Who May Take a High School Equivalency Test
A list of the eligibility requirements to sit for a California High School Equivalency Test.The candidate must meet one of the following requirements:
- 18 years of age or older; OR
- Not currently enrolled in high school; OR
- 17 years of age and confined to a state or county hospital or institution; OR
- 17 years of age and enrolled in a dropout recovery program.
Complete eligibility requirement language can be found in California Education Code Section 51420
Identification For Admittance to Testing
High School Equivalency Identification Guidelines (PDF)
Each test taker's identity and age must be verified by photographic identification, both at the time of registration and before admittance to the testing room. The identification document must include name, date of birth, signature, photograph and address of the test taker. Acceptable identification includes:
- Photographic driver's license, with a signature, issued by any U.S. State or foreign government
- Photographic identification card, with a signature, issued by any of the U.S. Armed Forces, any U.S. state, or any foreign government
- Photographic Tribal enrollment card with a signature
- Photographic identification card or badge, with a signature, issued by a California department or agency (e.g., California Conservation Corps)
- Photographic passport, with a signature, issued by the U.S. Or foreign government
Proof of Residency
Proof of California residency must be verified, both at the time of registration and before admittance to the testing room. Acceptable evidence includes:
- Current rental or lease agreement
- Current deed or title to a residential real property
- Current mortgage statement
- Current home utility bill
- Current cable or phone bill
- Current employment documents
- Current insurance documents
- Current Internal Revenue Service or California Franchise Tax Board tax return
- Current property tax bill or statement
- Court documents that list the applicant as a California resident
- Current California certificate of vehicle or vessel title or registration
- Completion of the California High School Equivalency Declaration of California Residency
California High School Equivalency Declaration of Residency
Declaration of California Residency(PDF)
Declaración de Residencia de California(PDF)