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Reading Instruction and Intervention Grant Request for Applications Errata.

Request for Applications (RFA) Reading Instruction and Intervention Grant

To County and District Superintendents and Interested Parties:

Please use this errata to update your copy of the RFA. This errata hereby revises as follows:

1. Overview (page 1)

Insert: (Following the paragraph: To be eligible, LEAs must respond to this Request for Applications (RFA) by the deadline of Friday, January 28, 2022, at 4 p.m., and the RFA must be signed by individuals with authority to submit applications for funding on behalf of each institution or agency.)

A. State Statute and Authority

The Reading Instruction and Intervention (RII) Grant Program is authorized by Assembly Bill 130, Section 145 (Statutes of 2021) of the Education Omnibus Trailer Bill (see Appendix C). The CDE, in consultation with the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) will award the sum of $9,800,000 to an LEA, or consortium of LEAs, with expertise in developing and providing PL to educators in public schools serving kindergarten and grades one to twelve, inclusive, to strengthen reading instruction for all pupils and in a manner that aligns with the Statewide System of Support (SoS), pursuant to Article 4.5 (commencing with Section 52059.5) of Chapter 6.1 of Part 28 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the California Education Code (EC). The full text of the EC is available on the California Legislative Information web page at

Funds appropriated for this purpose are available through the 2025–26 fiscal year. The grantee shall participate in an evaluation process coordinated by the CCEE and the CCEE may withhold no more than $200 thousand of the $10 million appropriated in subdivision (a) for this purpose. Additional information is available on the CDE RII Grant web page at


A. Alignment to Statewide System of Support

Replace with:

B. Alignment to Statewide System of Support

1. Overview (page 7)


B. Alignment to State Literacy Initiatives

Replace with:

C. Alignment to State Literacy Initiatives

4. Program Application

A. Application Narrative (page 21)

Part 3—Alignment


Describe how the proposed activities align with other guidance documents referenced in the SLP, including but not limited to Improving Education for EL Students, the California Dyslexia Guidelines, and the Guide for Educating EL Students with Dyslexia.

Replace with:

Describe how the proposed activities align with other guidance documents referenced in the SLP, including but not limited to Improving Education for Multilingual and EL Students, the California Dyslexia Guidelines, and the California Practitioners Guide for Educating ELs with Disabilities.

C. Scoring Rubric (page 29)

Application Narrative
Part 3: Alignment


Clearly and convincingly describes how the proposed activities align with other guidance documents referenced in the SLP, including but not limited to Improving Education for EL Students, the California Dyslexia Guidelines, and the Guide for Educating EL Students with Dyslexia.

Replace with:

Clearly and convincingly describes how the proposed activities align with other guidance documents referenced in the SLP, including but not limited to Improving Education for Multilingual and EL Students, the California Dyslexia Guidelines, and the California Practitioners Guide for Educating ELs with Disabilities.


Appendix A: Online Application Instructions

Application Narrative (page 38)


Describe how the proposed activities align with other guidance documents referenced in the SLP, including but not limited to Improving Education for EL Students, the California Dyslexia Guidelines, and the Guide for Educating EL Students with Dyslexia.

Replace with:

Describe how the proposed activities align with other guidance documents referenced in the SLP, including but not limited to Improving Education for Multilingual and EL Students, the California Dyslexia Guidelines, and the California Practitioners Guide for Educating ELs with Disabilities.

Questions:   Reading Instruction and Intervention Grant Program |
Last Reviewed: Wednesday, March 27, 2024
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