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CAPSDAC User Manual

User Manual for the California Preschool Data Collection System (CAPSDAC)


The California Preschool Collection System (CAPSDAC) is the centralized data management system designed for agencies to submit, manage, and certify monthly data related to classroom, staff, and child records. CAPSDAC ensures consistent and accurate data collection across various preschool and school-age programs, supporting program effectiveness and compliance monitoring.

Authorized agencies can log on to CAPSDAC to fulfill their reporting requirements, including the submission of classroom, staff, and child records. The system also allows agencies to manage user accounts, update records, and certify data submissions in compliance with state regulations. CAPSDAC is integral to maintaining the integrity and accuracy of data used for monitoring and analysis, ensuring that programs meet the required standards and provide quality services.


Agencies may access a complete document containing all chapters of the CAPSDAC User Manual (DOCX)

Chapter Title Overview
1 Overview The Overview chapter provides a general introduction to the CAPSDAC, including monthly data submission guidelines, login instructions, and an introduction to the CAPSDAC system.
2 Account Management Instructions This chapter contains detailed instructions for managing user accounts within the CAPSDAC, including adding, editing, and deactivating accounts.
3 Uploading Classroom Records This chapter provides step-by-step instructions for uploading classroom records, including file definitions, input/edit procedures, electronic file upload, and the file template.
4 Uploading Staff Records This chapter outlines the process for uploading staff records, including file definitions, step-by-step input/edit instructions, electronic file upload, and the file template.
5 Uploading Child Records This chapter details the steps for uploading child records, covering file definitions, input/edit instructions, electronic file upload, and the file template.
6 Certifying Data Submissions The Certifying Data Submissions chapter explains the final steps required to certify and submit data within the CAPSDAC system, ensuring compliance with reporting requirements.


Appendix Title Description
A Appendix A: Data Definitions (DOCX) Provides guidelines for all Classroom, Staff, and Child information fields in the CAPSDAC Data Submission. Includes definitions, important reminders, where to find pertinent information, and frequently asked questions.
B Appendix B: Creating Electronic Files (DOCX) Detailed instructions for creating, formatting, and reading electronic Comma Separated Value (CSV) files.
C Appendix C: Electronic File Format Specifications (DOCX) Detailed information of file format specifications for each data field within the Classroom, Staff, and Child record data submissions.
D Appendix D: Consultant and Analyst Directories. For the most recent contact information, visit the CDE Consultant Regional Assignments web page. For the most recent contact information, visit the CDE Fiscal Apportionment Analyst Directory web page.
E Appendix E: State Median Income (SMI) Ceilings and Income Ranking Table Detailed information on the most recent Schedule of Income Ceilings and Income Ranking Table can be found on the EED Management Bulletins web page.
F Appendix F: Error Messages (DOCX) The CAPSDAC Error Messages document contains descriptions for each error generated when submitting data to CAPSDAC, as well as suggested resolutions.
Questions:   CAPSDAC Support Team |
Last Reviewed: Monday, September 09, 2024
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