UPK Mixed Delivery Workgroup Agenda August 2023
Agenda for the August 24, 2023 meeting of the Universal PreKindergarten Mixed Delivery Quality and Access Workgroup.In-Person Meeting Information
Date & Time
Thursday, August 24, 2023
9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The August 2023 Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) Mixed Delivery Quality and Access Workgroup (Workgroup) meeting will be held at the California Department of Education (CDE) building at the address noted below. The CDE building will be open to the public; however, capacity may be limited due to public health considerations.
1430 N Street, Room 1101
Sacramento, California 95814
Enter at the N Street main entrance. Sign in at the main lobby security counter. Identification (ID) is required for entry into the building. Please bring valid ID and present to staff at the main lobby security counter.
Reasonable Accommodation
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting may request assistance by contacting the Early Education Division at 1430 N Street, Sacramento, California 95814, by telephone at (916) 322-6233, by facsimile at (916) 323-6853, or by email at UPKMixedDeliveryGrant@cde.ca.gov.
Translation to Spanish, Mandarin, and American Sign Language (ASL) will be available at each public meeting. ASL translation will occur in person during the meeting and will be provided via Zoom for virtual attendees. Spanish and Mandarin translation services for in-person attendees will occur via Zoom. In-person attendees requiring translation services will need access to a personal device, such as a cell phone, laptop, or tablet to access Zoom. Public wifi access will be available during the meeting times for this purpose.
Teleconference Meeting Information
Register for the August 24, 2023 UPK Mixed Delivery Quality and Access Workgroup Meeting
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
After joining the meeting, click on the icon shaped like a globe to access language interpretation. If you are using a laptop, this icon is located at the bottom of your screen. Click language interpretation and then select your preferred language. If you are using an iPad, phone, or similar device, you will locate the three-dot menu on the right corner of your screen. You will then click on language interpretation and select your language.
Documents will be shared at the beginning of each Universal PreKindergarten (UPK) Mixed Delivery Quality and Access Workgroup (Workgroup) meeting. In addition, the California Department of Education will post Workgroup meeting documents to the California Educators Together (CET) website. If you require accessible copies of the materials posted to CET, contact the UPK inbox at UPKMixedDeliveryGrant@cde.ca.gov.
Access to CET is open to the public. Additional details are found at the California Educators Together website .
Part 1
Welcome and Previous Session Recap
- Welcome and Agenda Review
- Reflect on Workgroup progress to date
- Public Comment
UPK Mixed Delivery Quality and Access Identifying Barriers: How do limitations on measures and tools related to quality impact the barriers programs face to implementing quality and increasing access through mixed delivery?
- The Workgroup will explore the following overarching questions through a combination of presentations, facilitated discussions, and public comment.
- How do current tools limit the ability to assess and monitor quality?
- What questions does California need to further explore or what next steps may be needed related to tools to assess high-quality preschool, delivered through a mixed delivery model?
- Public Comment
- The Workgroup will explore the following overarching questions through a combination of presentations, facilitated discussions, and public comment.
Part 2
Report Development Update and Discussion
- Welcome and Agenda Review
- Reflect on Workgroup progress to date
- Public Comment
UPK Mixed Delivery Quality and Access Identifying Barriers: How do limitations on funding and fiscal incentives related to quality impact the barriers programs face to implementing quality and increasing access through mixed delivery?
- The Workgroup will explore the following overarching questions through a combination of presentations, facilitated discussions, and public comment.
- How do funding structures impact a program's ability to offer high-quality preschool services (across mixed delivery settings)?
- What are potential changes to funding structures that would support increased access to high-quality preschool through a mixed delivery model?
- Public Comment
- The Workgroup will explore the following overarching questions through a combination of presentations, facilitated discussions, and public comment.
Close of Meeting
The items indicated on the agenda are subject to change. Public comment will be taken throughout the meeting as indicated above.
These meetings will be recorded and posted to CET. If you need an accessible copy, contact UPKMixedDeliveryGrant@cde.ca.gov and we will accommodate your request in a timely manner.
More information about the workgroup is available on the UPK Mixed Delivery Quality and Access Workgroup page of the California Department of Education website.