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2024 All Titles Conference

2024 California All Titles Conference
Serving the Whole Child Through School Transformation
March 6–7, 2024
Los Angeles, CA

The 2024 California All Titles Conference is scheduled for March 6 and 7, 2024, in Los Angeles, California. The purpose of this Conference is to provide technical assistance and professional development to superintendents, administrators, state and federal program directors, and instructional leaders throughout California with a focus on best practices related to effective programs, student achievement, social/emotional learning, and accountability.

Nationally renowned speakers, powerful breakout sessions about timely topics, and access to technical assistance from the staff of the California Department of Education will be featured. Workshops will be available providing suggestions for the effective implementation of Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act.

The title of this year’s Conference is: Serving the Whole Child through School Transformation.

Conference Location

Sheraton Gateway Los Angeles Hotel
6101 W. Century Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Conveniently located near the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).


Day 1: March 6, 2024

Time Activity
8:00–9:30 a.m. Breakfast, Opening Ceremony, Opening Keynote, General Session (Introduction, Welcome, Keynote)
9:30–9:45 a.m. Break
9:45–11:00 a.m. Session A Workshops (8 per session)
11:00–11:15 a.m. Break
11:15 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Session B Workshops (8 per session)
12:30–12:45 p.m. Break
12:45–2:15 p.m. Lunch and General Session with Keynote Speaker (Introduction, Keynote)
2 :15–2:30 p.m. Break
2:30–3:45 p.m. Session C Workshops (8 per session)
3:45–4:00 p.m. Break
4:00–5:15 p.m. Session D Workshops (8 per session)

Day 2: March 7, 2024

Time Activity
8:00–9:15 a.m. General Session and Breakfast Keynote Address (Introduction and Keynote)
9:15–9:30 a.m. Break
9:30–10:45 a.m. Session E Workshops (8 per session)
10:45–11:00 a.m. Break
11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Session F Workshops (8 per session)
12:15–12:30 p.m. Break
12:30–1:45 p.m. Networking Lunch
1:45–2:00 p.m. Break
2:00–3:15 p.m. Session G Workshops (8 per session)

Keynote Speakers:

  • Dr. Tyrone Howard
  • Dee Hankins
  • Carla Tantillo-Philibert


The 2024 All Title Conference will be offering 56 unique workshops focused on the following six strands:

  • Parent and Family Engagement
  • Equity and Access
  • Assessment and Accountability
  • Professional Learning
  • Implementation and Evaluation
  • System of Support

Conference Registration - Update

Registration for the 2024 California All Titles Conference closed on February 1, 2024, and is no longer available.

Contact Information

Title I Policy, Program, and Support Office

Questions:   California All Titles Conference | | 916-319-0917
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 07, 2024
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