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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding the California Preschool Data Collection (CAPSDAC) System.

California Preschool Data Collection (CAPSDAC) System for the California State Preschool Program FAQs

System Access
Data Collection
Data Submission Frequency
Data Certification
CAPSDAC Submission – Staff
CAPSDAC Submission – Family
CAPSDAC Submission – Child


  1. What does the acronym CAPSDAC stand for?

    The acronym CAPSDAC stands for California Preschool Data Collection.

  2. Which California State Preschool Program (CSPP) contractors are required to submit data to the CAPSDAC?

    The California State Preschool Program (CSPP) contractors that are required to submit child and family, staff, and classroom data to the CAPSDAC System, CAPSDAC Users, per Education Code (EC) 60910 are Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) defined by EC 60900 as a county office of education, a school district, and a charter school.

  3. When will the transition to submitting data to the CAPSDAC occur?

    CAPSDAC users will begin submitting their July 2024 data to the CAPSDAC in August 2024. All reports prior to July 2024 will continue to be submitted to Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) and Preschool Language Information System (PLIS).

  4. We operate both a CSPP and a California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Child Care and Development Program. Will we report the children enrolled in the CDSS program into the CAPSDAC as well?

    No, only children enrolled in a CSPP will be reported into the CAPSDAC. Programs that are managed by the CDSS will continue to report their children to the Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS).

  5. Where will Non-CAPSDAC users submit their data for the July 2024 reporting period?

    Non-CAPSDAC users will continue to use both the Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) and Preschool Language Information System (PLIS) to fulfill the California Department of Education’s reporting requirements.

  6. Will we be responsible for reporting classroom, staff, and child records associated with preschool sites subcontracted by a Community-Based Organization under our agencies CSPP contract?

    Yes, contracted agencies are responsible for completing the monthly CAPSDAC data submission for CSPP classrooms, staff, and children for all sites that the agency contracts; this is inclusive of Community-Based Organization (CBO) preschools sites and family childcare homes subcontracted with the agency.

  7. Does the California Department of Education (CDE) plan to consolidate these different data systems (Child Development Management Information System [CDMIS], Preschool Language Information System [PLIS], and CAPSDAC) so that contractors only need to report to one place?

    Yes, the long-term goal is to have one system for reporting child, staff, and classroom data, and the transition to CAPSDAC is a first step towards that goal.

    Please keep in mind that your California Preschool Accounting Reporting Information System (CPARIS) reporting is not affected by the launch of CAPSDAC; reporting to CPARIS should continue as usual.

  8. What kind of training will be available for CAPSDAC and how do we access it?

    The CAPSDAC Support Team is committed to providing comprehensive training and support to CAPSDAC users. We will provide a detailed user manual that covers various aspects of the system, including navigation, user account management, manual record uploads, and electronic file data submissions. In addition to the user manual, we have published resources such as the CAPSDAC Data Submission Schedule, Comma Separated Values (CSV) Electronic Templates, and Webinar Slide Decks for reference and guidance. These resources are accessible on the CAPSDAC Support web page. Additionally, we will also conduct technical assistance webinars to demonstrate how users can submit their data effectively, while sharing best practices along the way. Furthermore, our team will actively monitor the CAPSDAC Inbox to address any questions or concerns, ensuring a smooth and efficient data submission process for everyone involved.

  9. Will our Student Information Systems (SIS) be updated for the monthly CAPSDAC data submission?

    Each CAPSDAC user needs to reach out directly to their software vendors to discuss the transition of reporting CSPP data to the CAPSDAC. We have been in constant communication with known software vendors and provided them with access to our webinars and posted resources. It is essential for each agency to ensure that their specific software vendor is aware of and prepared for the transition to CAPSDAC. This will facilitate a smooth and successful implementation process.

  10. Will CAPSDAC users be able to copy their records forward from one month to the next?

    Yes, CAPSDAC users will have the ability to easily "Copy Forward" their records from one month to the next by downloading an electronic file copy of a previous month, and reuploading this file to the current submission period. This feature streamlines data entry and reduces duplicate effort, ensuring efficient data management within the system.

  11. In what order should CAPSDAC users enter records into CAPSDAC?

    CAPSDAC users are advised to enter records into CAPSDAC in the following order: Classroom, Staff, and then Child. This sequence ensures proper data organization and alignment with the system's architecture.

  12. What if a child is dual enrolled in CSPP and Transitional Kindergarten (TK)?
    If a child is dual enrolled in California State Preschool Program (CSPP) and TK, please follow all reporting requirements for each program type.
  13. How can a user select more than one language when manually inputting records?

