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Connecting During COVID-19

Connecting During COVID-19: Supporting You Supporting Others - Building Resilience Through Relationships

Many family childcare and direct service contracted Early Learning and Care programs are serving children and their families through onsite care and learning. Other programs, though physically closed, are serving family needs remotely, in addition to offering professional development to staff. The California Inclusion and Behavior Consultation (CIBC) Network has resources to support you during this time

To support your work, the CIBC’s statewide network of consultants are available for virtual consultation and technical assistance to promote the social and emotional health of children, families, and staff. Areas of support include:

  • Working effectively with children who have special health care or developmental needs
  • Addressing challenging or difficult behavior in children
  • Focusing on relationships and practices that buffer against stress and trauma
  • Self-care for caregivers: managing stress during the COVID-19 pandemic

CIBC services are offered at no cost through video conferencing and/or by phone to Early Learning and Care programs funded by the CDE, Early Learning and Care Division (ELCD) and/or participating in their local Quality Counts California (QCC). To request services, go to the CIBC website External link opens in new window or tab. and click on the Request for Assistance link. Once your request form is received, a CIBC staff member will contact you.

The CIBC is also offering virtual webinars for Early Learning and Care program staff and family child care providers. Information about webinar dates and topics can also be found on the website.

Questions:   Early Education Division | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Monday, November 20, 2023
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