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Second Interim Status Report, FY 2016-17

Listing of local educational agencies receiving negative and qualified certifications for fiscal year 2016-17 second interim.
List of Negative and Qualified Certifications
Local Educational Agencies
2016-17 Second Interim Report
Negative Certification

A negative certification is assigned to a local educational agency (LEA) when it is determined that, based upon current projections, the LEA will not meet its financial obligations for fiscal year 2016–17 or 2017–18.

Number County Local Educational Agency Total Budget ($) in millions
San Luis Obispo San Miguel Joint Union
San Mateo San Bruno Park Elementary

Qualified Certification

A qualified certification is assigned to a LEA when it is determined that, based upon current projections, the LEA may not meet its financial obligations for fiscal year 2016–17, 2017–18, or 2018–19.

Number County Local Educational Agency Total Budget
($) in millions
1 Alameda Newark Unified 66.6
2 Alameda Oakland Unified 540
3 Butte Feather Falls Union Elementary 0.5
4 Calaveras Calaveras Unified 31.4
5 Contra Costa John Swett Unified 19.0
6 El Dorado Black Oak Mine Unified 12.7
7 El Dorado Gold Trail Union Elementary 6.4
8 Fresno Coalinga-Huron Joint Unified 56.5
9 Lake Konocti Unified 42.0
10 Los Angeles Burbank Unified 162.7
11 Los Angeles Inglewood Unified 127.1
12 Los Angeles Los Angeles Unified 7,349.4
13 Los Angeles Montebello Unified 351
14 Los Angeles San Gabriel Unified 60.1
15 Los Angeles Torrance Unified 250.8
16 Los Angeles Wilsona Elementary 17.2
17 Marin Lagunitas Elementary 3.8
18 Marin Sausalito Marin City Elementary 6.2
19 Marin Union Joint Elementary 0.3
20 Napa Napa Valley Unified 179.2
21 Placer Colfax Elementary 3.5
22 Riverside Banning Unified 59.0
23 Riverside Coachella Valley Unified 257.7
24 Riverside Temecula Valley Unified 286.4
25 San Benito Bitterwater-Tully Elementary 0.4
26 San Bernardino Colton Joint Unified 264.4
27 San Bernardino Rim of the World Unified 40.9
28 San Bernardino Upland Unified 111.3
29 San Diego Mountain Empire Unified 22.4
30 San Diego Oceanside Unified 218.3
31 San Diego San Diego Unified 1,389.8
32 San Diego San Marcos Unified 216.5
33 Santa Barbara Cuyama Joint Unified 0.5
34 Santa Clara Lakeside Joint Elementary 2.0
35 Shasta Oak Run Elementary 0.8
36 Shasta Whitmore Union Elementary 0.6
37 Sonoma Santa Rosa Elementary 180.1
38 Sonoma Santa Rosa High *
39 Sonoma West Sonoma County Union High 25.7
40 Trinity Mountain Valley Unified 5.2
41 Ventura Oxnard Union High 197.0

*Santa Rosa Elementary and Santa Rosa High are two districts with joint administration and fiscal reporting. The amount shown is the combined budget.

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Last Reviewed: Friday, September 20, 2024
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