    To select more than one language when manually inputting records, you must use the control (ctrl) key on your keyboard while simultaneously clicking on the language options you want to choose. This method allows you to multi-select languages, ensuring that all applicable languages are recorded for the entry.

System Access

  1. Will we lose access to the CDMIS once CAPSDAC is officially launched?

    No, you will still need to access CDMIS to make changes to your agency information, and to submit a Subsidized Provider Report (SPR), if applicable.

  2. Will we lose access to the PLIS once CAPSDAC is officially launched?

    Yes, CAPSDAC users will lose access to the PLIS on October 1st, 2024, once the Quarter 4 PLIS report for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023–24 has been officially locked.

  3. Will I automatically get access to CAPSDAC if I have a CDMIS and/or PLIS account?

    No, access to CAPSDAC is not automatically granted to all users with a CDMIS and/or PLIS account. Only Program Directors and Executive Directors will automatically receive access to CAPSDAC and will be assigned the "LEA Admin" role. Local Educational Agency (LEA) Admin users can create CAPSDAC accounts for other users within their agency as needed.

  4. Am I allowed to share my CAPSDAC user account with colleagues who work in my Local Educational Agency (LEA)?

    No, CAPSDAC users are not allowed to share accounts. Each user who needs access to the system must have an account created for them by the LEA Admin. Sharing accounts is prohibited to ensure data security and accountability, and it is specified in the CAPSDAC users’ data security and accountability terms and agreements that a user must read and agree to before entering the system.

Data Collection

  1. What data is collected in CAPSDAC?
    Pursuant to Education Code (EC) Section 60910, enacted through Assembly Bill 22 in 2022, the California Department of Education (CDE) is required to collect the applicable data elements for children enrolled in LEA-operated CSPPs as they are collected for children enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten (TK) pursuant to EC Section 48000, which, in combination with the data collected pursuant to EC Section 60900, will provide longitudinal data for children enrolled in state preschool programs operated by local educational agencies (LEAs) through grade 12 (TK-12). The statute also requires the CDE to collect the same data for CSPP educators as it is collected for TK−12 educators. For reference on the longitudinal data currently collected for TK−12, please refer to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS). Current data fields to be collected for CAPSDAC 1.0 can be found in Appendix C in the CAPSDAC User Manual. This and other resources are on the CAPSDAC Support web page.
  2. Should we use the same Family Identification Case Number (FICN) for children within a family that are enrolled in both CDE and CDSS program types?

    Yes, contractors are advised to use the same FICN for all children within a family, regardless of the program type.

  3. How does CAPSDAC accommodate sensitive staff data that our Human Resource department manages for California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) reporting?

    CAPSDAC follows a similar approach to CALPADS by allowing the contracted agency to designate authorized staff members with access to the system. This enables contractors to maintain confidentiality and meet their data security requirements.

  4. Why is the CAPSDAC requesting demographic data for staff?
    Pursuant to Education Code (EC) Section 60910 the California Department of Education (CDE). The CDE is required to collect the same data for California State Preschool Program (CSPP) educators as are collected for TK−12 educators. For reference on longitudinal data currently collected for TK−12, please refer to the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) web page.
  5. Are all the data fields listed in the CAPSDAC Classroom, Staff, and Child Records required?

    No. The data fields vary from being required, optional, and semi-optional. Please refer to the CAPSDAC User Manual Appendix A: Data Definitions (DOCX) for further details.

  6. Why does the CAPSDAC monthly data submission have three separate files? (Classroom, Staff, and Child Records)
    Education Code 60910 requires the California Department of Education (CDE) to collect the same data that the K−12 education setting has collected in the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS), which includes, child, staff, classrooms, attendance, education programs, suspension, expulsion, and more. CAPSDAC 1.0 will only have three files. In CAPSDAC 2.0, we will add more files to fully implement the new reporting requirements.
  7. What is the definition of nonbinary?

    The Gender Recognition Act describes nonbinary as “…an umbrella term for people with gender identities that fall somewhere outside of the traditional conceptions of strictly either female or male. People with nonbinary gender identities may or may not identify as transgender, may or may not have been born with intersex traits, may or may not use gender-neutral pronouns, and may or may not use more specific terms to describe their genders, such as agender, genderqueer, gender fluid, Two Spirit, bigender, pangender, gender nonconforming, or gender variant.

Data Submisson Frequency

  1. When is the CAPSDAC data submission due?

    The CAPSDAC data submission is required monthly, with the certification deadline typically on the 15th of the month. For example, the July 2024 data submission must be certified by August 15, 2024. Certification deadlines that fall on weekends or state-celebrated holidays will fall on the next business day. For more information, please review the CAPSDAC Data Submission Schedule web page.

