Multilingual Learner Advocacy Month.
- National Child Abuse Prevention Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
- National Poetry Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April as National Poetry Month.
- School Library Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April as School Library Month.
Autism Awareness Day (4/2/2025) - The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April 2 as Autism Awareness Day.
- International Children’s Book Day (4/2/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April 2 as International Children's Book Day. Founded in 1967, the day is observed on or around Hans Christian Andersen's birthday. Activities include writing competitions, announcements of book awards, and events with authors of children's literature.
- Week of the Young Child (April 5–11, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize April 5–11, 2025 as the Week of the Young Child. The purpose of the Week of the Young Child is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs.
California Poppy Day (4/6/2025)
Section 37222.12 of the California Education Code states: (a) April 6 of each year is designated and set aside as California Poppy Day, a day with special significance under Section 37222. (b) On California Poppy Day, all public schools and educational institutions are encouraged to conduct exercises honoring the California Poppy, including instruction about native plants, particularly the California Poppy, and the economic and aesthetic value of wildflowers; promoting responsible behavior toward our natural resources and a spirit of protection toward them; and emphasizing the value of natural resources and conservation of natural resources.
- World Health Day (4/7/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April 7 as World Health Day.
- Passover Begins** (4/12/2025)
Passover begins at sundown on Saturday, April 12, 2025.
- Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday (4/13/2025)
Every year, the President shall issue a proclamation (1) calling on officials of the United States government to display the flag of the United States on all government buildings on April 13; and (2) inviting the people of the United States to observe April 13 in schools and churches, or other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies in commemoration of Thomas Jefferson's birthday (36 United States Code 141).
- National Librarian Day (4/16/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April 16 as National Librarian Day.
- Lent Concludes* (4/17/2025)
Lent concludes on Thursday, April 17, 2025, which is Holy Thursday. Lent is a 40-day period (excluding Sundays) which is observed by many Christian denominations as a time of fasting, prayer, and penance, leading up to Easter Sunday.
- Good Friday* (4/18/2025)
Good Friday annually occurs two days before Easter Sunday in the United States. In the Christian faith, Good Friday commemorates Jesus Christ's crucifixion and death.
Administrative Professionals Week (April 20–26, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize April 20–26, 2025, as Administrative Professionals Week. Administrative Professionals Week is celebrated in the last full week of April each year.
- Easter* (4/20/2025)
Easter is celebrated on Sunday, April 20, 2025. Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon, the first full moon after the vernal equinox.
Last Day of Passover** (4/20/2025)
The final day of Passover 2025 begins before sunset on April 19 and end after nightfall on April 20.
- National Environmental Education Week (April 20–26, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize April 20–26, 2025 as National Environmental Education Week. National Environmental Education Week, held annually on the week that Earth Day is celebrated, is the nation's largest celebration of environmental education, inspiring environmental learning and stewardship among K-12 students.
National Library Week (April 20–26, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to celebrate April 20–26, 2025, as National Library Week. First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association and libraries across the country each April. It is a time to celebrate the contributions of our nation's libraries and librarians and to promote library use and support. All types of libraries—school, public, academic, and special—participate.
John Muir Day (4/21/2025)
From California Education Code Section 37222.11: (a) April 21 of each year is designated and set apart as John Muir Day, a day having special significance pursuant to Section 37222. (b) On John Muir Day, all public schools and educational institutions are encouraged to conduct exercises stressing the importance that an ecologically sound natural environment plays in the quality of life for all of us, and emphasizing John Muir's significant contributions to the fostering of that awareness and the indelible mark he left on the State of California.
Public School Volunteer Week (April 21–25, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize April 21–25, 2025 as Public School Volunteer Week. Public School Volunteer Week provides a yearly opportunity for schools and families to honor and highlight the powerful contributions parents and caregivers provide at school and home to support student success. Public School Volunteer Week is held annually during the third week of April.
Earth Day (4/22/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April 22 as Earth Day.
- Administrative Professionals Day (4/23/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize April 23, 2025, as Administrative Professionals Day. Administrative Professionals Day is celebrated on the Wednesday of Administrative Professionals Week, which is on the last full week of April.
Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah)* (4/23/2025–4/24/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize May 23–24, 2025, as Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah). In 2025, Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah) in Israel begins the evening of April 23 and ends the evening of April 24.
