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Advanced Placement Test Fee Reimbursement

Repository archive entry for the Advanced Placement Test Fee Reimbursement (State Funding) program in the Programs No Longer Administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) Section of the CDE Web site.

Added to Programs No Longer Administered by the California Department of Education (CDE) on May 13, 2016.

This information is for historical purposes only and it is possible that information contained here may not be current.

Advanced Placement Test Fee Reimbursement (State Funding)

Time Period

1992-93 through 2012–13
-Note: Statutes were effective June 4, 1992, however, the 1992-93 Budget Act did not contain an appropriation. It could not be confirmed whether an appropriation was contained in other legislation in the 1992–93 fiscal year.

Effective 2013–14, the state-funded program was subsumed into the local control funding formula. As of 2015–16 the federally funded program continues to be funded.

Authorizing Legislation

Section 1 of Senate Bill 553 (Chapter 83, Statutes of 1992)

Amended By

Section 23 of AB 1248 (Chapter 759, Statutes of 1992)
Section 1 of AB 2216 (Chapter 793, Statutes of 1998)
Section 1 of SB 532, (Chapter 238, Statutes of 2011)

Applicable Statutes/Regulations

Education Code sections 52240 – 52244

Source of Appropriation/Budget Act Item

State funds were appropriated in Budget Item 6110-240-0001(2)
Federal funds are appropriated in Budget Item 6110-240-0890

Program Description

Advanced Placement (AP) programs provide incentives for public comprehensive high schools in California to provide access to rigorous, college-level courses for interested and prepared students.

The Advanced Placement (AP) Test Fee Reimbursement Program removes the financial barriers that prevent many low-income students in comprehensive high schools from taking the AP course test. Funding supports the payment of AP test fees for eligible students.

Low-income students who are enrolled in an AP class and plan to take the end-of-course AP exam are eligible to participate in the program. Upon teacher recommendation, a low-income student who has previously taken an AP class but not the exam may also be eligible to participate.

Local educational agencies (LEAs) and individual schools must document the income eligibility of students participating in the program and maintain documentation of need at the school or LEA site for five years.

Local education agencies (LEA) will be reimbursed $48 for each exam for students whose family income does not exceed 150 percent of the poverty income level. LEAs will be reimbursed $70 for each exam for a student whose family income exceed 150 percent, but does not exceed 200 percent of the poverty income level.

SACS Resource/Revenue Codes

0000 / 8290


For the state funded program, EC Section 42605 authorized complete flexibility by a school district, county office of education, and charter school in the use of funds appropriated in the state budget for fiscal years 2008–09 through 2012–13.

Questions:   California Department of Education | 916-319-0800
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, November 7, 2023
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