  2. When will the CAPSDAC data submission month be locked?

    The CAPSDAC data submission will be automatically locked on the last day of the month following the end of the submission period. For example, the last day that a user can make any edits for the July 2024 data submission is August 31, 2024. This lock schedule will not make any exceptions if the last day of the month falls on a weekend or state holiday. After this date, contracted agencies will not be able to make any edits to their submission.

  3. Why does the CAPSDAC Certification Deadline fall on the 15th of each month? What is the purpose of the shorter locking time?

    The CAPSDAC certification deadline is set on the 15th of each month to allow sufficient time for technical assistance and issue resolution before the data submission period fully locks at the end of the month.

  4. How can we prepare to meet the certification deadline effectively?
    Contracted agencies can prepare by reviewing data submissions thoroughly, addressing any discrepancies or errors promptly, and seeking assistance from CAPSDAC support services, if needed. Agencies are also encouraged to communicate frequently with all of their sites about their data to ensure all submitted data is accurate across the entire agency. It is also important to allocate sufficient time for data certification and validation before the deadline.

Data Certification

  1. Will contracted agencies be required to certify their CAPSDAC data submission each month?

    Yes, CAPSDAC users are required to certify their data each month to formally attest to the accuracy and completeness of all classroom, staff, and child records. This certification process ensures data integrity and compliance with reporting standards.

  2. What are the implications of data certification for contracted agencies?

    Data certification holds contractors accountable for the accuracy and completeness of their data submissions. It ensures that the reported information is reliable for program evaluation, funding allocation, and compliance with regulatory requirements. Failure to certify your CAPSDAC data may result in an apportionment withholding. Continuous failure to certify may result in the placement of the agency on a conditional contract status.

  3. How often do contracted agencies need to certify their data?

    Contracted agencies are required to certify their data during or before the CAPSDAC certification deadline every month.

  4. If my agency subcontracts to sites within another agency, will the subcontractor be responsible for certifying their data separately?

    No, the contracted agency is responsible for certifying the entire data set as a whole, inclusive of the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) children who are enrolled directly and indirectly through subcontracted services and/or services provided through a Family Child Care Home (FCCH) provider.

  5. Who within my agency should be certifying our monthly data submission in CAPSDAC?

    It is recommended that the agency's Program Director or Executive Director be responsible for certifying the monthly submission. However, they can designate another staff member within the agency with the responsibility of certifying the data submission.

  6. How should I report "No Services" for the CAPSDAC Monthly Data Submission if my agency did not operate CSPP services during a specific month?
    To report "No Services" for the CAPSDAC monthly data submission, leave the classroom, staff, and child record sections blank for that month. Then, proceed to certify the data submission period as usual. This action communicates to the California Department of Education (CDE) that your agency did not provide CSPP services during the specified data submission period.

CAPSDAC Submission – Staff

  1. Which staff members within our agency should be included in our CAPSDAC monthly data submission?

    Teachers and aides who are funded by the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) must be included in the monthly CAPSDAC data submission. This means you should report staff members directly involved in CSPP classrooms and activities who receive their salaries or wages from CSPP funds. Staff members not funded by CSPP do not need to be included in this data submission.

  2. Where can I find the California Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) for staff within our agency?
    The SEID is typically accessed by the agencies human resource department through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) SEID Lookup Tool on the Educator Credentialing System (ECS) External link opens in new window or tab. web page. You can find further information regarding the SEID on the CTC, California Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) FAQs External link opens in new window or tab. web page.
  3. Can we use the staff’s Workforce Registry ID Number (WFR#) instead of the SEID for CAPSDAC reporting?
    No, the California Statewide Educator Identifier (SEID) and WFR# are distinct identifiers and cannot be used interchangeably. Please only submit the known SEID in the CAPSDAC SEID field.
  4. What is the definition of a teacher?

    The teacher is an individual with the appropriate permit or credential issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing who is designated as an instructor and responsible for management, curriculum implementation, and daily operations of a specific classroom. This individual oversees the educational activities, supports other classroom staff, and ensures that the learning environment meets established standards and goals.

  5. What is the definition of an aide?

    The aide is an individual who is specifically designated to assist within a classroom. This aide provides direct support to the classroom teacher and students, contributing to the educational and developmental goals of the classroom. The assigned aide may help with instructional activities, classroom management, and addressing the needs of individual students, ensuring a conducive learning environment.

