File Structure: Courses Taught Record
This table below contains the structure for the Class Section record. One record is created for every school, class, and class section that has students enrolled on Information Day.Field Name | Field Type | Width | Description |
AcademicYear | Character | 4 | Academic year for the data. This data is collected on the first Wednesday in October. For example '1415' would indicate that the Academic school year is 2014–2015 and the data was collected in October 2014. |
DistrictCode | Character | 7 | This 7-digit code is the official, unique identification of a school district or county office within California. The first two digits identify the county and the next five digits identify the school district. |
SchoolCode | Character | 7 | This 7-digit code is the official, unique identification of a school within California. |
CountyName | Character | 15 | County name. |
DistrictName | Character | 50 | District name. |
SchoolName | Character | 50 | School name. |
ClassID | Character | 20 | A unique identifier for a Class assigned by a local educational agency. The Class ID must be unique within a school by Academic Year. A Class ID represents a unique class in a school for an academic year. A Class is defined as a specific instance where one or more Course Sections are delivered to one or more students by one or more teachers. In most cases, a Class would represent a specific teacher teaching a specific Course Section to a set of students at a specific time at a specific location. In another scenario, a class could represent one teacher teaching multiple Course Sections to groups of students at the same time in the same location. |
CourseCode | Character | 4 | This 4-digit code is from an extensive list of assignment code numbers for teaching assignments. For a list of all codes and course and assignment titles, use the assignment code file posted on the Staff Assignment and Course Data Web page. |
ClassCourseID | Character | 10 | A unique identifier that identifies a unique instance of a state course code, meets University of California (UC)/California State University (CSU) requirements, No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Core, NCLB_HQT, Distance learning, special education, independent study, and itinerant teacher status being taught within one class. |
UC/CSU Approved | Numeric | 1 | Course designated as meeting the UC/CSU requirements for admission. This field is coded as follows:
NCLB Core | Character | 1 | This field indicates whether or not this class is a core academic class under NCLB. The field is coded as follows:
NCLB HQT | Character | 1 | This field indicates whether or not a teacher is NCLB compliant to teach the course. The field is coded as follows:
DistanceLearning | Character | 1 | This field indicates whether or not this class is taught through distance learning. The field is coded as follows:
IndependentStudy | Character | 1 | This field indicates whether or not this class is an independent study class. The field is coded as follows:
MultipleTeacherCode | Character | 1 | This field indicates the type of strategy used when there is more than one Teacher teaching a Class. The field is coded as follows:
CTE_FundingProvider | Character | 1 | The Career Technical Education course is provided by the Regional Occupational Center or Program (ROC/P). The Career Technical Education course is provided by the district.
Enrollment | Numeric | 4 | Total enrollment in this class or course. For more detailed enrollment data (by gender and ethnicity), see the downloadable file for Class Section Enrollment Record Data |
SEID Indicator | Character | 1 | This SEID (Statewide Educator Identifier) Indicator specifies whether or not there are staff-level data available for a specific class/course in the Staff Demographics, Staff Assignment, and Staff School Full Time Equivalent (FTE) data-sets.
Note that LEAs are not required to submit demographic and FTE information for staff that do not have a Statewide Education Identifier (SEID). Following are examples of when this might occur:
Therefore course and course enrollment data will be available for these types of classes, but demographic and FTE data will not. |
FileCreated | Date | 10 | Date that the file was created. |