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Uploading Staff Records

This chapter provides definitions, step-by-step instructions, and templates for managing staff records, including manual data entry, electronic file uploads, and editing records.

Uploading Staff Records

4.1 Staff Records File Definitions

4.2 Staff Records File Input/Edit: Step-by-Step Instructions

4.3 Staff Electronic File Upload

4.4 Staff Record File Template

4.1 Staff Record File Definitions

The Staff information fields, whether entered manually or uploaded electronically, are accompanied by their respective definitions and guidelines. For a comprehensive description of all data fields in Classroom Records files, please refer to Appendix A: Data Definitions (DOCX).

4.2 Staff Record File Input/Edit: Step-by-Step Instructions


Agencies are required to provide complete information for every staff record listed on the California Preschool Data Collection (CAPSDAC) online data system.

Important Reminder

Note: Only staff who meet the definitions of “Teacher” or “Aide,” as specified in the CAPSDAC Data Definitions, should be included in the CAPSDAC Monthly Data Submission.

A permit issued by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) authorizing service in the care, development, and instruction of children in a Childcare and development program. This can be any of the following permits:

  • Regular Children’s Center Instructional Permit
  • Limited Children’s Center Instructional Permit
  • Emergency Children’s Center Instructional Permit
  • Child Development Master Teacher Permit
  • Child Development Teacher Permit
  • Child Development Associate Teacher Permit: This permit authorizes the holder to supervise Assistant Permit holders and an aide

Alternatively, a current credential issued by the CTC authorizing teaching service in elementary school or a single subject credential in home economics, coupled with at least 12 units in early childhood education and/or child development (ECE/CD), or two years of experience in early childhood education or a childcare and development program.


  • The data definitions for these fields are available in the CAPSDAC User Manual: Appendix A: Data Definitions (DOCX)
  • To select multiple options, hold down the Control button on your keyboard and click each desired option individually
  • Users can access information field tooltips by hovering their cursor over the question mark icon
  • Child or Staff records cannot be added until at least 1 Classroom record has been added to the system

File Downloads

This section will allow users to download the following files

  • This LEA's current data submission period (Month Year) Staff records
  • This LEA's most recent previous period (Month Year) Staff records
  • A blank copy of the Staff template file
  • A copy of the Staff template file with example values

Locate Staff Record

  • Log in to the CAPSDAC
    • Note: Skip this step if you are already logged in
  • Select a California State Preschool Program (CSPP) school or site from the “Preschool Site Name” dropdown list to view the CAPSDAC CSPP School/Site Dashboard web page. The top of the webpage should display the preschool site name you have selected followed by the word “Dashboard”
  • Ensure that the correct “Preschool Site Name” and “Preschool CDS Code” are listed in the “Overview” section at the top left of your screen
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the “Staff Records” tab
    • Note: This tab will not be available for data entry if you have not entered any classroom records
  • Click on the button labeled “Add Staff”

Complete the Staff Record Files

  • Select the “Personal Information” tab in the “Edit Staff Record” pop-up window. Manually input all the required information for the following fields:
    • StaffID
    • Last Name
    • First Name
    • Middle Initial
    • Date of Birth
    • Gender
    • Hispanic
    • Race(s)
  • Switch to the “LEA & Preschool” tab in the “Edit Staff Record” pop-up window. Manually input all the required information for the following fields:
    • Staff Role
    • Highest Degree Completed
    • Years Of Experience in this LEA
    • Local Assignment Waiver
    • SEID
    • Permit/Credentials
  • Navigate to the “Classroom Assignment” tab in the “Edit Staff Record” pop-up window and manually input the Classroom Names (and ClassroomIDs) to which this Staff is assigned.
  • Click the button labeled “Edit Staff Record” located at the bottom right of the pop-up window and then click the “Save Staff Record” to save the changes
  • To add all staff, repeat steps 4 through 6 for each respective member of staff
    • If agencies successfully provided all child information, the Completed row of the staff Summary should show up on the screen

What Happens Next

After inputting the Staff record via the CAPSDAC, the following actions occur:

  • The original file is stored in the CAPSDAC database
  • The data file is available to review under the school dashboard
  • The data file is displayed as a list, including the row number and pages
  • Four columns are presented: Staff Name (Last, First, MI), StaffID, Staff Role, Edit
  • The data file can be edited by clicking “Edit,” allowing users to navigate to the data elements and re-input the data
  • The data file is available to download and review by the LEA for "This LEA's current data submission period classroom records"
  • The download file includes all the data files from all LEAs
  • The data file is available for download as a CSV file
  • The download file includes 16 columns with a list of rows of Classroom records (PreschoolCDSCode, StaffID, LastName, FirstName, MiddleInitial, DateOfBirth, Gender, IsHispanicYN, Races, StaffRole, HighestDegree, YearsExperienceInLEA, WaiverYN, SEID, Permit, ClassroomAssignments)
  • The data file can be changed and re-uploaded
    • Agencies may download, review the file upload status, and confirm the file was accepted by the CDE
    • LEAs can upload new files multiple times, but each submission will replace the previous files

4.3 Staff Electronic File Upload

For more information on creating and uploading a Staff Electronic File Upload, please refer to Appendix B: Creating Electronic Files (DOCX).

4.4 Staff Record File Template

The Staff Records File Format Specifications provide detailed format specifications for each data field of the Staff. For more information, please refer to Appendix C: Electronic File Format Specifications (DOCX).

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Questions:   CAPSDAC Support Team |
Last Reviewed: Monday, September 09, 2024
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