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Dual Language Learners Professional Development

This page holds professional development resources for working with dual language learners.

Dual Language Learners Professional Development

Sobrato | Preschool Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) | Language Learning Project | California State University, Channel Islands | California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

The California Department of Education, Early Learning and Care Division (CDE/ELCD) offers the Dual Language Learners Professional Development Program (DLL-PD). State-funded early learning and care programs have access to this opportunity focused on DLL-PD. The funding for this professional development opportunity is from the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF).

In response to the Budget Act of 2018 authorizing $5 million for offering DLL-specific training activities, the CDE/ELCD grants the funds to the following five professional development providers:

Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL) A PreK- 3 Model

This model offers preschool through third grade professional development activities of intensive language and literacy activities aimed for programs serving DLLs. Early educators will engage in intensive training and participate in established communities of practice throughout the state. In addition, the development of biliteracy skills will be promoted in dual-language classroom settings as feasible. Contact: Anya Hurwitz,, 408-426-5267.  

Preschool Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD) 

This model promotes English language development, second language acquisition, language-rich learning activities, cross-cultural respect, and value of the home language of the child. Early educators will learn how students acquire a language, and be introduced to research-based strategies for engaging students within developmentally appropriate settings. Contact: Christie Baird,, 714-327-8181. 

Language Learning Project

This model is based on the Fresno Language Project (FLP), which was previously part of the Starting Smart and Strong Initiative. The project offers professional development activities to early learning programs serving infant/toddlers and preschool-age students. Focusing on Personalized Oral Language Learning (POLL) strategies, early educators will engage on approaches to supporting language learning in ECE settings. Contact: Maria Ceballos,, 559-457-3623.

California State University, Channel Islands

This program offers two sequenced online courses specific to young Dual Language Learners, language acquisition and early literacy. Early educators will be taught by specialized instructors. These courses will be offered in English and Spanish. Contact: Carola Oliva-Olson,, 805-437-3689.

California Preschool Instructional Network (CPIN)

CPIN will offer online training modules and professional learning opportunities through a virtual learning platform for early learning educators via the California Early Childhood Online (CECO) website. Early educators will engage in research-based learning and effective instructional practices. Contact: Melinda Brookshire,, 805-465-4412.

Questions:   Early Education Division | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Monday, June 17, 2024