Assessment Spotlight, Issue 218
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) email update, January 20, 2023.Focusing on the CAASPP System and English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)—and including, when timely, updates on California’s other statewide assessments. For questions related to test administration, coordination, and trainings, visit the CAASPP website and the ELPAC website .
Reminder: Organization of the Science Tests Flyers are Available
This week we bring you a reminder of two science flyers available to assist educators and coordinators with the administration of the California Science Test (CAST) and the California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for Science. The Organization of the California Science Test (PDF) flyer includes a graphic that presents the six CAST segments and the student survey, a breakdown of the number of items included in each segment, and a recommendation for when to pause the test while administering the assessment over multiple sessions. The California Alternate Assessment for Science (PDF) flyer includes basic details about the test, such as how the CAA for Science is aligned with the alternate achievement standards (i.e., Science Core Content Connectors), information on the four embedded performance tasks that make up the test, and the number of questions in each embedded performance task. Also included is a graphic outlining a performance task.
Be sure to access these resources and others like them on the CAASPP website for a better understanding of how these tests are organized and further assistance in preparing for the administration of these tests.
Educators Needed for Observation Protocol for Teachers of English Learners Field Test
The California Department of Education (CDE) is still seeking teachers of kindergarten through grade twelve English learner students of all English proficiency levels to field-test California’s new and exciting Observation Protocol for Teachers of English Learners (OPTEL)! Focusing on language use in the classroom, the OPTEL has been developed to:
- Provide evidence that contributes to determining the student’s readiness for reclassification.
- Determine English learner progress.
- Inform immediate instructional decisions that advance student learning (formative assessment).
- Communicate with parents and inform institutions of higher education with teacher preparation programs.
Details about the OPTEL are available on the CDE Multilingual Support Division OPTEL web page.
Are you interested in this field-testing opportunity? Please complete the OPTEL Field Test Interest List form ! The field test is scheduled to begin in January 2023.
High School Equivalency and Proficiency 2022–23 Webinar Series
The CDE is inviting chief examiners, test site administrators, school counselors, and others with a connection to the High School Equivalency (HSE) exams and the California High School Proficiency Exam to attend this informational webinar series. This series of webinars began in 2022 and will continue to be offered in 2023. The webinars are designed to provide new and timely updates regarding the HSE and proficiency exams.
- Session 2—February 15, 2023
- Session 3—May 3, 2023
A video recording from the Session 1 webinar, November 17, 2022 , is now available for those who were not able to attend.
Please share this email with any educators in your local educational agency who would be interested in or benefit from this information. To join the email list, send a blank email message to Are you a new subscriber? Visit the CDE Assessment Spotlight web page to find previous issues.