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Child Care Reporting--Monthly Hours of Care

Total Hours of Care This Month (CDD-801B only)

The Total Hours of Care This Month information field indicates the total number of hours of child care for which payment was required for this Type of Care for the specified Program Code during the report period.

Where to Find It

  • On the 9600 Form, look in the box “Hours of Care per Day” in Section IV: Data on Children.

Important: The 9600 Form records the weekly hours of child care. To calculate the monthly hours of child care for a child receiving care based on certified hours or for a child who has the same schedule each week, multiply the weekly hours by 4.33; round the result to the nearest whole number

  • On the California Department of Education (CDE) Notice of Action (CD-7617 form), look in the box “Enter Approved Hours of Enrollment” in Section 4: Approved Child Care Services.

Note: Check to see if the family has a subsequent Notice of Action on file (not the initial notice) that applies to the report period (i.e., completed on or before the report period as indicated by the Effective Date of Action). If such a Notice of Action is on file and the hours of care have changed, enter the updated information.

Important: The CD-7617 form records the weekly hours of child care. To calculate the monthly hours of child care for a child receiving care based on certified hours or for a child who has the same schedule each week, multiply the weekly hours by 4.33; round the result to the nearest whole number

Example: Pat is in child care at the LMN Day Care Center for 30 hours each week. Pat’s total monthly hours are 129.90 (30 hours x 4.33). This amount is rounded to the nearest hour. The total reported amount is 130.

Rules and Guidelines

  • This information field is required.
  • Important: Enter the hours of care for the report period; do not enter weekly hours.
  • Information inputted into this information field indicates the number of hours agencies claimed for fiscal reimbursement purposes under their contract with the Early Education Division (EED). For example, if a family was newly enrolled, but the child did not yet receive subsidized child care services, the Total Hours of Care this Month would be zero and this child would be excluded from the CDD-801B.
  • Round to the nearest hour. Do not enter partial hours or minutes.
  • The hours of care must be greater than 0 (zero). If a child received 0 (zero) hours of subsidized child care services, the child’s information must be excluded. Instructions for excluding information is available in Chapter 4: CDD-801B Reporting in the Child Development Management Information System (CDMIS) User Manual as well as on the CDD-801B Edit Family Information screen within the CDMIS.
  • Include all hours claimed for fiscal reimbursement purposes under an agency’s contract with the EED during the report period; this includes hours where the child did not physically receive subsidized child care services, but was excused and therefore reimbursable under the agency’s contract funding terms and conditions.
  • To calculate the Total Hours of Care This Month, the EED defines a variable schedule based on Actual Clock Hours. Examples of this include a timesheet or a sign in and out sheet. The EED defines a regular schedule based on certified hours of need as Authorized Clock Hours. An example of this includes contracted hours or approved hours.

Error Messages and Solutions

  • The Total Hours of Care This Month is required.

Problem: The Total Hours of Care This Month is blank.

Solution: Enter the Total Hours of Care This Month.

  • The Total Hours of Care This Month must be greater than zero.

Problem: The Total Hours of Care This Month entered is 0 (zero).

Solution: Enter the Total Hours of Care This Month.

  • The Total Hours of Care This Month can contain only whole numbers.

Problem: The Total Hours of Care This Month for the Program Code has a decimal point or letters. The number of hours should be rounded to the nearest whole hour.

Solution: Confirm that the Total Hours of Care This Month does not contain a decimal point or letters, and is rounded to the nearest whole hour.

  • The Total Hours of Care This Month for [child’s name] exceeds the maximum hours a child can receive in a month.

Problem: The total hours of care for this child’s care is more than 713 hours (23 hours a day x 31 days in the month), which exceeds the maximum number of hours of care a child can receive in a month.

Solution: Review the family’s file and verify the correct hours of care for this child; enter the corrected amount.

  • The Total Hours of Care This Month for [child’s name] exceeds the maximum hours a child can receive in a month for all types of care listed.

Problem: More than one provider is listed for this child and the total hours of care from these providers adds up to more than 713 hours (23 hours a day x 31 days in the month), which exceeds the maximum number of hours of care a child can receive in a month.

Solution: Review the family’s file and verify the correct hours of care for this child; enter the corrected amount.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have a child who is enrolled for 75 hours per month, but for this particular month, was only here for 8 hours on one day. Should I enter 75 hours or 8 hours for total hours of care?

Report the hours of care that the CDE reimbursed or was required to reimburse (if payment has not yet been made) for that child's care for the report period. For center-based programs, if during a given report period the child’s schedule is different and only 8 hours of care were reimbursed, enter “8.” For AP programs, if the actual billed hours from the provider was for 8 hours, enter “8.” If the actual billed hours from the provider was for 75 hours, enter “75.”

  • I have a child who is enrolled for 180 hours per month, but for this particular month, did not receive any services at all. Should I report them or exclude them from the report?

If a child was not claimed for fiscal reimbursement purposes under an agency’s contract with the EED for a given report period, the agency must exclude the child from the CDD-801B and corresponding CDD-801A. Instructions for excluding information is available in Chapter 4: CDD-801B Reporting in the CDMIS User Manual as well as on the CDD-801B Edit Family Information screen within the CDMIS.


Return to Appendix A: Data Definitions

Questions:   CDMIS Office |
Last Reviewed: Thursday, October 10, 2024
Recently Posted in Early Education