Genocide Remembrance Day (4/24/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize April 24 as Genocide Remembrance Day, honoring the many contributions that survivors of genocide have made to this country.
School Nutrition Employee Week (April 28–May 2, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize April 28–May 2, 2025, as School Nutrition Employee Week. School Nutrition Employee Week is held the week in which School Lunch Hero Day is celebrated.
- Workforce Readiness Week (April 28–May 2, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize April 28–May 2, 2025, as Workforce Readiness Week.
May 2025
- Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize May as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month (36 United States Code 102).
Jewish American Heritage Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize May as Jewish American Heritage Month.
- Labor History Month
The month of May is hereby deemed to be Labor History Month throughout the public schools, and school districts are encouraged to commemorate this month with appropriate educational exercises that make pupils aware of the role the labor movement has played in shaping California and the United States (California Education Code Section 51009).
Mental Health Awareness Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize May as Mental Health Awareness Month.
National Foster Care Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize May as National Foster Care Month.
- National Mental Health Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize May as National Mental Health Month.
- National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize May as National Physical Fitness and Sports Month.
- Law Day, U.S.A. (5/1/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize May 1 as Law Day, U.S.A. Law Day is an observance but is not a federal public holiday in the United States. Law Day is aimed at helping people appreciate their liberties and to affirm their loyalty to the United States, especially with regard to equality and justice. It also aims to cultivate respect for the law, which is vital to the democratic way of life.
- Loyalty Day (5/1/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize May 1 as Loyalty Day. Loyalty Day is an observance, but it is not a public holiday in the United States. The United States of America was founded by patriots who risked their lives to bring freedom to the nation. The nation's founders are remembered on Loyalty Day, which is a day when people celebrate their freedom while remembering their responsibilities to continue the legacy of liberty. Loyalty Day is celebrated with parades and ceremonies in several communities across the United States. Schools, churches, and various organizations participate in these events.
- School Principals Day (5/1/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize May 1 as School Principals Day.
School Lunch Hero Day (5/2/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize May 2, 2025, as School Lunch Hero Day. School Lunch Hero Day is celebrated annually on the first Friday in May.
- California Student Mental Health Week (May 5–9, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize May 5–9, 2025, as California Student Mental Health Week. -
National Teacher Appreciation Week (May 5–9, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize May 5–9, 2025, as National Teacher Appreciation Week. Teacher Appreciation Week is celebrated during the first full week of May each year.
Screen-Free Week (Formerly known as National TV-Turnoff Week; May 5–11, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize May 5–11, 2025, as Screen-Free Week.
National Teacher Appreciation Day (5/6/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize May 6, 2025, as National Teacher Appreciation Day. National Teacher Appreciation Day, also known as National Teacher Day, is observed on Tuesday during Teacher Appreciation Week.
California Day of the Teacher (5/14/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize May 14, 2025, as California Day of the Teacher. California Day of the Teacher, celebrated on the second Wednesday of May, arose out of legislation co-sponsored by the California Teachers Association and the Association of Mexican American Educators. Senator Joseph Montoya wrote the bill, which was adopted in 1982. California has patterned its celebration after the traditional El Dia del Maestro festivities observed in Mexico and other Latin American countries.
National School Nurse Day (5/7/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize May 7, 2025, as National School Nurse Day.
- Mother’s Day (5/11/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize May 11, 2025, as Mother's Day (36 United States Code 117). Mother's Day is celebrated annually on the second Sunday in May.
National Police Week (May 11–17, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize May 11–17, 2025, as National Police Week (36 United States Code 137).
- National Peace Officers Memorial Day (5/15/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize May 15 as National Peace Officers Memorial Day (36 United States Code 136). The United States flag is to be displayed at half-staff from sunrise to sunset.
- National Speech Pathologist Day (5/18/2025)
- The CDE encourages you to annually recognize May 18 as National Speech Pathologist Day. In 2010, the United States dedicated May 18th as ‘National Speech Pathologist Day'.
Armed Forces Day (5/17/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize May 17, 2025, as Armed Forces Day. Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of May each year.
Classified School Employee Week (May 18–24, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize May 18–24, 2025, as Classified School Employee Week. Classified School Employee Week is celebrated on the third full week in May each year, from Sunday to Saturday.
