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Title V, Part B Authorized Use of Funds Samples

Sample Title V, Part B authorized use of federal funds to address the unique needs of rural local educational agencies.

The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that local educational agencies (LEAs) consider general criteria when approving activities or expenditures supported with Title V, Part B funds. To locate information on Title V, Part B authorized use of funds, please visit the Title V, Part B Authorized Use of Funds web page.

Both the Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) program and the Rural and Low-Income School (RLIS) program funds may be used under any of the following provisions (ESSA sections 5211[a][1] and 5222[a]):

  • Title I, Part A
  • Title II, Part A
  • Title III
  • Title IV, Part A or B

To assist LEAs with common uses of Title V, Part B funds, possible allowable activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Salaries; recruitment and retention of effective teachers
  2. Technology; Improving instruction and student engagement
  3. Well Water Infrastructure (safe drinking water)
  4. Safe Transportation of students (school bus or van)
  5. Internet Broadband Infrastructure
  6. English Learner (EL) Training
  7. Professional development for educators
  8. Drug and violence prevention activities
  9. Academic enrichment programs

Additionally, RLIS funds may also be used to support activities for parent involvement activities (ESSA Section 5222[a][5]). The possible allowable activities list include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Provide day care for EL parent engagement
  2. School marque signs for parent involvement
  3. Supplies for back to school nights to encourage parent engagements


Title V, Part B Rural Education Initiative
The Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP)

Questions:   Rural Education Achievement Program |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
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