This meeting was held in person and via Zoom. For more information, please contact the WAI inbox at
WAI State Advisory Committee Members
- Joanna Della Gatta, Chair
Robynn Gualtiere, Chair Alternate
Kristy Lim, Secretary
Lisa Garcia
Linda Osborn
Jennifer Reimer
Melissa Mills
Lisa Fettig
Annette Rodarte
Julie Romero
Geralyn Elliott
Amy Murphy
Kymberly Hirst
Tara Jones
Mercille Lush
Richard Fujii
Bridget Denton
Cynthia Austin
Jorge Aleman
Isabelle Huber
Guidelines for Public Input Sessions
WAI Advisory welcomes public involvement. Opportunities for public comment are provided at every meeting.
Reasonable Accommodation for Any Individual With a Disability
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in a meeting or function of the WAI Advisory Committee (WAI Advisory) may request assistance by contacting the California Department of Education (CDE) Special Education Division (SED), 1430 N Street, Suite 2401, Sacramento, CA 95814; telephone: 916-445-4602;
fax: 916-327-3706.
Agenda Items
Agenda times are approximate and are provided for convenience only.
Items may be re-ordered or heard on any day of the noticed meeting or on a subsequent agenda. The order of business may be changed without notice.
Wednesday, September 14, 2023, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. Pacific Time ±
California Department of Education
1430 N Street, Room 1101
Sacramento, California 95814
Time |
Item |
8:30–9:00 a.m. |
- Item 1–Call to Order: Welcome and Introductions; Mission and Vision; Approval of Minutes.
9:00–9:45 a.m. |
- Item 2–Committee and Region Updates: Region co-managers and committee chairs share news and updates.
9:45–10:10 a.m. |
- Item 3–Student Voice: WAI Advisory will continue discussion from March WAI Advisory meeting regarding best practices for including student voice in the Advisory Commission on Special Education, as well as WAI Regional and Advisory meetings.
10:10–10:15 a.m. |
- Item 4–Public Comment: General public comment is invited on any matter, including items not on the agenda. Issues raised by the public may be referred to a future meeting agenda. Chair reserves the right to establish time limits on presentations.
10:15–10:25 a.m. |
10:25–11:00 a.m. |
- Item 5–California Department of Education Update: CDE staff will discuss recent developments within the SED, as well as updates to key areas related to the WAI grant.
11:00–11:15 a.m. |
- Item 6–Elections: WAI Advisory will hold elections for the positions of State Advisory Chair, State Advisory Chair Alternate, and Advisory Executive Committee.
11:15–11:25 a.m. |
- Item 7–Meeting Dates for Program Year 2023–24: WAI Advisory will determine meeting dates for following program year.
11:25–11:30 a.m. |
- Item 8–Public Comment: General public comment is invited on any matter, including items not on the agenda. Issues raised by the public may be referred to a future meeting agenda. Chair reserves the right to establish time limits on presentations.
11:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m. |
12:45–1:00 p.m. |
- Item 9–State Meeting Update: WAI Advisory will discuss the proposed WAI State Meeting and discuss next steps.
1:00–1:40 p.m. |
- Item 10–Student-Based Businesses: Stacy Williams, Education Specialist for the San Diego Unified School District, will present on the topic of student-based businesses and teaching entrepreneurship.
1:40–2:05 p.m. |
- Item 11–Requests for Advisory Agenda Items: WAI Advisory will discuss and develop procedures for organizing items to be discussed at future WAI Advisory meetings.
2:05–2:25 p.m. |
- Item 12–WorkAbility I Future Needs: WAI Advisory will discuss how WAI Standing Committees can assist in training needs, resources, and other initiatives.
2:25–2:30 p.m. |
- Item 13–Public Comment: General public comment is invited on any matter, including items not on the agenda. Issues raised by the public may be referred to a future meeting agenda. Chair reserves the right to establish time limits on presentations.
2:30 p.m. |
- Adjournment of May 10, 2023, WAI Advisory Meeting
Last Reviewed: Thursday, June 13, 2024