Official Letter
Official Letter
Dear Executive Directors and Program Administrators of California State Preschool Programs (CSPP),
Direct Deposit Implementation Requirements and Timeline
The Fiscal Year 2021-22 budget provided funding to the California Department of Education (CDE) to implement direct deposit beginning January 1, 2022, and the CDE is contracting with a third-party vendor, the Foundation of California Community Colleges (FoundationCCC), to process payments to CSPP contractors as of this date.
Required Documents from CSPP Contractors
CSPP contractors are not required to enroll in direct deposit. However, the CDE will request that all CSPP contractors submit a “JotForm” to the FoundationCCC, which will allow the contractor to indicate preference for enrolling in direct deposit or receiving a paper check. The JotForm also requires contractors to upload a copy of their W-9 form. Data submitted through this form will be encrypted and available to the FoundationCCC for the sole purpose of establishing the new payment process for CSPP contractors.
Executive and Program Directors of the CSPP will receive the JotForm from the email address payments@foundationccc.org. The anticipated timeline for this process is below.
Anticipated Timeline
Anticipated Dates | Anticipated Actions |
October 26 | JotForm link will be emailed to CSPP Executive and Program Directors. |
November 9 | JotForm and W-9 attachment must be submitted by all CSPP contractors. |
November 15 – December 3 | FoundationCCC will perform a test transaction to the CSPP contractor’s bank account, and CSPP contractor must confirm test transaction amount. |
January 1 | CDE begins providing FoundationCCC with payment files, and FoundationCCC begins to process payment directly to CSPP contractors. |
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) Implementing Direct Deposit
LEAs are eligible to enroll in direct deposit. The CDE does not require CSPP contract payments to be paid directly to the county treasurer’s office. If an LEA’s CSPP payments are currently processed through the county treasurer, and the LEA would like to opt into direct deposit, the LEA should communicate directly with the county treasurer’s office to determine who should complete the JotForm and provide the W-9 to the FoundationCCC.
Direct Deposit Resource Page
CSPP contractor resources for direct deposit will be provided on the CDNFS webpage located here: http://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/aa/cd/directdepositresources.asp
This webpage includes the webinar slides presented on October 26, 2021.
To receive communications, updates and guidance regarding direct deposit please ensure you are subscribed to the e-mail distrbution list from the California Department of Education's Early Learning and Care Division. To subscribe to the email distribution list, enroll at http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/cd/ci/emailindex.asp.