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IEEEP Grant for 2020-24

The purpose of the Inclusive Early Education Expansion Program (IEEEP) Grant is to increase access to inclusive early learning and care programs for children with disabilities, including children with severe disabilities.

IEEEP Grant 2020–24 Overview

The IEEEP authorized the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) to award grants on a competitive basis for allocation to local educational agencies (LEAs). The purpose of IEEEP is to increase access to inclusive early learning and care programs for children with disabilities, including children with severe disabilities. The SSPI is also authorized to utilize funds for conducting an evaluation of the IEEEP.

The IEEEP was established for the purpose of increasing access to inclusive early learning and care programs, particularly in low-income and high-need communities, for children with disabilities, including children with severe disabilities. Key to successful inclusion of children with disabilities is a strong partnership among LEAs, subsidized early learning childcare and preschool programs (both public and private), and local community special education partners, particularly those with expertise in inclusive early learning and care environments.

The intended purpose met through IEEEP grant program goals include: 

  1. Ensuring children with disabilities, including children with severe disabilities, have greater rates of enrollment in inclusive subsidized early learning and care programs. 
  2. Increasing access and building capacity for inclusive early learning and care subsidized programs for example, by encouraging LEAs to establish partnerships with their local child-care community agencies that have contracts to directly serve subsidized children, including both public and private agencies.
  3. Increasing access to inclusive early learning and care for children representing a broad range of disabilities and levels of support needs. 
  4. Providing the individualized and necessary supports to enable children with disabilities to meet high expectations within the early learning and care settings.

IEEEP Grant Program 2020-2024 FAQs

Questions:   Kim McMillan | | 916-323-1342
Last Reviewed: Thursday, October 26, 2023
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