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California State Preschool Program Data Reports

Since July 1, 2021, all early care programs have transitioned to the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). Therefore, Early Education Data annual reports now only have California State Preschool Program (CSPP).

Access Report Sections:

Annual Aggregate Reports

This link provides access to the Annual Aggregate Reports detailing enrollment data for the CSPP, categorized by Statutory Age and Program Length, for fiscal years 2020−23. These reports offer an unduplicated count of children the California Department of Education serves.

Single-Month Reports: October CDD-801A Reports

This link leads to the October CDD-801A Single-Month Reports, which present enrollment figures for the CSPP by Program Length, Statutory Age, Agency Classification, and Race/Ethnicity.

Two-Month Average Data Reports: October/April CDD-801A Reports

This link connects to the October/April CDD-801A Two-Month Average Data Reports, offering enrollment statistics from the Early Education Division for children by Program Length and Statutory Age, averaged across October and April for 2020−23.

CSPP Enrollment by Provider County Reports

This link opens the annual CSPP Enrollment by Provider County Reports for October, presenting county-specific enrollment data for 2020−23, available in XLSX format.

CSPP Enrollement by Agency Reports

This link opens the annual CSPP Enrollment by Provider Agency Reports for October, presenting county-specific enrollment data for 2020−23, available in XLSX format.

CSPP Data Maps

This link directs you to a comprehensive collection of CSPP Data Maps, which provide detailed information on the availability of CSPP sites and various enrollment metrics. The maps include data on CSPP sites by county, enrollment numbers and percentages for 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds by county and agency, and total child counts and percentages. Additionally, the data covers enrollment by specific categories such as Individualized Education Program (IEP), Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), Local Educational Agency (LEA), and Other Public Agency (OPUB) in PDF format. 

Questions:   Early Education Division | | 916-322-6233
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, October 02, 2024