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School Dashboard Additional Reports

Access to supplementary information and data reported on the California School Dashboard.

School Dashboard Additional Reports

Each year, the California Department of Education publishes supplemental reports on the School Dashboard Additional Reports and Data web page to provide viewers additional data and insight to their California School Dashboard (Dashboard) results. The reports include the following:

  • Five-by-Five Placement Reports: California's accountability and continuous improvement system is based on a five-by-five colored table which is used to identify the performance color – for local educational agencies (LEAs), schools, and student groups – using a combination of Status and Change data. These Five-by-Five Placement Report helps LEAs and schools quickly identify the exact performance color received for each state indicator.

  • Status Placement Reports: For the 2022 Dashboard, due to the requirement to report only 2021–22 school year data, the Five-by-Five Placement Reports that are typically released with each Dashboard were redesigned to Status Placement Reports. These reports reflect the Status level that an LEA, school, or student group received for each state indicator, except for the College/Career Indicator (CCI). For the 2023 Dashboard, because the CCI reports Status only, high school LEAs and schools (along with student groups) receive this Status Placement Report.

  • College/Career Measures includes pie charts and heat maps that graphically represent the data for the Prepared and Approaching Prepared performance levels determined for the CCI. The 2020 and 2021 reports do not display Prepared and Approaching Prepared data due to unavailable data during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rather, these reports show the number of students who completed each of the measures in the CCI.

  • Met UC/CSU Requirements and CTE Pathway Completion Report is a new report for 2023 to support LEAs with their work on the local control and accountability plans (LCAPs). This report displays students who: (1) met University of California (UC)/California State University (CSU) requirements; (2) completed at least one Career Technical Education (CTE) Pathway; and (3) met UC/CSU requirements AND completed at least one CTE Pathway.

  • Graduation Rate Additional Report displays the number and percentage of students who are included in the combined four-and five-year graduation rate. Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS) schools also receive a DASS one-year graduation rate report for informational purposes, which displays the number and percentage of students who are included in this rate.

  • Participation Rate Report displays the number of students included in the calculation of the participation rates, which can be used to determine if the Distance from Standard should be adjusted and by how much.

  • ELPAC Participation Rate Report provides the number of English learner students included in the calculation of the participation rates for the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Summative assessment.

  • Student Groups Report displays, at-a-glance, the performance for all student groups across all state indicators. This report can be used when reviewing the data for Differentiated Assistance and Additional Targeted Support and Improvement as the eligibility criteria is based on student group performance.

  • District/Charter Performance by County Reports provide viewers with a list of all districts in a county and their performance on each state indicator. A student group filter is also available to view the overall performance for each district in a county by student group.

  • Dashboard Navigator: The California School Dashboard Navigator (Navigator) is an interactive mapping tool for visualizing school performance based on results reported from the Dashboard. The Navigator displays schools by their color-coded performance level for each of the Dashboard state indicators. Users can refine their searches by geographic area, charter status, DASS status and student group. A series of interactive charts provide a visual summary of the mapped results. Detailed Dashboard results for individual schools can be easily accessed by selecting a specific school on the map.
Questions:   Analysis Measurement & Accountability Reporting Division |
Last Reviewed: Tuesday, October 22, 2024