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Cleaning Supplies for Childcare Providers (CSCP) Frequently Asked Questions.

Cleaning Supplies for Childcare Providers (CSCP)


  1. Will Resource and Referral (R&Rs) centers receive and distribute supplies to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that have both California State Preschool Programs (CSPP) and Center-Based Programs (CCTR)? Are R&Rs expected to give supplies to LEAs?

    The CSCP funds are only to be utilized for non-LEA providers. (i.e. Licensed and license-exempt centers and home-based providers; community-based organizations; and city, county, or private providers who are open or intend to open during the emergency timeframe)

    California Department of Social Services/ California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES) supplies will be available to all providers, including LEA providers.

    Any unique needs in the community should be communicated to their Regional assigned Consultant.

  2. Where can we receive specific information regarding how supplied items will be packaged for the CalOES Essential Protective Gear and Cleaning Supplies distribution?

    For specific information regarding how supplies are distributed, and current supplies available, please contact the local CalOES agency.

  3. Given the COVID-19 social distancing recommendations, are the number of hours for California Childcare Initiative Program (CCIP) still limited for virtual and home study packets?

    Depending on local public health orders, R&Rs may increase the amount of time typically allowed for virtual and home study during COVID-19.

Operational Status

  1. If a center (CCTR) has not re-opened, but is offering distance learning only, do CSCP funds need to be returned?

    No, the funds do not need to be returned.

  2. If a center or Family Childcare (CFCC) gives us a re-open date for August or September, is it okay to reimburse them before they open?

    Yes, funds are needed to prepare the environment in anticipation of services to be provided.

  3. Is the Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) going to release a new Management Bulletin (MB) regarding the frequency of updating providers and submitting information to the statewide database? If so, when?

    Yes. The MB 21-01 was released January 13, 2021. This MB includes guidance related to reduced frequency of updating provider records/vacancies during the ongoing pandemic, as well as the upload of data to the My Child Care Plan (MCCP) database.

    Currently the California Resource and Referral Program (CRRP) Funding Terms and Conditions (FT&Cs) require quarterly updates; however, the CDE strongly encourages updates of no less than once per month.

  4. The CRRP FT&Cs indicate when an R&R should stop referrals to a provider (i.e. probation, revocation, or temporary suspension), but it doesn’t address COVID-19 types of situations. How should R&Rs respond to a COVID-19 closure due to a positive exposure? Should we have documentation from a local health department?

    The R&Rs are strongly encouraged to defer to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Child Care Licensing (CCL) for guidance based on what the local public health agency has recommended for contagious disease control and required quarantine instructions for any outbreaks, especially during a COVID-19 pandemic.


  1. For CSCP reimbursements, if a family, friend, and neighbor (FFN) provider lives in one county, but the parent lives in another, would that LEP qualify?

    The childcare provider accessing the self-certification form would provide the form to the R&R in the service area where the care is provided.

  2. The Boys and Girls Club has asked if they could receive some of the CSCP funding. They are a licensed-exempt provider and one of the few entities that has been opened to serve children during COVID-19. Is the Boys and Girls Club eligible for CSCP funds?

    Yes. The type of subsidy does not limit the eligibility of the calculation as described in the appropriation guidance.

  3. For a Heritage School that is considered a licensed childcare facility, do we provide CSCP funds for the whole capacity or only the subsidized capacity?

    Awards should be allocated to licensed providers based on either the licensed capacity or the number of children served, whichever is larger.

  4. What is the guidance for remaining cleaning supply funds? If we are confident most programs have applied, when can we buy supplies with the remaining funds? Or can we disburse funds again in a smaller amount?

    The disbursement is at the discretion of the R&Rs as outlined in the CSCP appropriation guidelines.

Expenditure Reporting

  1. Do all funds received need to be fully utilized by December 31, 2020?

    Yes. The expenditures must be completed by December 31, 2020.

  2. Where do we report administrative costs for CSCP funding?

    The form is being adjusted to add this category. In the interim, please add an additional line and final column titled Administrative Expense. Please continue to use the most recent posted tracking reports for each quarter.
Questions:   Early Learning & Care Division |
Last Reviewed: Friday, February 17, 2023
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