First Interim Status Report, FY 2024-25
Listing of local educational agencies receiving negative and qualified certifications for fiscal year 2024–25 First Interim.List of Negative and Qualified Certifications
Local Educational Agencies
2024–25 First Interim Report
Negative Certification
A negative certification is assigned to a local educational agency (LEA) when it is determined that, based upon current projections, the LEA will not meet its financial obligations for fiscal year 2024–25 or 2025–26.
Number | County | Local Educational Agency | Total Budget ($) in millions |
1 |
Alameda | Hayward Unified | 405.2 |
2 |
Alameda | Oakland Unified | 959.2 |
3 |
Plumas | Plumas Unified | 42.2 |
4 |
San Francisco | San Francisco Unified | 1,408.4 |
5 |
Siskiyou | Dunsmuir Elementary | 3.2 |
6 |
Siskiyou | Weed Union Elementary | 7.5 |
7 |
Siskiyou | Yreka Union Elementary | 17.0 |
Qualified Certification
A qualified certification is assigned to a LEA when it is determined that, based upon current projections, the LEA may not meet its financial obligations for fiscal year 2024–25, 2025–26, or 2026–27.
Number | County | Local Educational Agency | Total Budget ($) in millions |
1 |
Alameda | Fremont Unified | 539.1 |
2 |
Alameda | Livermore Valley Joint Unified | 222.2 |
3 |
Alameda | Pleasanton Unified | 215.5 |
4 |
Amador | Amador County Office of Education | 12.8 |
5 |
Amador | Amador County Unified | 64.8 |
6 |
Calaveras | Calaveras Unified | 47.1 |
7 |
Del Norte | Del Norte County Unified | 81.2 |
8 |
Kern | Semitropic Elementary | 2.7 |
9 |
Los Angeles | Eastside Union Elementary | 66.6 |
10 |
Los Angeles | Little Lake City Elementary | 84.6 |
11 |
Marin | Mill Valley Elementary | 62.9 |
12 |
Mendocino | Leggett Valley Unified | 4.6 |
13 |
Mendocino | Potter Valley Community Unified | 5.5 |
14 |
Mendocino | Willits Unified | 30.6 |
15 |
Nevada | Nevada Joint Union High | 47.7 |
16 |
Orange | Saddleback Valley Unified | 401.6 |
17 |
Riverside | Coachella Valley Unified | 415.0 |
18 |
Sacramento | Sacramento City Unified | 860.6 |
19 |
San Bernardino | Rialto Unified | 597.3 |
20 |
San Diego | Mountain Empire Unified | 40.0 |
21 |
Santa Barbara | Cuyama Joint Unified | 4.9 |
22 |
Santa Clara | Alum Rock Union Elementary | 210.1 |
23 |
Santa Clara | East Side Union High | 399.0 |
24 |
Santa Clara | Franklin-McKinley Elementary | 141.8 |
25 |
Santa Cruz | Live Oak Elementary | 27.1 |
26 |
Shasta | Cascade Union Elementary | 24.0 |
27 |
Shasta | Castle Rock Union Elementary | 1.6 |
28 |
Shasta | Millville Elementary | 4.1 |
29 |
Shasta | Oak Run Elementary | 1.2 |
30 |
Siskiyou | Happy Camp Union Elementary | 2.3 |
31 |
Solano | Vallejo City Unified | 245.2 |
32 |
Sonoma | Windsor Unified | 70.7 |
Fiscal Oversight & Support Office | | 916-322-1770
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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