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Child Care Reporting--Family Fee

Monthly Child Care Family Fee (CDD-801B only)

The Monthly Child Care Family Fee information field indicates the monthly dollar amount the family was required to pay during the report period for subsidized child care services through an agency’s contract with the Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD). This fee is based on the Family Fee Schedule (FFS) in effect during the report period.

Where to Find It

  • On the ELCD-9600, look in the space labeled "Flat Monthly Rate" in Section VI: Family Fee.
  • On the California Department of Education (CDE) Notice of Action (CD-7617 form), look in the space labeled "Monthly Family Fee.”

Note: Check to see if the family has a subsequent Notice of Action on file (not the initial notice) that applies to the report period (i.e., completed on or before the report period as indicated by the Effective Date of Action). If such a Notice of Action is on file, enter the updated information.

Rules and Guidelines

  • This information field is required.
  • The maximum length of this field is four numbers.
  • Enter numbers only; do not enter a dollar sign ($) or a decimal point (.).
  • Enter whole dollars only. Do not enter cents.
  • This fee must be 0 (zero) if the family income is less than 40 percent of the State Median Income (SMI) level.
  • The monthly child care family fee should not exceed the full-time fee for the family size and income provided.
  • See the Rules and Guidelines for the Reduced Fee information field if the family paid another agency for subsidized child care services during the report period and as a result their fee to their second agency was reduced to 0 (zero).

Error Messages and Solutions

  • A valid Monthly Child Care Family Fee must contain only whole numbers.

Problem: A Monthly Child Care Family Fee that contains symbols, letters, or a decimal is entered. A valid Monthly Family Child Care Fee contains only whole numbers. The system will not save entries that contain letters, symbols, or decimal points.

Solution: Confirm that the Monthly Child Care Family Fee is entered correctly (i.e., is a whole number with no decimal point or dollar sign).

  • The Monthly Child Care Family Fee is required.

Problem: The Monthly Child Care Family Fee is required. This field must have information even if the family does not pay a fee. If the family does not pay a fee, enter a 0 (zero)

Solution: Enter the Monthly Child Care Family Fee.

  • Family Fee cannot exceed the full-time monthly fee on the family fee schedule for the family size and income provided.

Problem: The Monthly Child Care Family Fee entered is too high; it exceeds the full-time fee for this family based on the family size and monthly family income provided.

Solution: Confirm that the correct amount, the Family Size, and the Monthly Family Income are entered correctly.

  • The “Monthly Child Care Family Fee” cannot be zero unless the “Reduced Fee” box is checked to indicate the family’s fee was reduced because they paid an amount to another agency for child care services this month, or the “Reason for Receiving Child Development Services” is “A – Child Protective Services.”

Problem: Zero is entered for the Monthly Child Care Family Fee. Based on the family size and income provided, a fee was required unless the Reason for Receiving Child Care information field is answered “A – Child Protective Services,” or that family paid another agency an amount at least equal to what the required family fee would have been for the report period.

Solution: Confirm that the Monthly Child Care Fee is entered correctly and that the “Reduced Fee” box is checked appropriately.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If there is a family co-pay, should I include it when I enter the Monthly Child Care Family Fee?


  • One family in the agency was supposed to pay $100 for the report period, but the family paid the agency only $45. What amount do I enter?

If the required family fee was $100, agencies should report $100. Agencies must report the required family fee, whether or not it was actually paid.

  • The family fee is "0." Should I leave the space blank or enter a "0"?

Agencies must enter a 0 (zero).


Return to Appendix A: Data Definitions

Questions:   CDMIS Office | | 916-445-1907
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, January 10, 2024
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