The Common Core: 10 Things Students with Disabilities Need to Know
Who the Common Core Is For
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are for all students in kindergarten through twelfth grade in public education, which includes students with disabilities.
What the California Common Core State Standards Are and Why We Have Them
The CCSS are the guidelines that all teachers and schools will follow to make sure you are taught what you need to know in each grade. All students who attend public schools are supposed to be taught their grade-level standards. Learning the standards will help you prepare for college, jobs, and life.
Where You Can See the Standards
You can find all of the CCSS at Common Core State Standards Initiative
. At this website, you can select your grade level to see what you should be learning. This site also has many resources to help you learn about and understand the standards.
How the Standards Are Important in Your Individualized Education Program (IEP)
Knowing what you are supposed to be learning in each grade can make it easier for you to ask questions about how you are meeting your goals, where your learning will happen, and what kind of extra help you might need.
How IEP Goals Should Be Based on the Standards
Your IEP has goals that focus on your special learning needs. Each of the academic goals should be based on a Common Core grade-level standard.
You also may have goals in your IEP that are not academic goals. These might be goals that address how you deal with and express your feelings. Nonacademic goals are an important part of your IEP. They support your ability to learn in school. But only academic goals—such those for English and math—need to align to a CCSS.
How to Advocate for Yourself in a Class Where a Teacher Has Not Seen Your IEP
It is always OK—and sometimes very important—to tell your teachers that you have a disability. You also want to tell your teachers that your IEP lists the accommodations, modifications, or assistive technology you need in order to be successful in their classes. If you are afraid or embarrassed to talk to a teacher about this, speak to one of the members of your IEP team or a family member. Ask for help in talking with the teacher to explain the supports you need.
What Questions to Ask at Your IEP Meeting
- Am I learning and performing at grade level?
- If not, what is the plan for me to reach grade level?
- What are my behavior goals that will help me with my learning?
- What strategies, special teaching, or technology will I have to make sure I am able to learn?
- Who should I go to for help?
- What will I need to do to get a high school diploma?
More Helpful Resources
- Find additional resources and supports at Common Core Resources for Special Education [select the "Parents and Students" tab].