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Funding Excel Files, FY 2005–06 P-2

Apportionment exhibits provide detail of the distribution of funds by either county and/or district for fiscal year (FY) 2005–06 P-2.

Second Principal Apportionment (P-2)

Principal Apportionment Summary (XLS)
Statewide detail for each field of the Principal Apportionment Summary Exhibit.

Exhibit C (XLS)
Statewide detail for each field contained on old Exhibit C.

Prior Year Corrections (XLS; 2MB)
Details of adjustments and prior year recomputations.

Attendance for Students in County Operated Community Schools and Special Education Special Day Classes (XLS)

In-Lieu of Taxes by District of Residence (XLS)
Details of In-Lieu property taxes by district of residence for fiscal years 2005-06 P-2, 2004-05 Annual R1, and 2003-04 Annual R3

2005-06 P-2 Transfer of Funds for County Operated Programs (XLS)
Detail of revenue limit amounts transferred to County Offices of Education for county operated programs for fiscal year 2005-06 P-2.

2004-05 Annual R1 Transfer of Funds for County Operated Programs (XLS)
Detail of revenue limit amounts transferred to County Offices of Education for county operated programs for fiscal year 2004-05 Annual R1.

2003-04 Annual R3 Transfer of Funds for County Operated Programs (XLS)
Detail ofrevenue limit amountstransferred to County Offices of Education for county operated programs for fiscal year 2003-04 Annual R3.

Questions:   Principal Apportionment Section | | 916-324-4541
Last Reviewed: Monday, November 13, 2023
Recently Posted in Allocations & Apportionments