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June ACSE Agenda Handout

Item 2 handout for the June 17, 2020, Advisory Commission on Special Education (ACSE) meeting.

Item 2: Reporting Requirements and Processes

June 17, 2020
ACSE meeting

The California Advisory Commission on Special Education . . .

. . . is an advisory body mandated by federal and state statutes to provide recommendations and advice to the State Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State Legislature, and the Governor in new or continuing areas of research, program development, and evaluation in California special education:

“The State has established and maintains an advisory panel for the purpose of providing policy guidance with respect to special education and related services for children with disabilities in the State."

. . .

(b) The commission shall report to the State Board of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Legislature, and the Governor not less than once a year on the following with respect to special education:

(1) Activities enumerated in Section 56100 that are necessary to be undertaken regarding special education for individuals with exceptional needs.

(2) The priorities and procedures utilized in the distribution of federal and state funds.

(3) The unmet educational needs of individuals with exceptional needs within the state.

(4) Recommendations relating to providing better education services to individuals with exceptional needs, including, but not limited to, the development, review, and revision, of the definition of “appropriate” as that term is used in the phrase “free and appropriate public education” for the purposes of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

—20 U.S. Code, Section 1400 et seq.

Questions:   Special Education Division | | 916-445-4602
Last Reviewed: Friday, July 21, 2023
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