Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear County and District Superintendents and Charter School Administrators:
California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System 2022−23 Fall Submissions
The California Department of Education (CDE) would first like to congratulate local educational agencies (LEAs), particularly those staff involved in California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) submissions, for certifying their 2021−22 End-of-Year (EOY) submissions. Only a handful of LEAs failed to certify their submissions by the final deadline. The CDE recognizes that, due to system issues, staff faced many challenges both in submitting and certifying their EOY submissions and completing critical tasks necessary for the opening of the 2022−23 school year, such as acquiring statewide student identifiers (SSIDs) for new and transferring students. The CDE understands that many LEA staff worked evenings and weekends to accomplish these tasks, and their efforts and dedication are greatly appreciated.
The 2022−23 Fall 1 and Fall 2 submission window opened on Census Day, October 5, 2022. The Fall 1 and 2 deadlines are posted on the CDE CALPADS Calendar web page at https://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/sp/cl/rptcalendar.asp. Only LEA approval is required by the December 16, 2022 certification deadline, in order for the CDE to use the LEA’s Fall 1 data to calculate their First Principal Apportionment (P-1). Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) approval is required by the final deadline, January 20, 2023.
Flash 241 provides specific information regarding the opening of each submission and best practices to help ensure successful certification.
Fall 1
Due to the prolonged EOY submission and changes to the SSID acquisition process, the 2022−23 Fall 1 submission opened with some changes not yet in place. Specifically, Certification Report 1.17, which provides the Unduplicated Pupil Count (UPC) used as the basis for determining the supplemental and concentration grants under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), is being revised to account for recent legislative changes. This report will become available on October 11, 2022.
In addition, the Input Validation Rules (IVRs) that moved to Certification Data Discrepancies (CDDs) in the EOY Submissions are being written specifically for Fall 1 and Fall 2 in order to ensure that they trigger appropriately, thus avoiding some of the issues that arose during the EOY submission. Therefore, the LEA approval button will be unavailable until all the Fall 1 CDDs have been implemented and well tested. The CDE anticipates that the first set of CDDs will be in place by mid-October, and the remaining CDDs will be in place by early November, at which time LEAs will be able to begin approving their Fall 1 submissions. In the meantime, LEAs can view and address existing Certification Validation Rules (CVRs) that trigger.
Fall 2
LEAs can begin submitting data for Fall 2 at any time, and certification reports will begin running January 2, 2023. While the Fall 2 certification reports are not immediately available, LEAs should upload Fall 2 data well before January and review Operational Data Store (ODS) Report 4.3 – Staff Teaching Assignments – Detail, which is available. Providing appropriate staff the time to review the staff assignment data in Report 4.3 will help ensure the accuracy of the data provided to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) for assignment monitoring purposes.
LEAs must certify the Fall 2 submission by the February 24, 2023 deadline in order for the CDE to meet state and federal reporting requirements, and to provide the CTC with the data necessary to conduct assignment monitoring. Please note that LEAs who fail to certify by the deadline will receive no 2022−23 teacher assignment monitoring results.
System Updates
The File Submission upgrade implemented in April 2022 has significantly reduced the time it takes for data to be uploaded to CALPADS. However, for many staff, it increased the time it takes for them to ready files for submission and to complete other tasks, such as acquiring SSIDs. The CDE is committed to continuing to improve system speed, stability and to improve usability for users. Recently, the SSID Matching Tool was updated with better usability and is now producing improved results. LEA staff are encouraged to use the new tool, and to resolve their SSID anomalies. In particular, it is critical that LEAs resolve their multiple identifier (MID) anomalies, as key MID defects have been resolved and the MID process is now working as designed. The CDE also continues to solicit input from LEA staff to help prioritize potential system enhancements.
Thank you in advance for the efforts of your LEA in submitting quality and timely data to the CDE. Your ongoing support of staff, particularly Data Coordinators/LEA CALPADS Administrators and their staff, who through their work are playing a key role in so many critical functions, is absolutely critical. Should you have any questions about this letter, please contact the CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office by phone at 916-324-6738 or by email at calpads@cde.ca.gov.
Jerry Winkler, Director
Educational Data Management Division
LEA CALPADS Administrators
Special Education Local Plan Area Directors