Official Letter
Official Letter
To: California County Offices of Education (COE), Local Educational Agencies (LEA), State of California Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPA), and California Children’s Services County (CCS) Administrators:
Local Medical Therapy Program-Education Partner Interagency Agreement Template
Dear Program Partners:
This letter is being issued as an introduction to the new local program interagency agreement template. The California Department of Education (CDE) and the Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS) drafted this template through coordinated efforts.
The Medical Therapy Program (MTP) is a statewide sub-program of the CCS program which offers medically necessary occupational therapy and physical therapy services to children and young adults with qualifying physically disabling conditions. MTP is administered in coordination between county public health offices and local education entities, often SELPAs. The state level interagency agreement as well as state regulation offer language on the general responsibilities for each party. The local interagency agreement template provided here is intended to facilitate the provision of medically necessary and educationally necessary occupational and physical therapy services, as required under Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) section 60310 and Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) section 300.154.
There is also an attached guidance document for review of commonly encountered situations. Should you have any additional questions or needs relating to this agreement, please contact MTPCentral@dhcs.ca.gov and SEDINFO@cde.ca.gov.
All CCS County offices and their collaborating education entities shall review and sign the template within 6 months of the issuance of this letter. Once reviewed and signed by both parties, please send a signed copy to both MTPCentral@dhcs.ca.gov and SEDINFO@cde.ca.gov for recording.
Both the California Department of Education and Integrated Systems of Care Division express gratitude for your collaboration.
Cortney Maslyn, Chief
Integrated Systems of Care Division
Department of Health Care Services
Rachel Heenan, ED.D., Director
Special Education Division
California Department of Education
MTP Local Interagency Agreement Template
Local Interagency Agreement Guidance Document