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Technical Assistance Webinar Questions and Answers

Answers to questions from the Request for Applications (RFA): Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) Grant Technical Assistance Webinar.


Will either a template or guidelines for the Cover Page be provided?
The formatting of the narrative is not clearly stated in the Request for Applications (RFA). Are there specific font or margin requirements? Is there a page limit for any sections?
Is there a limit to the number of awards granted to one county office of education (COE)?
Are school districts allowed to apply for the grant?
What is the goal of the grant program?
Will COEs be able to access the statewide literacy needs assessment data for the districts within the COE service area?
Does the evaluator need to be an external agency?


Can a COE collaborate/form a consortium with COEs outside of their region?
Can a COE apply to be a Literacy Lead Agency and also be part of a consortia in another lead applicant’s proposal?
What if my COE has limited expertise and/or capacity to act as a statewide lead, but have a plan in place and strong partnerships to grow into that role?
Are Literacy Lead Agencies required to partner with an IHE?
Does each COE in the consortium work with a district or just the lead COE?


If multiple COEs apply, how do the funds get dispersed to partner COEs and other partner agencies?
Can funding be used to hire additional COE staff?
Can kindergarten through grade five funding be used for instructional coaches? Would the hiring of literacy coaches be viewed as sustainable?
Will one grant be awarded for each of the seven statewide literacy priorities?

Stakeholder Engagement

What qualifies as a Needs Assessment? Can a universal screener be used?
Please clarify the equitable participation of private schools and if they need to be included in the Needs Assessment and/or the project description.
What kinds of family literacy strategies are allowed in the grant?
Questions:   Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant Program |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Recently Posted in Professional Learning