LCAP Development Resources
This page provides resources to support local educational agencies (LEAs) in implementing the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).LCAP Web Page | LCFF Priorities | LCAP Development Resouces | Tuesdays @ 2 | FAQs | Statute and Regulations | Consultation and Engagement Resources | Data Resources | Student Supports | Fiscal Resources | Continuous Improvement
Primary Resources
LCAP Web Page
The LCAP web page contains links to the current State Board of Education (SBE) adopted LCAP Templates, Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) priorities, trainings and frequently asked questions (FAQs).
LCFF Priorities
The LCFF State Priorities Summary (DOCX) provides a summary of the LCFF state priorities to aid in the development of the LCAP.
LCAP Development Resources
The following resources were developed with technical assistance from the Region 15 Comprehensive Center at WestEd to support LEAs with the LCAP development process. The resources were developed based on the 2021–22 – 2023–24 LCAP Template.
- Engaging Educational Partners (PDF)
- Overview of Goals (PDF)
- Goal Development Resource (PDF)
- Fictitious Goals (PDF)
- Local Data (PDF)
- Increased or Improved Services (PDF)
Please note that these resources do not take the place of the LCAP template and related instructions. The resources provided above contain information and examples that can help promote conversation around how an LEA approaches developing its LCAP, with the understanding that the LCAP must address all requirements outlined in the current SBE-adopted LCAP template.
Tuesdays @ 2
Webinars provide training to support LEAs in the LCAP annual update and development process.
FAQs providing answers to questions related to LCFF and the LCAP.
Statute and Regulations
- Requirements for County Office of Education and School Districts
California Education Code (EC) sections 52059.5-52077 - Requirements for Charter Schools
EC Section 47604.33and EC Section 47606.5
Additional Resources
Consultation and Engagement Resources
Dual Capacity Framework for Family-School Partnerships
Research-based framework for family-school partnerships and related resources
Family Engagement Toolkit-Continuous Improvement through an Equity Lens (PDF)
Resources to support improved, equitable engagement of all families, particularly those of underrepresented and underserved students
Community Engagement Initiative (CEI)
Resources developed by CEI to deepen community engagement practices and metrics
Parent Involvement and Family Engagement
Information to support the engagement of parents and families in education and in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) development process.
Data Resources
California School Dashboard (Dashboard)
LEA data related to state and local indicators
Dashboard Communications Toolkit
Informational materials that help explain the data reported on the Dashboard
Dashboard Additional Reports
Access to supplementary information and data reported on the Dashboard
Online data reporting resource that provides access to a wide variety of data reports and downloadable data files
Teaching Assignment Monitoring Outcomes
This report provides the Full-Time Equivalent data for classroom-based teaching assignments reported by LEAs
Smarter Balanced Reporting System
California Educator Reporting System (CERS) Sandbox is an environment that allows users to explore the features of the reporting system using generated data and sample assessments
Student Supports
English Learner (EL) Roadmap
Resources to support educators with the implementation of the EL Roadmap Policy
Programs and Services for Students with Disabilities
Programs and services available to students with disabilities, publications, training and technical assistance opportunities and recruitment resources and materials
Programs and Services for Foster Youth
Programs and services to support foster youth
Programs and Services for Students Experiencing Homelessness
Provides information and resources for homeless children and youth and their right to enroll, attend, participate fully, and succeed in school
Fiscal Resources
LCFF Overview
Information about the funding provisions of the Local Control Funding Formula
Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team (FCMAT)
LCFF Resources for School Districts and Charter Schools
LCFF Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA)
Estimated LCFF COLA for the current LCAP Year
Supplemental and Concentration Grant Fund Regulations (5 CCR Section 15496[a][1-8])
Regulations to calculate the estimated supplemental and concentration grant funds and minimum proportionality percentage (MPP)
Equity Multiplier Funding Information
Information related to Equity Multiplier funding and associated requirements
Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant (LREBG) Program Information
Information about the LREBG for participating LEAs
Continuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement
Resources and tools to assist LEAs, schools, and local educational partners as they plan and implement their continuous improvement efforts through the LCAP and school planning processes (See 'Needs Assessment' Tab)
Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Resource | Program Evaluation Toolkit
Practical resources from the REL to assist LEAs with overall planning, implementation and progress monitoring progress