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Assessment Spotlight, Issue 309

California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) email update, February 14, 2025.

Focusing on the CAASPP System and English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)—and including, when timely, updates on California’s other statewide assessments. For questions related to test administration, coordination, and trainings, visit the CAASPP and ELPAC website External link opens in new window or tab. .

Science Test Universal Tools: Periodic Table and Formula Reference Sheets

All grade eight and high school students taking the California Science Test have access to the following embedded universal tools, including the periodic table and formula reference sheets available in both English and Spanish:

The formula reference sheets provide scientific formulas that students may find useful in answering test items, eliminating the need to memorize them. These tools provide essential scientific information and are also available in printable versions for use in the classroom throughout the school year. Students can explore and gain familiarity with these universal tools through practice tests, training tests, and interim assessments.

More information about accessibility resources available for science assessments can be found on the California Student Assessment Accessibility Graphic for Science External link opens in new window or tab. (PDF).

February’s Featured Resource in Tools for Teachers—Supertrees and Climate Change

Dive into an immersive journey where science meets real-world climate change challenges with the Tools for Teachers science instructional resource, Supertrees and Climate Change External link opens in new window or tab.(account required).

This high school Life Sciences resource explores environmental strategies used by cities worldwide. Students study the Supertrees of Singapore and the geothermal energy plants in Iceland. Then, they collect and organize information in Learning Logs, a formative assessment strategy, to use during small and large-group discussions while they evaluate the feasibility and constraints of solutions to mitigate climate change. The lesson activities conclude as students compare and evaluate models that tackle climate change, shaping a brighter tomorrow—one classroom at a time!

To view this and other instructional resources, local educational agency (LEA) staff can register for a Tools for Teachers account through self-registration (How to Self-Register for Tools for Teachers)(PDF) or through their LEA CAASPP or ELPAC coordinator.

To receive future CAASPP and ELPAC updates and notifications, subscribe to the CAASPP mailing list by sending a blank email message to Are you a new subscriber? For previous Assessment Spotlight issues, visit the California Department of Education Assessment Spotlight web page.

Questions:   California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Office | | 916-445-8765
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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