Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear County and District Superintendents, Special Education Local Plan Area Directors, Special Education Administrators at County Offices, Special Education Program Directors, Nonpublic School Directors, and WorkAbility I Program Coordinators:
WorkAbility I 2023–24 On-Campus Business Guidance
On January 24, 2023, the California Department of Education (CDE) provided guidance to WorkAbility I (WAI) grantees regarding a temporary expansion of on-campus placement opportunities. Continuing through fiscal year 2023–24, the CDE will allow local education agencies (LEAs) to temporarily increase the number of on-campus work experience placements offered through student business opportunities from five percent to fifteen percent of the total number of required placements for which a grantee receives funding. This temporary increase supports the intent of on-campus placements, which is to provide initial work experience opportunities for students that lead to competitive integrated employment.
The CDE has developed this Guide for On-Campus Student Business Plan to assist WAI grantees in the development of a business plan for a WAI on-campus student business that provides eligible students with on-campus placement opportunities. Grantees that have created or plan to create an on-campus student business must adhere to all requirements set forth by their LEA and the AO-400 WAI Grant Award Notification (GAN) conditions.
Please note that WAI grant funds may be used for start-up costs to create a new student business or expand the scope of an existing business.
On-Campus Student Business Information
The following are required areas for WAI grantees to address in the development of their on-campus student business plan:
- Name of Business
- Location of Business
- Hours of Operation
- Purpose of Business (Mission Statement)
- Who are the business customers?
- Criteria for student participation (i.e., who are the students, who will participate)
- Duration of student participation
- Criteria for student success
- Student wages earned
- How does the proposed on-campus business provide skills which lead to competitive integrated employment?
- How are students evaluated?
- What career clusters are addressed by this business?
- What WAI Array of Services are addressed?
- What staff / positions are required to run the business? (Please include cost/funding source for staff)
- What are the costs to start-up and run the business?
- How will the business be able to financially sustain itself?
- Are there any assets that can presently be used for the start-up of the business? (e.g., existing equipment)
- Any other information relevant to the on-campus student business?
Per grant condition number 24 of the fiscal year 2023–24 WAI GAN, WAI grantees who elect to create an on-campus student business using their WAI grant funds shall submit a business plan to the CDE for reference. WAI grantees should keep completed on-campus student business plans on file, as well as any business plans for pre-existing student businesses, and be prepared to submit them to the CDE upon request.
If you have additional questions regarding the information in this letter, please contact the WorkAbility I inbox at Workability1@cde.ca.gov.
Shiyloh Becerril, Interim Director
Special Education Division
SB: nw