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Funding and Fiscal Management

Funding and Fiscal Management for the Learning Communities for School Success Program.

Proposition 47, the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act (SNSA), established a continuously appropriated fund, which is provided by savings that accrue to the state from the implementation of the act. The California Department of Education (CDE) receives 25 percent of the funds for the administration of the Learning Communities for School Success Program (LCSSP) competitive grant opportunity aimed at improving outcomes for public school pupils by reducing truancy and supporting those who are at risk of dropping out of school or are victims of crime.

Funding for the LCSSP grants is contingent upon funds being “appropriated in the annual Budget Act or another statute to the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Fund …” EC Section 33436.

Fiscal Management

Applicants must provide a detailed explanation of all proposed LCSSP project expenditures. The detailed explanation includes a line item budget (Budget Summary) and the explanatory narrative (Budget Justification) as indicated in the Request for Applications (RFA).

Budget Amendments and Revisions
Budget revisions of more than 10 percent of any line item must be pre-approved and submitted in a written request to the CDE Education Programs Consultant (EPC) overseeing the grant. Upon CDE approval, a Budget Revision form shall be completed and submitted.

Contact the assigned EPC to discuss the nature of the request and provide notification that the Local Educational Agency plans to submit a revision request. This allows time to discuss the proposed changes and provides an opportunity for the EPC to provide feedback about disallowable activities or programmatic changes that may not align with the currently approved application.

Please use the criteria from the LCSSP Request for RFA when trying to decide if an activity/expenditure is allowable.

Reporting Requirements

Annual Reports

All grantees must submit Annual and Final Progress Reports for each year of the 3 year grant period. The Annual Expenditure Reports (AER) and Annual Progress Reports (APR) are due annually no later than October 11. For consortium, AER and APRs are due no later than October 25. The AER must be signed and submitted with the APR. The AER shall include a copy of the Local Education Agency's (LEA's) General Ledger reflecting that grant funds have been used for appropriate expenditures.

Both the APR template and the AER form are available on the Digital Chalkboard External link opens in new window or tab. .

Funding Results

To view the funding results for previous cohorts, click on the respective link(s) below:


The following information is obsolete and provided for reference only. Applications received for subsequent cohorts using any form(s) from the links below will constitute grounds for disqualification.

  • Cohort 1 The due date has passed. This page is for reference only.
  • Cohort 2 The due date has passed. This page is for reference only.
  • Cohort 3 The due date has passed. This page is for reference only.
  • Cohort 4 The due date has passed. This page is for reference only.
Questions: High School Innovations & Initiatives Office | | 916-322-0374 
Last Reviewed: Thursday, October 03, 2024
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