  6. Do all staff members need to have California Statewide Educator Identifiers (SEIDs)?

    No, not all staff members are issued SEIDs by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). SEIDs are issued by the CTC to all certificated staff (teaching and non-teaching) that have a valid application or hold a valid certificate, permit or credential maintained by CTC. Certificated staff are individuals that provide educational services including teachers, administrators, counselors, librarians, nurses, speech therapists, and others. This is reported in the CTC SEID FAQ External link opens in new window or tab. page.

CAPSDAC Submission – Family

  1. If a child is enrolled in both Head Start and CSPP within the same agency, is the family’s monthly income required in the CAPSDAC Monthly Data Submission?

    Yes, if a child is enrolled and receiving both Head Start and CSPP services from the same agency and are using means-tested government program as their eligibility status, the family’s monthly income must still be entered in the CAPSDAC Monthly Data Submission. The income reported on the Confidential Application for the California State Preschool Program EED-9600 Form must be the income provided on the family’s application for Head Start. If income is not documented on the Head Start Application or the income is listed as $0 on the Head Start Application, the contractor will report $0 income for the family in the CAPSDAC Monthly Data Submission.

  2. What do I enter as the "Head-of-Household" name for a foster child?
    When entering information as a foster child, the following guidelines should be followed: Single Foster Child in the Household: If there is only one foster child in the household, enter the foster child's name in both the "Head-of-Household" and "Child" fields. Multiple Foster Children in the Household: If there are multiple foster children in the household that are biological siblings (e.g., family size is two and both children are receiving subsidized services), designate the oldest child as the "Head-of-Household." If the foster children have the same date of birth, choose the child whose first name is alphabetically first. If there are multiple foster children in the household that are not biological siblings, please enter each child as a separate family. In this case, each foster child would follow the guidelines for a single foster child in the household. For example, if you have two foster children, Adam and Zoe, who are twins and share the same date of birth. In this case, enter Adam as the "Head-of-Household" because his name comes first alphabetically.

CAPSDAC Submission – Child

  1. Does the CAPSDAC system automatically generate a unique student ID for each student?

    No, CAPSDAC 1.0 does not have a unique ID. The contracted agency is responsible for developing and managing unique IDs for each child in the program at the local level.

  2. What are the implications if children are not added to all relevant classrooms and sites?

    Failure to add children to all relevant classrooms and sites can result in non-compliance with state statutory requirements, leading to incomplete data and inaccuracies in records. This non-compliance can have significant consequences, including the withholding of funds by the California Department of Education (CDE). Furthermore, if a contracted agency consistently fails to meet these requirements, they may be placed on a conditional contract status. Ensuring that all children are accurately added to the appropriate classrooms and sites is crucial for maintaining compliance and securing ongoing funding and support from the CDE.

  3. Can we use our Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) from CALPADS in the CAPSDAC?

    Yes, you can use the SSID from California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) in the CAPSDAC for the Child ID field if the child has been issued an SSID. System users are required to develop and maintain the Child ID field locally for all children, ensuring it remains unique for each child within their data.

  4. What if the child’s Head-of-Household declines to provide information on their highest level of education?

    The user must select the “Declined to State” option for the Head-of-Household Education fields.

  5. If a child is in foster care and the oldest foster child is added to the Head-of-Household (HoH) #1 fields, what should be entered in the "1st HoH Highest Education" field?

    If you are adding the oldest foster child in the family to the Head-of-Household #1 (HoH #1) field, the "1st HoH Highest Education" field should be left as "Decline to State."

  6. What should I do if I have a foster child and the foster placement paperwork does not have the Country, State, and City of Birth information?

    If the foster placement paperwork does not have the Country, State, and City of Birth information for a foster child in CAPSDAC, select the "Unknown" option for both the Country and State of Birth fields. For the City of Birth, manually input the word "Unknown" to indicate the missing information.

  7. What should I do if I receive an error message stating that the Child’s Date of Birth must be within the age eligible parameters for CSPP?

    Please double check the data entered in the Child’s Date of Birth field, and ensure this child is age-eligible for California State Preschool Program (CSPP). If you are still receiving this error and believe you are receiving it in error, please submit an email to the CAPSDAC Support Team at

  8. What should I do if the child’s Home Address is unavailable?

    If the child’s parents/guardians are unable to provide the home address, input “Unknown” for Home Address Line 1, Home City, and Home State fields. For the Home ZIP Code, please input “00000-0000.” In this case, all the Mailing Address fields must be left blank.

  9. If an over-income family has a child that was enrolled in California State Preschool Program (CSPP) with an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program (IEP), but no longer qualifies for special education services, how is this collected in the California Preschool Data Collection (CAPSDAC) System?