- Harvey Milk Day (5/22/2025)
From California Education Code Section 37222.13: (a) May 22 of each year is designated and set apart as Harvey Milk Day, a day having special significance pursuant to Section 37222. (b) On Harvey Milk Day, all public schools and educational institutions are encouraged to conduct exercises remembering the life of Harvey Milk, recognizing his accomplishments, and familiarizing pupils with the contributions he made to this state.
National Missing Children’s Day (5/25/2025)
The CDE encourages you annually recognize May 25 as National Missing Children's Day.
- Memorial Day (5/26/2025)
Memorial Day is a public school holiday per California Education Code Section 37220. It is also a state holiday per California Government Code Section 6700. The CDE will be closed on Monday, May 26, 2025. Every Memorial Day, the U.S. flag is quickly raised to the tops of flagpoles, slowly lowered to half-mast, and then raised again to full height at noon. The time at half-mast is meant to honor the million-plus fallen U.S. soldiers who have died for their country over the years. Re-raising the flag is meant to symbolize the resolve of the living to carry on the fight for freedom so that the nation's heroes will not have died in vain.
- World No Tobacco Day (5/31/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize May 31 as World No Tobacco Day.
June 2025
- Fireworks Safety Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize June 1 through July 4 as Fireworks Safety Month.
- LGBTQ Pride Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize June as LGBTQ Pride Month.
- National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize June as National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month.
- National Safety Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize June as National Safety Month.
- World Environment Day (6/5/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize June 5th as World Environment Day.
- Eid al-Adha** (June 6–7, 2025)
Eid al-Adha will be observed from the evening of June 6th to the evening of June 7th, 2025. Eid al-Adha, commonly translated as the Feast of Sacrifice, is the second of the two main Islamic holidays.
National Flag Week (June 8–14, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize June 8–14, 2025 as National Flag Week (36 United States Code 122).
- National Flag Day (6/14/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize June 14 as National Flag Day (36 United States Code 110).
- Father’s Day (6/15/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize June 15, 2025 as Father's Day (36 United States Code 109).
Juneteenth (6/19/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize June 19 as Juneteenth. Juneteenth is observed each year, commemorating the emancipation of the enslaved African Americans back on June 19, 1865. President Joe Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law on June 17, 2021.
July 2025
- July 4th (7/4/2025)
July 4, 2025 is a public school holiday per California Education Code Section 37220. July 4, 2025 is also a state holiday per California Government Code Section 6700.
August 2025
- Children's Eye Health and Safety Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize August as Children's Eye Health and Safety Month.
- National Immunization Awareness Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize August as National Immunization Awareness Month.
- Women's Equality Day (8/26/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize August 26 as Women's Equality Day.
September 2025
- Library Card Sign-Up Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize September as Library Card Sign-Up Month.
- National Preparedness Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize September as National Preparedness Month.
- National School Success Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize September as National School Success Month.
- Labor Day (9/1/2025)
Labor Day is a public school holiday, per California Education Code Section 37220, recognized on the first Monday of September every year. It is also a state holiday per California Government Code Section 6700. The CDE will be closed on Monday, September 1, 2025.
- International Literacy Day (9/8/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize September 8 as International Literacy Day.
- California Admission Day (9/9/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize September 9 as California Admission Day. California Admission Day is celebrated on September 9 to commemorate the anniversary of the 1850 admission of California into the Union as the thirty-first state.
- Patriot Day (9/11/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize September 11 as Patriot Day. In the United States, Patriot Day, observed as the National Day of Service and Remembrance, occurs on September 11 of each year in memory of the 2,977 people killed in the 2001 September 11 attacks. The flag of the United States is flown at half-staff from sunrise to sunset (36 United States Code 144).
- National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize September as National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15-October 15 (36 United States Code 126).
- Constitution and Citizenship Day (9/17/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize September 17 as Constitution and Citizenship Day (36 United States Code 106). Constitution and Citizenship Day on September 17 commemorates the formation and signing of the Constitution of the United States on September 17, 1787. It is dedicated to all American citizens.
Constitution Week (September 17–23, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize September 17–23 as Constitution Week (36 United States Code 108).
