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ELA Tables 1 and 2

Table 1: Diagnostic Assessments for Students in Grade Two for English-Language Arts (ELA) That Meet Education Code Section 60644 Requirements

Diagnostic Assessment Aligns with the Common Core State Standards Meets Requirement for Validity Meets Requirement for Reliability Meets Appropriateness for Intended Use
Acuity Common Core Aligned Yes Yes Yes
iReady Aligned Yes Yes Yes
Measures of Academic Progress Aligned Yes Yes Yes
Developmental Reading Assessment, 2nd Edition PLUS (DRA2+) Aligned Yes Yes Yes
STAR Early Learning Aligned Yes Yes Yes
Performance Series English Language Arts Aligned Yes Yes Yes
EasyCBM Aligned Yes Yes Yes
Riverside Interim Assessments Partially Aligned Yes Yes Yes
mCLASS:Reading 3D Aligned Yes Yes Yes
mCLASS:DIBELS Next Partially Aligned Yes Yes Yes

Table 2: Common Core State Standards Alignment by Strand: ELA

Diagnostic Assessment ELA Standards for Reading Literature ELA Standards for Reading Informational Text ELA Standards for Reading Foundational Skills ELA Standards for Writing ELA Standards for Speaking and Listening
Acuity Common Core Yes Yes Yes No No
iReady Yes Yes Yes No No
Measures of Academic Progress Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Developmental Reading Assessment, 2nd Edition PLUS (DRA2+) Yes Yes Yes Yes No
STAR Early Learning Yes Yes Yes No No
Performance Series English Language Arts Yes Yes Yes No No
EasyCBM Yes Yes Yes No No
Riverside Interim Assessments Yes Yes Yes No No
mCLASS:Reading 3D Yes Yes Yes No No
mCLASS:DIBELS Next No Yes Yes No No
Questions:   California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Office | | 916-445-8765
Last Reviewed: Thursday, September 26, 2024
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