Search Results

Search Type: All Schools Districts: Los Angeles Unified Status: Active Pending
Showing 51 - 75 of the 1421 Schools found
CDS Code Sort results by this header County Sort results by this header District Sort results by this header School Sort results by this header School Type Sort results by this header Sector Type Sort results by this header Charter Sort results by this header Status Sort results by this header
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified University Pathways Medical Magnet Academy Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Valley Oaks Center for Enriched Studies Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Vintage Math/Science/Technology Magnet Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Virtual Academy of Business & Entrepreneurship Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Virtual Academy of International Studies/Humanities (World Languages and Cultures) Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Virtual Academy of the Arts & Entertainment Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Virtual Academy STEAM Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Washington Irving Middle School Math, Music and Engineering Magnet Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified WESM Health/Sports Medicine Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Western Avenue Technology Magnet Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Westside Global Awareness Magnet Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Wilmington Middle Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics (STEAM) Magnet Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Windsor Hills Math Science Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Youth Opportunities Unlimited Alternative Schools of Choice Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Albert Einstein Continuation Continuation High Schools Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Amelia Earhart Continuation Continuation High Schools Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Angel's Gate (Continuation) Continuation High Schools Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Boyle Heights Continuation Continuation High Schools Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Cal Burke High Continuation High Schools Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Central High Continuation High Schools Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Cheviot Hills Continuation Continuation High Schools Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Dan M. Issacs Avalon High Continuation High Schools Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Eagle Tree Continuation Continuation High Schools Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Ellington (Duke) High (Continuation) Continuation High Schools Public No Active
Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified Evergreen Continuation Continuation High Schools Public No Active
Showing 51 - 75 of the 1421 Schools found (Page 3 of 57)

Questions: CDS Administration | | 916-327-4014
Private School Data | | 916-319-0317