Meeting Minute Summary August 2013
Advisory Commission on Special Education August 2013 Meeting Summary.Item 1, Advisory Commission on Special Education (ACSE) Strategic Plan
The ACSE engaged in a strategic planning process for the 2013–14 fiscal year to help members clarify their shared purpose, establish realistic goals, and align their time, energy, and financial resources to support key priorities. The session was facilitated by Sara McClellan, Organizational Development Specialist, Comprehensive School Assistance Program, WestEd.
Item 6, Public Comment
Comments were heard from the public related to the strategic planning process.
Item 2, Presentation of Legislative Resolution
Kristin Wright, outgoing Chair of the ACSE, has accepted a consultant position with the California Department of Education, Special Education Division. A representative from Assembly Member Joan Buchanan’s office presented a Legislative Resolution on behalf of Assembly Member Buchanan, Senate Member Carol Lui, Assembly Member Roger Dickinson; and Senate Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, to Ms. Wright to honor her work on behalf of children with special needs and her service on the ACSE.
Item 3, Completion of Any Unfinished Business
Item 4, Continuation of Strategic Planning Process
The ACSE priorities identified from the strategic planning process were reviewed: (1) Common Core State Standards Implementation via a Multi-tiered System of Support Framework; (2) Quality Services and Support; (3) Transition Services. Workgroups were established that included public participation. Core commitments to guide the workgroups were reviewed, breakout sessions were held to identify specific outcomes to support the priorities, and workgroup outcomes were reported to the Commission.
Item 5, Report from Legislative Members and Carl Cohn, State Board of Education and Liaison to the ACSE
The State Board of Education (SBE) will hold a one day meeting on September 4, 2013, so there was no new business to report. There were no legislative representative reports.
Item 6, Public Comments (continued)
Comments were heard from the public.
Item 10, Commissioner Reports
Commissioners provided brief reports on their activities related to the ACSE and their stakeholder groups.
Item 8, State Special Schools Report
Scott Kerby, Director, State Special Schools and Services Division, provided a report highlighting the services provided by the three State Special Schools, including a video highlighting the services and students at the California School for the Blind.
Item 7, Public School Accountability Act – Weighting of Certificates of Completion
Fred Balcom, Director of Special Education; and Keric Ashley, Director of Analysis, Measurement, and Accountability Reporting reviewed the weighting of student achievement as it relates to calculation of academic performance indicator reporting scores for a certificate of completion. Discussion was held and it was moved, seconded, and passed:
- To support the Public School Accountability Act recommendation to weight certificates of completion in new academic performance indicator calculations at 1,000 points, the same as a high school diploma.
Item 9, Special Education Report
Fred Balcom, Director, Special Education Division, provided a report to the ACSE outlining the following priorities for the Division: (1) Re-emphasize special education as a service, not a place; (2) Develop and improve partnerships and relationships; and (3) Maintain an effective special education monitoring system. He also updated the Commission on the latest issue of the Special EDge, current activities related to multi-tiered system of supports and common core state standards, the upcoming Transition Conference to be held in December in San Diego, the Quality Schools and Services work being done with WestEd, and participation by the California Department of Education (CDE) in the Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR) grant.
Item 11, Agenda Building for Future Meetings
Gina Plate, Vice Chair, will be coordinating ACSE meeting agendas. Commissioners are invited to submit recommendations for future meeting agendas to her prior to September 1, 2013.
Adjournment of the meeting: 12:15 pm.