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2024–25 Title I, Part A LEA Plan Assurances

Consolidated Application Title I, Part A Local Educational Agency (LEA) Plan Assurances for fiscal year 2024–25.

Each local educational agency (LEA) plan shall provide assurances that the LEA will—

  1. Ensure that migratory children and formerly migratory children who are eligible to receive services under this part are selected to receive such services on the same basis as other children who are selected to receive services under this part. (20 United States Code [USC] §6312; Public Law [PL] 114-95, §1112[c][1])
  2. Participate, if selected, in the National Assessment of Educational Progress in reading and mathematics in grades 4 and 8 carried out under section 303(b)(3) of the National Assessment of Educational Progress Authorization Act (20 USC §9622[b][3]). (20 USC §6312; PL 114-95, §1112[c][3])
  3. Coordinate and integrate services provided under this part with other educational services at the LEA or individual school level, such as services for English learners, children with disabilities, migratory children, American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian children, and homeless children and youths, in order to increase program effectiveness, eliminate duplication, and reduce fragmentation of the instructional program. (20 USC §6312; PL 114-95, §1112[c][4])
  4. Collaborate with the state or local child welfare agency to—
    1. designate a point of contact if the corresponding child welfare agency notifies the LEA, in writing, that the agency has designated an employee to serve as a point of contact for the LEA; and
    2. by not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of the Every Student Succeeds Act, develop and implement clear written procedures governing how transportation to maintain children in foster care in their school of origin when in their best interest will be provided, arranged, and funded for the duration of the time in foster care, which procedures shall—
      1. ensure that children in foster care needing transportation to the school of origin will promptly receive transportation in a cost-effective manner and in accordance with section 475(4)(A) of the Social Security Act (42 USC §675[4][A]); and
      2. ensure that, if there are additional costs incurred in providing transportation to maintain children in foster care in their schools of origin, the LEA will provide transportation to the school of origin if;
        1. the local child welfare agency agrees to reimburse the LEA for the cost of such transportation;
        2. the LEA agrees to pay for the cost of such transportation; or
        3. the LEA and the local child welfare agency agree to share the cost of such transportation. (20 USC §6312; PL 114-95, §1112[c][5])
  5. Ensure that all teachers and paraprofessionals working in a program supported with funds under this part meet applicable state certification and licensure requirements, including any requirements for certification obtained through alternative routes to certification. (20 USC §6312; PL 114-95, §1112[c][6])
  6. In the case of an LEA that chooses to use funds under this part to provide early childhood education services to low-income children below the age of compulsory school attendance, ensure that such services comply with the performance standards established under section 641A(a) of the Head Start Act (42 USC §9836a[a]). (20 USC §6312; PL 114-95, §1112[c][7])
  7. At the beginning of each school year, parents shall be notified of their right to request, and the LEA will provide in a timely manner upon request, information regarding classroom teachers’ professional qualifications. Additionally, a school that receives funds shall provide timely notice that the student has been assigned, or has been taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who does not meet applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned. (20 USC §6312; PL 114-95, §1112[e][1][A], §1112[e][1][B][ii])

Title I, Part A Participation of Students Enrolled in Private Schools Assurances

  1. Provide services to eligible children attending private elementary schools and secondary schools in accordance with ESEA §1117, and timely and meaningful consultation with private school officials regarding such services. (20 USC §6312; PL 114-95, §1112[c][2])
  2. Consult with appropriate private school officials in the design and development of the LEA’s programs to ensure timely and meaningful consultation. (20 USC §6320; PL 114-95, §1117[b][1])
  3. Maintain records that such consultation has, or attempts that such consultation have taken place, if private school officials do not provide such affirmation within a reasonable period of time. (20 USC §6320; PL 114-95, §1117[b][5])
  4. Maintain in the LEA’s records a written affirmation signed by officials of each participating private school that the meaningful consultation required under this section has occurred in accordance with the Every Student Succeeds Act. (20 USC 6320; PL 114-95, §1117[b][5])

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Questions:   Education Data Office | | 916-319-0297
Last Reviewed: Monday, April 29, 2024
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