- California Native American Day (9/26/2025)
From California Education Code Section 37220.7: (a) In addition to the holidays prescribed in Section 37220, public schools may be closed on the fourth Friday in September, known as "Native American Day," if the governing board, pursuant to a memorandum of understanding reached pursuant to Chapter 10.7 (commencing with Section 3540) of Division 4 of Title 1 of the Government Code, agrees to close schools for that purpose. (b) On the fourth Friday in September, or if schools are closed on that date as specified in subdivision (a), on an alternate day determined by the governing board, public schools and educational institutions throughout (California) may include exercises, funded through existing resources, commemorating and directing attention to the many contributions that Native Americans have made to this country. The State Board of Education may adopt a model curriculum guide to be available for use by public schools for exercises related to Native American Day.
- Gold Star Mother's Day (9/28/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize Sunday, September 28, 2025 as Gold Star Mother's Day. Gold Star Mother's Day is observed in the United States on the last Sunday of September each year. It is a day for people to recognize and honor those who have lost a son or daughter while serving in the United States Armed Forces.
October 2025
- California School Bus Safety Month
The CDE encourages you to recognize each October as California School Bus Safety Month.
- Character Education Month
The CDE encourages you to recognize each October as Character Education Month.
- Crime Prevention Month
The CDE encourages you to recognize each October as National Crime Prevention Month.
- Filipino American History Month
The CDE encourages you to recognize each October as Filipino American History Month.
- National Disability Employment Awareness Month
The CDE encourages you to recognize each October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month (36 United States Code 121).
- National Energy Awareness Month
The CDE encourages you to recognize each October as National Energy Awareness Month.
Yom Kippur Begins** (10/1/2025)
Yom Kippur begins at sunset on October 1, 2025 and ends at sunset on October 2, 2025.
Yom Kippur Ends** (10/2/2025)
Yom Kippur ends at sunset on October 2, 2025.
Rosh HaShanah Begins** (10/3/2025)
Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on October 3, 2025, and ends at nightfall on Sunday, October 5, 2025. On Rosh Hashanah, Jews celebrate God's creation of the world. Rosh Hashanah lasts for 48 hours, and it usually occurs during the month of September but this year takes place in October.
National Fire Prevention Week (October 5–11, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize October 5–11, 2025 as National Fire Prevention Week. It has been observed the week including October 9th since 1922.
- Rosh HaShanah Ends** (10/5/2025)
- Rosh Hashanah concludes at nightfall on October 5, 2025.
World Teachers' Day (10/5/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize October 5 as World Teachers' Day. This day was first created by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Foundation (UNESCO) in 1966 and remains a holiday today, celebrated every year on October 5th.
Child Health Day (10/6/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize October 6, 2025 as Child Health Day (36 United States Code 105). Child Health Day is celebrated annually on the first Monday of October.
World Mental Health Day (10/10/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize October 10 as World Mental Health Day.
Week of the School Administrator (October 12–18, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize October 12–18, 2025 as Week of the School Administrator (California Education Code Section 44015.1). 44015.1. In observance of the importance of educational leadership at the school, school district, and county levels, the second full week in the month of October of each year shall be designated as "Week of the School Administrator". Schools, school districts, and county superintendents of schools are encouraged to observe the week with public recognition of the contribution that school administrators make to successful pupil achievement.
Columbus Day (10/13/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize October 13, 2025 as Columbus Day (36 United States Code 107). Columbus Day is celebrated annually on the second Monday of October and is not recognized as a school holiday in California.
Digital Citizenship Week (October 13–17, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize October 13–17, 2025 as Digital Citizenship Week. This event is one of many efforts in California to build capacity for students and families to make safe, smart, and ethical decisions in the digital world. Digital Citizenship Week is recognized the third week of October each year.
- Indigenous People's Day* (10/13/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize October 13, 2025 as Indigenous People's Day. It is observed annually on the second Monday in October. Indigenous People's Day is a holiday in the United States that celebrates and honors Native American peoples and commemorates their histories and cultures.
National School Lunch Week (October 13–17, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize October 13–17, 2025 as National School Lunch Week. The week beginning on the second Monday in October is recognized as National School Lunch Week. (36 United States Code Section 132).
White Cane Safety Day (10/15/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize October 15 as White Cane Safety Day (36 United States Code 142).
