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California Exemplary Arts Education Award

Recognizes some of California’s exemplary schools for excellence in Arts Education. Schools selected for the Exemplary Arts Education Award demonstrate broad-based achievement in Arts instruction and for advancing the Arts for all students.


The California Exemplary Arts Education Award (EAEA) allows schools to share their exemplary arts education programs and practices which have contributed to their success. These schools serve as model arts programs for the California Department of Education (CDE).


The EAEA acknowledges individual school sites who demonstrate a commitment to sustained access and equity to standards-aligned arts education programs to all students they serve.

The EAEA showcases recipients schools’ exemplary arts education programs and practices which have contributed to their success based on the themes listed below:

Theme A––Program Administration and Accountability
Theme B––Program Development and Growth
Theme C––Program Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

EAEA recipients serve as model arts programs for the CDE for two academic years. A full outline of the application and award timeline are detailed below. Former EAEA recipients, as well as any eligible school, may apply every two years. Applications will open every two years in May and close in December.

Eligibility Requirements

California elementary, middle, and high schools, including direct-funded charter schools, juvenile court and community schools, and alternative schools of choice, may apply. Please note that this is a school-based award; Districts may not apply.

Additionally, any applicant must certify and provide select evidence in the application that their school:

  • Offers instruction in a minimum of three arts disciplines (dance, media arts, music, theatre, and/or visual arts) during the regular school day through standards-based arts integration taught by a credentialed/qualified instructor

  • Can demonstrate that ALL populations have equal opportunities to access these programs

  • Offers educational programs or arts education curriculum and instruction aligned to the State Board of Education (SBE) adopted California Arts Standards for Public Schools, Prekindergarten Through Grade Twelve standards (California Arts Standards)

  • Has cleared for use any student images and likeness included in the submission

Application Timeline

Date Activity
May 1, 2025 2026 EAEA online application opens for submissions
December 21, 2025 Applications must be submitted to the CDE, by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
Jan-March 2026 CDE reviews and scores applications
March 2026 Exemplary Arts Education Awardees Announced
May 2026 Award Ceremony

Submission Procedures and Application Components

Applicants shall submit the full EAEA application via an online application link (which will become available on this website in May). A sample application and scoring rubric (DOC) is available. Any certificated or classified school staff member can fill out the application and submit it. A name and email address are requested on the application.

In addition to providing a school overview and eligibility confirmation, the EAEA application is comprised of three themes––A, B, and C. For each theme, applicants will provide a brief narrative (1,000 or less characters) and a minimum of one piece of supporting evidence of how your school demonstrates the theme. Evidence for each theme will be submitted using a live URL within the application.

Theme A––Program Administration and Accountability––how your school demonstrates a commitment to providing high-quality, adequate resources and funding for arts education for ALL students.

A.I Demonstrate that there is a broad selection of visual and performing arts (VAPA) courses offered in a minimum of three disciplines.

A.II Demonstrate that adequate time is allocated and protected in the schedule to ensure access to VAPA instruction for all students in all identified arts disciplines.

A.III Demonstrate that appropriately credentialed arts teachers/teacher leaders teach the arts.

A.IV Demonstrate how the school budget ensures adequate access to quality materials, equipment, space, and technology for all arts instruction.

A.V Demonstrate ways the entire school community is engaged with the VAPA program, including how they support the academic value, career connections, and creative expression opportunities for students provided by the VAPA program.

Theme B––Program Development and Growth––how your school demonstrates a commitment to maintaining and expanding a high-quality arts program through both teacher professional learning and programmatic planning.

B.I Demonstrate that the school has a strategic plan for implementing effective arts education aligned to the California Arts Education Framework for California Public Schools: Transitional Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve.

B.II Demonstrate the process for revising the strategic arts plan based on multiple indicators, including arts assessments, stakeholder surveys of needs, community input, and involve arts and non-arts teachers.

B.III Demonstrate that teachers regularly collaborate to ensure that the curriculum and instruction are aligned with the California Arts Standards.

B.IV Demonstrate that the professional learning opportunities provided are research-based information on current arts issues and strategies, school-based student art learning data, and connected to student needs.

B.V Demonstrate how recent federal/state/private funding opportunities have improved your arts program (For example, Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials; Proposition 28; private grants; etc.).

Theme C––Program Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment––how your school demonstrates a commitment to high-quality arts curriculum, instruction, and assessment aligned to the California state standards.

C.I Demonstrate that the implemented curricula are aligned with the California Arts Standards and allow the students to learn to utilize developmentally appropriate, discipline-specific arts vocabulary in oral and written peer reviews and critiques to evaluate each other’s work.

C.II Demonstrate how teachers integrate authentic and curriculum-aligned arts resources (i.e., virtual resources, use of technology in art making or presenting art works, community artists’ residencies, field trips, etc.) into the program offerings.

C.III Demonstrate how the curriculum promotes the regular and inclusive student performances, demonstrations, and productions including student-initiated projects.

C.IV Demonstrate the standards-based guidelines and tools teachers use for formative and summative assessments in all provided arts disciplines as a regular part of instruction and planning.

C.V Demonstrate how teachers regularly provide students with authentic, meaningful feedback in arts learning, and provide students with tools for establishing further learning goals.

Questions:   Exemplary Arts Education Awards Program | | 916-319-0881
Last Reviewed: Monday, December 16, 2024
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