Effective Transitions Presentation Note Guide
This resource guide is meant to provide additional information to those who attended the Effective Transitions Using High School Equivalency and Proficiency Programs presentation at the Charter Schools Conference in March 2025.Effective Transitions: High School Proficiency and Equivalency Programs Resource Guide
California Charter Schools Association Conference Presentation on March 12, 2025
- Bernadine Holman: Education Program Consultant, High School Equivalency Program
- Gita Raman: Education Program Consultant, High School Proficiency Program
Learning Objectives
- The California Proficiency Program (CPP)
- The High School Equivalency (HSE) Program
- Fee Waivers for Homeless or Foster Youth
The California Proficiency Program
- The CPP is for currently enrolled students
- California Education Code Section 48412
- Excelling or struggling students
- Certificate of Proficiency
- Subjects covered:
- Mathematics
- Language Arts
- Reading
- Writing
- HiSET only CPP Vendor
- College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards
CPP Eligibility Part 1
The CPP is for students who are:
- At least sixteen years of age andcurrently enrolled in high school; or
- In their second semester of tenth grade; or
- Enrolled in grade ten for one yearor longer.
CPP Eligibility Part 2
- California Public High School
- Private or Homeschooled
- Work Permit issued by the Department of Industrial Relations
For more detailed information please read the eligibility criteria posted on the CDE CPP web page.
CPP Application Process
- The test taker should create a “myHiSET” CPP account
- If needed, the student may submit a request for Exam Accommodations
- Submit the HiSET CPP Approval Request and high school transcript
- Wait for eligibility and accommodations approval (if applicable) before they student can schedule the exam
CPP Checklist Overview (Documentation Required for CPP Approval)
For Standard eligibility (currently enrolled in CA high school):
- Transcript Validates:
- Age
- Date of birth
- Grade level and current semester
- Name/County, District, School (CDS) code for current enrollment
For Homeschool/Private School Eligibility:
- Transcript Validates:
- Age
- Date of birth
- Grade level and current semester
- Name/CDS code for current enrollment
- Additional documentation needed: Copy of current private school affidavit
For Out of State, California Work Permit Eligibility
- Transcript Validates:
- Age
- Grade level and current semester
- Name/CDS code for current enrollment
- Additional documentation needed: Copy of valid California work permit
CPP Test Prep Resources
CPP Testing Options
- Testing available 24/7, 365 days a year
- Test at home through online proctoring
- Test at a testing center on the computer
- Paper and pencil testing is available at some testing centers
- Scores are available within 48 hours after testing on the students’ HiSET Profile
Minimum Passing Scores
- CPP cut score higher than HSE
- Score at least 15/20 on each subtest:
- Language Arts:
- Reading
- Writing
- Score at least 4/6 on the Writing subtest
- Mathematics
- Achieve a total scaled score of at least 60 on all three subtests
Opportunities After Passing the CPP
- Exit high school with parental approval
- Enroll in higher education
- Embark on a career
- Stay in high school
Homeless and Foster Youth Fee Waiver
If you are under the age of 25 (and certified as a homeless youth by a homeless services provider) or a foster youth as defined in Education Code Section 48412, you qualify for a fee waiver for the HSE and CPP tests.
- The Homeless and Foster Youths Fee Waiver for HSE and Proficiency Tests flyer (PDF)
- Homeless Certification Form (PDF)
The High School Equivalency (HSE) Program
HiSET is the only vendor who currently offers the Proficiency exam and the ability to earn an Equivalency certificate after passing the Proficiency exam. The Equivalency Program is for individuals who are:
HSE Eligibility
- Not enrolled in high school, or
- 18 years of age or older, or
- 17 years of age under certain circumstances
If a student takes and passes the CPP and they unenroll from high school, they then become eligible to take the remaining two subtests of the HiSET Equivalency exam.
CDE Equivalency eligibility web page
HSE Subtests
HiSET has five subtests. Learn about what is on each test on the HiSET About web page.
- Reading
- Writing
- Mathematics
- Social Studies
- Science
Once a student takes and passes those three subtests under the HiSET Proficiency, and then unenroll from high school, they can choose to take the remaining two subtests (Social Studies and Science) to earn their high school equivalency credentials (transcript and certificate).
Minimum scores are lower for these remaining two subtests. Go to HiSET Minimum Test Scores web page.
Exam Options
- In-person, at a testing center
- At home, with live proctors
- Computer-based Testing
- Paper-based Testing at select testing sites
Locate HiSET test centers near you
Practice, Prepare, Study
August 2025 Summer Convenings (Roadshow)
Summer Convenings registration
is now open.
Contact Us
CDE HSE Office
- Email: HSEoffice@cde.ca.gov
- Phone: 916-445-9438
CDE California High School Proficiency (CHSPE) Office
- Email: CHSPE@cde.ca.gov
- Phone: 916-445-9449
CDE CPP Office
- Email: CPP@cde.ca.gov
- Phone: 916-445-9449
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