    If a family’s income was determined to be over the income ceiling during the last certification but enrolled in California State Preschool Program (CSPP) pursuant to the child’s Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or Individualized Education Program (IEP) status, and mid-certification period, the child no longer qualifies for special education services, please select the option “No, but the child was certified with an active IEP or IFSP in the last 24 months.” in the CAPSDAC Monthly Data Submission data field “Active IEP or IFSP?”. Using this selection would enable a child that does not currently have an active IEP or IFSP continue to use the eligibility status for Children with Disabilities (Exceptional Needs) for the duration of their certification.

    Please keep in mind that only the child who was certified with an active IEP or IFSP in the last 24 months may use the eligibility status for Children with Disabilities (Exceptional Needs) for an over-income family. Siblings of this child must use a different eligibility status if they did not have an active IEP or IFSP in the last 24 months.

    As a reminder, Management Bulletin 23-02 states, “If a child’s status of being a child with exceptional needs changes during their 24-month eligibility period, the family is not required to provide a contractor with notice of the change for purposes of maintaining eligibility or recertifying early.

  10. What should I do if the Head-of-Household #1 and the Child share the exact same name?

    If the Head-of-Household #1 and the Child share the same exact name (e.g., both are named "Steven Smith"), the agency must add the roman numeral "I" after the Head-of-Household #1's First Name to save the record in the system. For example, the Head-of-Household #1's First Name should be entered as "Steven I". In the situation where a foster child is designated as the head of household, please refer to Appendix A of the resource manual for directions on adding foster children.

  11. How should I report enrollment if a child was enrolled in multiple sites within the same month?

    If a child has received services in multiple sites within the same month, the child should be included in each site, with the same Child ID and other family and child information. If submitting an electronic file, the child must appear on separate rows with a separate County-District-School (CDS) code for each site, and each respective classroom’s Classroom ID to indicate the site and classroom the child is enrolled in.

  12. How should I report enrollment if a child was enrolled in multiple classrooms within the same month?

    If a child has received Full-Time enrollment services in multiple classrooms within the same month the child should be assigned Full-Time enrollment to the classroom where the child spent the majority of their time during that month. If this means submitting a former classroom for the current month, please confirm that the child is assigned to the new classroom in the subsequent month’s CAPSDAC Monthly Data Submission.

    If a child has received Part-Time enrollment services in multiple classrooms within the same month, the child should be assigned Part-Time enrollment to each classroom they received services.

  13. Can we use our Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) from California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) in the CAPSDAC?

    Yes, you can use the SSID from CALPADS in the CAPSDAC for the Child ID field if the child has been issued an SSID. System users are required to develop and maintain the Child ID field locally for all children, ensuring it remains unique for each child within their data. If the child has been issued an SSID, agencies are encouraged to use the SSID as their local Child ID.

  14. If a child is enrolled at the end of the month and is designated as a Dual Language Learner based on the Family Language Instrument, but the Family Language and Interest Interview has not yet been conducted (within the required 30-day window please refer to the definitions of enrollment for the purposes of this guidance), what languages should we enter in the fields from responses in the Family Language and Interest Interview?

    Please ensure you are attempting to receive responses from the Family Language and Interest Interview as soon as possible for children identified as DLL. However, if a child is identified as a DLL from the Family Language Instrument but agencies are unable to conduct the Family Language and Interest Interview prior to the next CAPSDAC Monthly Data Submission/PLIS Report due date, please enter the language code "und - Undetermined" for all required DLL fields (Home Languages, Most-Used Language, Family Written Communication Preference, and Verbal Communication Preference) in which a response was not yet received. However, in the following month by which the Family Language and Interest Interview must be conducted, contractors are required to update all of the required language fields with the correct languages that were collected during the interview.

  15. Should the 'Start Date of Preschool Enrollment' or 'End Date of Preschool Enrollment' fields be updated if the child disenrolls from the program and returns within the same submission period?
    No, the 'Start Date of Preschool Enrollment' and 'End Date of Preschool Enrollment' fields should not be updated if the child disenrolls from the California State Preschool Program (CSPP) and then re-enrolls within the same submission period.

    However, if the child disenrolled from the program and returns to the program in the next submission period, or any submission period thereafter, use the following guidance: For the 'Start Date of Preschool Enrollment,' use the date the child resumed services, not the original date services began with the agency. For the 'End Date of Preschool Enrollment,' during the month in which the child disenrolled, please add the date in which the child disenrolled. If they resume services in a later submission period, remove the date in the End Date of Preschool Enrollment field and leave it blank, unless the child disenrolls for a second time and does not return within the same submission period.
Questions:   CAPSDAC Support Team |
Last Reviewed: Monday, October 28, 2024
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