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Services Type and Length

Services Type and Length (CDD-801A only)

The Services Type and Length information field indicates whether the child received direct services or sub-contracted services. Additionally, this field captures whether the child receives less than four hours (no more than three hours and 59 minutes) of care each day during the report period.

Where to Find It

The information for the amount of subsidized child care services certified for the child each day should be in the family file.

In the family file, review the daily amount of subsidized child care the child received or was certified to receive. If that daily care was less than four (4) hours each day, the child is deemed part-day; answer “Yes” for this question.

Rules and Guidelines

  • There are four choices for this field :
    • A – Direct Services Full-Day: The child was provided Direct Services and received four (4) hours or more of care for at least one day in the report period.
    • B - Direct Services Part-Day: The child was provided Direct Services and received less than four (4) hours (no more than three [3] hours and 59 minutes) of care each day.
    • C - Subcontracted/Voucher/FCCHEN Services Full-Day: The child was provided Subcontracted Services and received four (4) hours or more of care for at least one day in the report period.
    • D - Subcontracted/Voucher/FCCHEN Services Part-Day: The child was provided Subcontracted Services and received less than four (4) hours (no more than three [3] hours and 59 minutes) of care each day.

Error Messages and Solutions

  • The Services Type and Length information is required. [801A Electronic File Transfer], [801A Input/Edit]

    Problem: The information for the Services Type and Length is not provided.

    Solution: Enter "Direct Services Full-Day" (A in transfer file), "Direct Services Part-Day" (B in transfer file), "Subcontracted/Voucher/FCCHEN Services Full-Day" (C in transfer file), or "Subcontracted/Voucher/FCCHEN Services Part-Day" (D in transfer file) for the Services Type and Length information field.

  • “Services Type and Length” is Invalid. [801A Electronic File Transfer only]

    Problem: The information in the electronic file for the Services Type and Length information field is not acceptable.

    Solution: Confirm that “A”, “B”, “C”, or “D” is entered.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Should children who are enrolled in a Family Child Care Home (FCCH) setting type be designated to "Direct Services" or "Subcontracted Services?"

    If the child is enrolled in a FCCH setting type, then they must select either C: Subcontracted/Voucher/FCCHEN Services Full-Day or D: Subcontracted/Voucher/FCCHEN Services Part-Day. Please note that this rule applies to both California Department of Education (CDE) and California Department of Social Services (CDSS) contract types.

Return to Appendix A: Data Definitions

Questions:   CDMIS Office |
Last Reviewed: Friday, March 08, 2024
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