World Food Day (10/16/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize October 16 as World Food Day.
America's Safe Schools Week (October 19–25, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize October 19–25, 2025 as America's Safe Schools Week. America's Safe Schools Week occurs annually during the third full week in October, starting on Saturday.
- Diwali* (10/20/2025)
Diwali is a festival of lights and one of the major festivals celebrated by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs.
- National School Bus Safety Week (October 20–24, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize October 20–24, 2025 as National School Bus Safety Week.
United Nations Day (10/24/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize October 24 as United Nations Day.
Make a Difference Day (10/25/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize October 25, 2025 as Make a Difference Day. Make a Difference Day has been celebrated on the fourth Saturday of October since 1992.
November 2025
- California Sikh American Awareness and Appreciation Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize November as California Sikh American Awareness and Appreciation Month.
- Good Nutrition Month
The CDE encourages you to recognize each November as Good Nutrition Month.
- National Child Safety and Protection Month
The CDE encourages you to recognize each November as National Child Safety and Protection Month.
- National Family Literacy Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize November as National Family Literacy Month. It's a celebration aimed at raising awareness and fostering family literacy by encouraging parents and guardians to read to their children.
- National Native American Heritage Month
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize November as National Native American Heritage Month. President George H. W. Bush approved a joint resolution in 1990 designating November as National American Indian Heritage Month.
- Retired Teachers Week (November 2–8, 2025)
- The CDE encourages you to recognize November 2–8, 2025 as Retired Teachers Week. Since 1998, the California Retired Teachers Association has sponsored Retired Teachers Week as a way to not only spotlight members’ extensive volunteerism but to encourage others to do the same.
- National School Psychology Week (November 3–7, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize November 3–7, 2025 as National School Psychology Week. National School Psychology Week, sponsored by the National Association of School Psychologists, is observed annually during the first week of November.
- Veterans Day (11/11/2025)
Veterans Day is a public school holiday per California Education Code Section 37220(8). The CDE will be closed on Tuesday, November 11, 2025.
- Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day (11/14/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize November 14 as Ruby Bridges Walk to School Day. This day honors Ruby Bridges, who in 1960 became the first African American student to integrate an all-white elementary school in the South, marking an important milestone in the Civil Rights Movement.
- American Education Week (November 16–22, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize November 16–22, 2025 as American Education Week. American Education Week happens the week prior to the week of Thanksgiving.
- National Family Week (November 24–30, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize November 24–30, 2025 as National Family Week. National Family Week has been observed during the week of Thanksgiving since 1987.
- Thanksgiving Day (11/27/2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize November 27, 2025 as Thanksgiving Day (California Education Code Section 37220). Thanksgiving Day is a United States national holiday celebrated annually on the fourth Thursday of November. All public schools and the CDE will be closed for the Thanksgiving Day holiday.
December 2025
- National Special Education Day (12/2/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize December 2nd as National Special Education Day. National Special Education Day is dedicated to honoring the federal special education law instituted on December 2, 1972, and the students, teachers, and administration striving to make special education possible for special students.
- Computer Science Education Week (December 8–14, 2025)
The CDE encourages you to recognize December 8–14, 2025 as Computer Science Education Week. Computer Science Education Week is celebrated Monday through Sunday each year during the week of the 9th.
- National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (12/7/2025)
The CDE encourages you to annually recognize December 7th as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (36 United States Code 129).
- Hanukkah Begins** (12/14/2025)
Hanukkah begins on the evening of December 14, 2025, and ends at sundown on December 22, 2025.
- Hanukkah Ends** (12/22/2025)
Hanukkah ends at sundown on December 22, 2025.
- December 25 Christmas* (12/25/2025)
December 25 is annually designated as a public school holiday (California Education Code Section 37220).
- Kwanzaa Begins* (12/26/2025)
Kwanzaa begins annually on December 26.
* Dates denoted by an asterisk represent major religious and cultural holidays.
** Dates denoted by two asterisks indicate the observance of major religious holidays that begin at sundown preceding the first or only day.
Religious holidays are listed solely to increase awareness for schedulers and to minimize conflicts for all families, and not to endorse any particular religion, or belief or nonbelief in general. The omission of any major religious holiday is not intended. All religious convictions, as well as nonbelief, should be treated with fairness and respect.