Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear County and District Superintendents:
Request for Applications: Migrant Education Extended Year Program
The California Department of Education (CDE), Multilingual Support Division (MSD) Migrant Education Office (MEO) is pleased to announce that the Request for Applications (RFA) Migrant Education Extended Year Program (MEEYP) is now available.
Education Code (EC) Section 41601.6 provides that commencing on January 1, 2024, to mitigate lost instruction time due to family movement related to migratory agricultural employment, up to two local educational agencies (LEAs) may request authorization from the CDE to provide an extended school year program to migratory pupils who, due to that family movement, enroll in kindergarten, including transitional kindergarten, or any of grades one to six, inclusive, on or after March 1 of the school year and depart on or before December 1 of the next school year.
LEAs authorized under EC Section 41601.6 to provide an extended school year program may receive average daily attendance (ADA) funding for those migratory pupils who are enrolled in the program and meet the enrollment period limitations. Migratory pupil has the same meaning as “currently migratory child” as defined in Section 54441 subdivision (a). ADA shall also be available from Period 2, through June 30 for qualifying migratory pupils. The LEA shall report to the department the ADA attributable to those migratory pupils in the school year in which the extended school year program ends.
All applicants must submit a complete application, including all required components, by 4 p.m. on March 1, 2024. Incomplete, late, or incorrectly formatted applications will not be scored or considered for approval.
For additional information and a link to the application, please visit the CDE Migrant Education Extended Year Program web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/me/mt/meeypapps.asp.
If you have questions regarding this RFA, please contact the MEEYP Team by email at MEEYP@cde.ca.gov.
Juli Auld, Administrator
Migrant Education Office