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Braille Hybrid Adaptive Test

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) mathematics online braille hybrid adaptive test (HAT) provides a secure summative assessment option for local educational agencies (LEAs) to make available to students who use braille. The braille HAT option for mathematics includes the following elements:

  • Adaptive segment; includes only items that have no graphics
  • Fixed form segment; includes items with graphics
  • Pre-embossed graphic supplement

The braille HAT provides students access to an efficient online adaptive test that simplifies logistical burdens for educators and students. This online form serves as an alternative to the online adaptive and paper fixed-form options. The braille online HAT allows LEAs or schools to order a set of preprinted embossed graphics for a student’s mathematics test in cases in which the student would not otherwise have access to an embossing printer that works with the Smarter Balanced mathematics assessment items. The student is able to use the online test delivery system, including embedded accessibility resources, while also accessing the pre-embossed graphics.

Braille Codes

The braille HAT is available in English Braille American Edition or Unified English Braille (UEB) paired with Nemeth mathematics code (contracted and uncontracted), and UEB with UEB Math Code (contracted and uncontracted). LEA CAASPP coordinators must consult with the student's individualized education program to ensure that the correct assessment and codes are selected for the student.

Reuse and Manner of Disposal

In cases for which there is more than one visually impaired student in a school who will benefit from the pre-embossed graphics, those graphics may be securely stored and provided in support of additional students’ tests at different times (i.e., students may not share the same pre-embossed graphic at the same time). When pre-embossed graphics are used by more than one student, a test administrator must review the materials to ensure that no markings or information are transcribed onto the sheets in a manner that would compromise the validity of results. After the school has completed testing for students who benefit from having access to the pre-embossed graphics, the pre-embossed graphics must be securely destroyed.


The braille HAT may be set for students with an active individualized education program that indicates the student’s need for a braille accommodation. The braille accommodation and permissive test setting must be selected for the student within the Test Operations Management System. The LEA CAASPP coordinator must contact their Success Agent External link opens in new window or tab. to order the pre-embossed graphic supplement prior to administering the test. The test administrator must select the braille HAT option instead of the braille option on the day the test is administered.


The Directions for Administration of the Smarter Balanced Online Summative Assessments for English Language Arts/Literacy and Math and California Science Test and the Accessibility Guide for CAASPP Online Testing are resources that provide more information about the administration of the braille HAT. These resources can be found on the CAASPP Manuals and Instructions External link opens in new window or tab. web page.

Questions:   California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress | | 916-445-8765
Last Reviewed: Thursday, December 14, 2023
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